Who do trannies think they're fooling?

Who do trannies think they're fooling?

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Is this the it's maam gamestop woman?

>implying you wouldn't

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>Who do trannies think they're fooling?

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i'd rather slowly burn off my dick with a bic lighter

they only have to fool ne person; themselves.

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The reality is there is no such thing as a passing tranny.

Yes, trannies believe their own hype. That's how deep the delusion goes.

>Who do trannies think they're fooling?


Also, if you want to have fun, check out r/transpassing. Full of delusional transgendered people.

he's not wrong
30yo rosties are jacked up

having eyes illegal when?

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>football shoulders

i love it

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Transexuals are freaks

the absolute state of gayming

daily reminder that video gaymes are for children and this is what they are pushing

If the avg woman looked like him we'd go extinct.

Like some sort of snow troll from Skyrim

Clearly not their future camp hosts.

Which one passes?

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they're both men. Neither passes since I can tell.

Neither u faggot fix up

Right one, but there's no way they haven't done something to that picture


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they know they aren't fooling anyone. it's an aggressive, almost rape-like display where they are looking to make individuals submit to agreeing to something that both know is 100% false. kind of like how I imagine the party would approach the mental domination of a dissident at the absolute depths of the soviet union. I have no problem if someone wants to dress or act however they want, but I feel an urge to violently eliminate people that would have me lose my job for not agreeing that grass is blue

Was AGDQ this summer as pozzed as last year? Anyone?

looks like an average 45 year old guy dressing up as a lady.

Wtf is wrong with her thigh

this is the way out of this mess. militant application of the idea that it applies everywhere, with a specific focus on completely ruining girls youth sports. this is what will make normie women finally have the balls to say what they're all thinking already

i'd suck her nasty futa girlcock

Yes of course, they also had a womyn-only event a few months earlier that was all trannies.

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Neither. They both look "off".

How gamers can't see that this is the end for them. Their fun little events have been coopted and they're all to beta to say anything

How long until that poor thing kills himself?

this. I already see my liberal friends getting tired of identity politics if it comes at a personal costs (artists losing subsidies cause the perspective of a transgender black lesbian is deemed more relevant, regardless of quality).

FUCK YOU. I was there in 2014 man, right at the start of GG. We fought hard and long. It was a milestone in the war against globalism, feminism and the SJWs.

We fucking invented the term SJW. We opened the eyes of millions. If it wasnt for us Brexit and Trump wouldnt happen.

Gamers are owed a massive due for the war we fought.

So traps confirmed for being incel losers that transform into women so they can molest themselves constantly. Noted.

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>I already see my liberal friends getting tired of identity politics if it comes at a personal costs

I hope your friends are put into concentration camps

Trannies are guys who deep down know they would be incels if they stayed as a guy, so they cope by trying to live as a women because they so desperately crave attention and praise in the slightest.


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is this achievable natty?

unless you can 99% pass like this beautiful trans girl just give yourself the rope cause you look like a mental case that escaped from the mental hospital

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Ofcourse not, you need hormones

Trannys are deeply,profoundly,sick !

Is that Blaire White?



Its Blair Yellow

>the absolute unit


he's got the bants anyway.


Bro... id tap it and be proud.

God I would love to suck her dick. No homo.


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>tfw a tranny is more swoll than you

I blame this on renaissance fairs

Accelerationism is the answer to insanity. Do not try to fight the insanity head-on. Instead, agree and amplify the insanity until normalfags want to throw those responsible off of rooftops.

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Accelerationism. On every Facebook news story from local news stations about tranny student athletes beating their competitors, I go on posting about how it's "BRAVE AND INCREDIBLE" what they're doing, and how its "SUCH AN ACHIEVEMENT, AND TRULY GROUNDBREAKING" that they did this. And that any griping athletes are just "SORE LOSERS" etc. I use these keywords repeatedly. It radicalizes people fast in the comments sections, and the pro tranny people aren't sure if I'm shitting on them or truly an ally, because it's all so absurd in the first place.

Honk honk.

no need to go fascist dude. like Denis Prager says, there is a huge difference between liberals and leftists...

Makes me not want to be a bruins fan.

>looks like an average 35 yo woman
>kinda does
Post wall roasties btfo

based hannah


I appreciate your service but the gaymors that attend gdq and the likes are just paying for tranny love

They can't even fool theirselves. Not for long.

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what in the fuck

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not themselves but only themselves

i really wouldn't

>44: I would fuck it

blaire white is a trannie that passes but she has a dick

>No homo.
well in that case...

She's not wrong tho

Looks like the average brit mum of 5 desu with you.

I agree he does look like the average 35 year old woman

she has big manly muscles. i would fuck her though if she has a ''pussy''

Conservatives, Communists, and Libertarians are just different kinds of liberal.

Natalie Mars passes

Bethesda is a sjw company. I have never seen so many gays wearing rainbow pins and trannys in a game before. Rage 2 is the future.

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Barely. Bitch wears a ton of makeup, and you can tell her hairline is fucked, no normal girl has her bangs cut like that. Also, she has broader shoulders and narrower hips than a real woman. Would still fug

me too