I hate to admit it, but she does have a point.
I hate to admit it, but she does have a point
Other urls found in this thread:
It's almost like Trump is keeping him alive because he's a witness and his higher ups in the DOJ forced him to shelf the indictment years ago.
>no link
They’re going to Streisand this thing full tilt
Trump will never let there be harm to his chosen allies
Trump Derangement > Narrative control.
We've hit a strange bug in the system.
Right now, talking heads and notables are shitting on Epstein, not knowing his place in the system as controller.
>protecting predators by arresting them
No surprise she “suicided” the DA of her district so she could coddle the imans.
Seriously she shouldn’t take if she doesn’t want people to bring up all of her shit in her district.
How does living in a tiny shithole feel?
This is beauiful.
All roads lead to the truth.
This my friend. Every fucking day.
they are much more useful to him alive
Epstein's bail wasn't denied because he could leave the country but commit "suicide" by two bullets to the back of the head
>She has a point.
She was involved with helping him as well.
lul what do you mean a bad point?
This is an obvious shill thread but to anyone just arriving, without Acosta, Epstein would have done ZERO time the first time he got popped. If Acosta’s hands weren’t tied, his sentence would have been much, much longer if not indefinite.
This all happened in her state. She’s just a back peddling shill.
This. Acosta is the real mvp who fought hard for the lightest sentence possible.
Hahaha look at this bot-response.
I want to call you an idiot but since English is clearly not your first language or you’re indeed just a script, you wouldn’t understand me at the emotional level in the first place.
For anyone observing:
- OP is trying to spread the shill narrative that Acosta purposely gave Ep*tein a light sentence when in fact the sentence he gave him was the maximum that he COULD give him given the other players involved at the time that were protecting him.
- I respond and correct the record
- OP then responds to me favorably because it thinks, based on certain keywords and trigger words I used, that I’m in agreement with it when in fact i’m not. Lol.
Tl;dr: the absolute state of shills is hilarious
Oh look they came here and now pushing Acosta as if they forgot who truly made a deal with fucking Epstein. It was no other than their beloved Mueller.
Boils my blood that these corrupt fucks suddenly want to act like they care about Epstein when they all fuck kids too.
Ramen head needs to pound dirt
How is she still a thing after a failed rigging attempt of the presidential election?
Do jews get embarrassed when the biggest sex pervert scandals are cartoon tier kikes with stein at the end of their name? Or are you really shameless demons?
Fuckoff retarded shill
no u
If the DNC had even the slightest modicum of sense they would avoid opining on this subject. But, since they're all braindead morons, let's keep going and see what happens.
The Evil Near the top speaks
She is Deep state Operative at the top of foriegn jewry = Treason
Oops. There goes your narrative. Wasserman can keep taking sand nigger dicks to the throat and destroying evidence of her breaking laws.
>completely ignores Acosta's promotion/payoff
double oops.
Tick tock shill. I hope you're recorded as an official contract employee for ease of justice
Acosta promotion was not related to the fucking Epstein investigation or are you trying to tell me that the Secretary of Labor has something to do with Epstein right now?
Also research who recommended Acosta as a guy who will be supported by both Houses?
Trump has problems nominating people because the people that he tries to nominate aren't being confirmed. A shot ton of his nominations aren't filled 3 years later. No one talks about it obviously because that is a prime example how much the Democrats and the Republicans shit on Trump and how much opposition he faces.
So stop with that nonsense because no one is buying it. He nominated Acosta because no one else would get the nomination confirmed.
It's a simple fact that you can verify on your own.
his name was Seth Rich.
Completely ignores all other leftists and Hollywood darlings shitting their pants. Triple oops, you humongous faggot.
Got a face like a fucking fish. C'thulu ftagn.
Prove that they do, and I'll believe you
Whatever you say, Ivan
you know ivan? he wrote the steele dossier with isikoff backing him up on yahoo news
She had nice tits too.
Yes, tell us all how Acosta, during the Bush administration, was working for Trump to cover up Epsteins sex case. Jesus, you CTR shills used to be good at FUD, now you just suck
In the Army we called her type a SCUD. Body fine af, face total dogshit. Like the missle system, looks badass but operates like total dogshit.
panic makes folks sloppy. hell, maybe if they were better at their jobs in 2016, they wouldn't be dealing with this now. nothing can stop what is coming, but the time/energy/money that they spend on shilling just shows how bad things really are (for them). Likewise, this scripted melodrama is designed to keep our eyes off of how bad things really are (for us).
no one ever covered up thongs for Trumpf
This dysgenic vampyre, this ashkenazi medusa, in particular, will NEVER have a point validated, EVER.
Noodles is back
Broward County's very own Ramen-Head schultz. Pizza loving kike whore. Her mere presence induces barrenness in other woman.
Awan Bros?
HBO should make a series about broward county, More bizarre things happen there then in twinpeaks
She has a nice set of cans on her.
How come they muzzies never behead an annoying kike like her on daytime TV?
If HBO did it there would cover everything that went weird there with their "explanation" aka debunking that anything out of the ordinary is going on.
Bingo. This woman was caught with evidence during 2015-6 in stealing the Democratic nomination from Sanders for Clinton, and her technology aide was caught conducting internal attacks on the House networks.
nice spacing faggot
Debbie herself is a pointperson for CIA activity, such as the blackmail of politicians conducted via the Awans. This looks like it's CIA throwing other CIA under the bus.
The US Atty in Miami is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the CIA. See this thread:
She's a CIA asset
I think this is the two party delusion, and the news machine is a propaganda network use to indemnify the brainwashed masses;while hyperconsoildated business networks attempt to secure their satanic like practices and business class by creating serf-like singular races. I am apart of the problem, as you guys are. The game we play is merely a spectacle, honest changes comes from not working in the framework of the internet (no networking, no phone services). You have to go John the Baptist on the world, perhaps out of your car, and passionately secure swathes of unions with meet-up created through the systematic moving of these groups through the United States on the ground.
Even though you express yourself in a kooky, unattractive way that makes readers disregard anything you say because you come off as crazy, you're on to something. Fix your communication style.
you know the answer
Stay mad fag, you got btfo.
Shills assravaged
this sounds really plausible.
sounds more like Trump turned Acosta and the Democrats know about it, and are trying to get him in trouble.
i sincerely doubt Acosta protected Epstein on his own initiative, but did in fact receive orders to protect him.
And Wasserman is part of the group that gave those orders.
>b-b-but he was forced to do it
Gee, where have I heard that before?
>but did in fact receive orders to protect him.
>And Wasserman is part of the group that gave those orders.
Yes, because Miami/southern FL is a hotbed of CIA. That's the Debbie Wasserman club (see, e.g., Parkland false flag). Trump is striking at the CIA going after Epstein, so of course the spooks are striking back.
The good thing about the shitshow you leftists created in the last three years is the fact that nobody is going to take ANY accusation directed at Trump serious anymore. 10 years ago, it would've been a reason for a president to instantly resign the moment a "reputable" media outlet suggested he had something to do with child sex trafficing.
But after constantly making absurd accusations for three years, nobody is going to believe anything coming from you anymore. You could claim that Trump is a serial killer and present footage of him literally torturing someone to death and nobody would bat an eye.
In Germany, we have a saying that goes: "Wer einmal lügt, dem glaubt man nicht, auch wenn er dann die Wahrheit spricht", meaning "Nobody is going to believe someone who lied in the past, even if he's saying the truth this time".
Well, that's what happening to the media right now.
fuck jews and pedo's
basiert und rotgepillt
>>the boy crying wolf
Right on point Krautanon, right on point.
Point taken. I don't know, what about it is "on to something"? I'm just envisioning a zoomer, millennial right wing movement like the hippy generation without the drugs and sex.
Yes, that's the solution
Serious question: What is the chances that Ep walks due to double jeopardy? He was already convicted and the "didn't tell victims" thing is a prosecution error, not a defense mistake right?
Is the "CP found at his home" story credible? How much pressure is he under to rat out the others involved really? Asking bc his life won't be worth spit in or out of prison if he starts naming powerful people.
The same Wasserman deeply entrenched in the DNC that pulled all the strings to get Clinton as the Democratic candidate, the wife of Bill Clinton with deep connections with a certain Epstein. Hmmmr eally makes you trust her hot takes on anything related to this.
anyone who claims that old men fucking young women, who then have babies, increase the lifespan of the human race are not telling the truth
anyone who has sex with someone under the age of 25 must hang, anyone who is under 25 having sex must be arrested for social disorder, put into a re-education camp, and then put on a list that tracks mentally ill people for the rest of their lives
anyone who has art of paintings, whose colour configuration depicts someone under the age of 25 in a sexual or nude position must hang
anyone who has pieces of plastic or rubber or latex, whose colour configuration depicts someone under the age of 25 in a sexual or nude position must hang
anyone who has masturbation paraphernalia or toys, must hang, they are unnatural, and degenerate
Dumb ass, that not what mental gymnastic are. What user said could be interpreted as a cope, but in no way it is mental gymnastic. Fucking idiot
Yes, goy listen to this genious idea. Lets further limit the time for whites to get children, to offset the loss of population growth we'll just import even more niggers.
hi skippy, kys you blood drinking faggot
Seymour Hirsch also said he was the leaker.
Michael B. Mukasey, Eighty-First Attorney General, 2007-2009 Department of Justice, appointed by George W. Bush.
In 2005, Alexander Acosta appointed as the U.S. Attorney for Southern District of Florida by George W. Bush.
In 2008 after cutting Epstein deal, Alexander Acosta was named 100 most influential individuals in business ethics.
Alexander Acosta nominated by Donald Trump 2017, to fill the position of United States Secretary of Labor.
Michael Mukasey is Rudy Giuliani’s former law partner.
Michael Mukasey also was the judge in the litigation between developer Larry Silverstein and several insurance companies arising from the destruction of the World Trade Center.
The DOJ & FBI operate under the EXECUTIVE; the "President" is the ultimate boss of them both, wink wink nod nod.
The President of the Mukasey, Acosta, Epstein deal?: George W. Bush.
"I only hire the best." KGB MOSSAD CIA handled Donald Trump.
>Mrs. Broward County
Yeah, get shitted. She's scum. See her op-ed, "The Spirit of Israel Lives in the Democratic Party."
I guess she's just conveniently forgetting that multiple administrations looked at this guy (Epstein) and didn't pursue anything. Are we now going to go after every DA who had someone who took a plea deal and later that perp turned around and did something worse.
The shortsightedness of Democrats is absolutely astounding.
How does she still have a platform? There is no justice in this timeline.
why is mental gymnastics a negative phrase? i understand why the thing it's describing is annoying bullshit (using word games to justify oneself) but the phrase itself is stupid.
physical gymnastics is an incredibly taxing feat that most people cant do. i would consider creating artistic masterpieces or solving incredibly complex mathematical problems to be "mental gymnastics".