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Gets attacked by rapefugees

he literally dindu nuffin

>Amerimutt defends the niggers
What a surprise!

nigger btfo

Based swedecucks

Poor guy. Rocky isn’t even a nigger. He dresses well, is articulate, isn’t a deadbeat who abandoned a bunch of children, is an entrepreneur. If all blacks were like ASAP Rocky the world would be much better off

Aesthetics are everything in life and without it, how are you able to breed?
Women pick the best of men to reproduce with, they don't want no beta white male and unfortunately enough none of your alpha males would even be on this site in the first place.

Your race in all honesty is a joke. What do you think you're accomplishing by hiding behind your monitor and shitposting? I a'int even mad, I'm jus sayin you're a disgrace to your ancestors which goes with other black haters on this board, you racist punks will never be anywhere close to previous whites.

Blacks on the other hand are getting better by the day, remember that.

Attached: asap-rocky-groupies.jpg (540x540, 63K)

Niggers will always be niggers so go kys parasite.

Nigs can only get money by making degenerate music or selling crack, also the white chicks who go low enough to fuck a nigger deserve to be bred out because they degenerate roasties. No white woman with self respect would fuck a shitskin.

>The nigger nigger, a nigger a nigger, what! You wanna watch a nigger get niggerish what? A nigger gon get niggerish


Good. I hope the Arabs in there will kill his abeed ass. Makes me diamonds

T. The half-Brazilian

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>Sweden rape capitol of EU
>Arguably has the hottest blondes on the planet while simultaneously the dumbest blondes on the planet

What if niggers are onto something here.