Based Greeks since like forever: >both Germans and Slavs are subhumans and need to be gassed
Wyatt Allen
It was allied propaganda to isolate the Germans after the war.
Jace Nguyen
Are slavic numbers growing? I was under the impression they were suffering from the same existential malaise as western whites
Kayden Jenkins
Ya, except this isn’t 2000 bc faggot, also pay your debts
Leo Collins
Divide and Conquer threads are always (((them)))
Easton Morales
its stable
Jose Garcia
>blames the Jews for all their problems
Hey angloshit, take responsibility for being shit, don’t be like niggers and blame others for your own misfortunes
Nicholas Morgan
This tbqh the Slav demonization was a) not as intense as Allied propaganda makes it out to be and b) less ideologically about race and more about coming up with an excuse to fully Germanize the Ostsiedlungsländer that the Germans had been halfway colonizing for a thousand years
Jeremiah Baker
You owe me money, greek.
Brayden Perez
I’ve literally read hitlers table talk as well as biographies about hitler. While of course everything he did was based on propaganda to further his goals, the Germans very much considered Slavs to be subhuman and sought their extinction. So don’t be a faggot and minimize the truth
Noah Bailey
Anglos/Germanics in 1940: >Slavs are subhuman, they should be eliminated Correction >Communists are subhuman, they should be eliminated Most slavs were commies at the time, you get the picture.
Lol you mean Russians and nobody else. Hitler hated Poland the most of all the Slavs
Thomas Bell
I guess I'm fine with that as long as they're white.
Cameron Bailey
While also plucking many thousands of Poles out of the East and saying oh wait these are actually German lol because the ideology was inconsistent and half-baked. Nevertheless I'm a Euromutt of partial Slav ancestry and s.m.h. tbqh at your D&C
Camden James
There was reasoning behind this. The reason why Hitler hated Poland so much was because peace talks fell though after the death of a prime-minister. The successor to him was extremely anti-German and many Germans were mistreated under him. We're talking Nanking Massacre levels of mistreatment. That was the main reason why Hitler invaded, he did not necessarily hate them for their race, but for the mistreatment they had brought upon his people.
Parker Thompson
Well now that they are getting browned by Arabs they should be able to join your club no?
Thomas Ross
>two countries border each other >oh wait some of these are our people
That's not good. Western whites are stable too, but because of massive economic growth, our countries are sucking in bodies from other countries. The economy is a hungry beast and the baby boomer generation did not produce enough bodies to feed it.
Adrian Harris
Only a jew would try to divide European people, like slavs and nordics. So good on you for outting yourself, trash.
Brayden Price
>says this but meanwhile trash talks slavs with his Swedish friends
Be honest
Grayson Wright
Nobody except slavs and slav diaspora is shilling for slavs.
At least in Russia, ethnic Russians don't have stable levels, while ethnic minorities in the Caucasus and Siberia do. Russia will eventually be overrun by minorities just as Britain is being overrun by its colonial populations. This will happen if Russians don't grant independence to all the different ethnic groups they have but this won't happen because Russians and territories are like Jews and money.
Asher Edwards
Neither Anglos or Germanics considered Slavs to be subhuman mind some ideolouges of the Third Reich But who cares what a bunch of room temperature IQ subhuman arabs have to say?
Cooper Gonzalez
>hated Poland the most of all the Slavs who wouldn't
Or we have a better idea: set the Caucasus free and move all subhuman gooks from tatarstan, yakutia etc somewhere to central asia wher they belong. And to be fair siberian and yakutian goblins are not having kids. they are dying out
Isaiah Jones
germans are almost as much fags as leafs
Jose Russell
Central Asia is also Russian and belongs to Russians. There's no quick solution.
They aren't really growing, but they don't need to be, as they aren't being made to fund their own invasion at the hands of the global elite's mercenaries. Dependence upon infinite growth is indicative of a pyramid scheme.
Robert King
>p-please join our ethnostate based slavs Nobody has ever said that lmao
Aaron Lee
Southern Siberia that is currently occupied by kazakh roaches is another story - we take that part back and remove asiatic mongrels the fuck outta there
Mason Jones
>american education
Elijah Scott
>Most slavs were commies at the time, you get the picture. You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse.
It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.
Noah James
>the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians True, most of the high ranked commies before the Stalins purges were kikes. After he purged a lil bit, "Slavs" got more representation, but most of those Slavs were ponto-turkic Ukranian mongrels anyway >They hated Christians Can't blame them for that
Lincoln Perry
all of you don't seem to understand that "mistreatment of germans" (where? Gdańsk? there were around 4% of Poles there back then and you are telling us, that they mistreated an overwhelming majority of Germans?) is just an excuse. If not for that reason, he they would find another one. Germany WANTED to onvade Poland and they just needed something to justify themselves. (funny how Jow Forums doesn't understand it, from all people i would expect you to understand it, with your constant "muh israeli false flag", "muh jewish tricks to invade Iran/Iraq/Syria etc)
Grayson Butler
>the population of ethnic Russians is stable Not great, not horrifying either
Charles White
>most Slavs were commies yeah, thats why there was a Polish-Soviet War before WWII mutt education. I don't expect you americans to know european history, but if you don't know it, don't talk about it, because you are spreading bullshit
Alexander Cooper
how do i join?
Adrian Smith
>Most slavs were commies at the time
No. Most Slavs became commies because the U.S handed Eastern Europe over to the Soviets who then deposed the local governments and installed communist dictatorships.
And to be fair, Germans had all the rights to possess a German-majority city from historic Magna Germania lands. You see most problems with Nazis is not what they did, but how they did As if the Slavic population of Russia and West Slavs on Warsaw Pact territories were true believers in gommunism
>Hitler hated Poland Obviously he fucking did, the Poles were acting like diplomatic niggers and even tried to genocide their german niggers.
Jace Peterson
The Germans should indeed be gassed. Destroyers of of Europe, with their Merkel cunt.
>I LITERALLY read some things >HITLER BAD! Oh wow its a fucking leaf, what a shocker.
Luke Ross
>Gib Gibs we're poor because muh communism >Evil Germans are holding us down >We wuz wingged Hussars n'shieet, saviour of Europe >Victim complex intensified >Muh Reparations >You're time is over German boi,we're the leader of Europe now Slavs are the niggers of Europe(Except for based Slovenians)
Matthew Brooks
Ian Hall
>all green text is pole related
Swiss world history education, folks
Jaxon Thomas
slavs are larping as Europeans.They will not be allowed into the ethnostate
KEK, it all makes sense why drumpf is such a turbo-kike. Instill boomer civnat values, reduce immigration, immigration still happening but more slowly for acceptable demographic replacement.
dont listen to us too much, we use to say the africans were and now we're letting them fuck our wives while we sit at home watching rick and morty.
Benjamin Morales
Leo Howard
>outbreeding you
Lower birthrates than western whores.
Slavs are too poor and dumb to attract niggers, that's all. And I don't care if our pleb class get changed to another pleb class (of niggers and slavs).
Parker Johnson
White Northern Europeans are pathologically averse to inter-personal conflict, so much so you could take a shit on them and they’d stand there and do nothing. The future of European Civilisation lays with Southern and Eastern Europe, those with “hot-blood” and not the “cold-blooded” reptilians of North and North-Western Europe.
Lucas Bailey
Says the fucking Swiss nigger who pussied out during both World Wars, fuck off retard.
James Butler
Whites will be replaced by Arabs in the EU while Slavs continue to exist