@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

>TRUMP 4EVA 6/21/19
ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump @Dinner In Honor of Qatar Amir 7/8/19
>Pres Trump on American Environmental Leadership 7/8/19
>VP Pence @CUFI Conf 7/8/19
>SoS Pompeo/NSA Bolton/SRIN Greenblatt @CUFI Conf 7/8/19
>AG IronBarr Presser in South Carolina 7/8/19
>ActDefSec Esper welcomes Qatar Emir Sheikh Tamim 7/8/19
>EnSec Perry on FoxNews 7/8/19
>PrinDepPressSec Gidley on FoxNews 7/8/19
>Giuliani on Ingraham 7/8/19
>SpiceDaddy on FoxNews 7/8/19
>StateDept Press Brief (SoS Pompeo/Amb Glendon) 7/8/19
>TrumpTV Real News Insights w/Dinesh D'Souza (Lara) 7/8/19
>DoDVideo: Qatar Emir Visits Pentagon 7/8/19
>WHVideo: Pres Trump Signs EO on Affordable Housing Dev 7/8/19
>WHVideo: Ivanka Recaps WGDP @2019 G20 Summit 7/8/19
>WHVideo: Pres Trump Visits Worst Korea 7/8/19
>Pres Trump comments before departing NJ 7/7/19

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:



>dominance hierarchy doesn’t exist!!!
things beta males tell themselves

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R.I.P. Ross Perot

Why does Hollyjew hate redheads?

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Breaking news: crazy woman in her early twenties suicided bomb a synagogue after preaching about hugs.


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>and here, children, is where we learn the literary tool "foreshadowing"

>Autistic screeching
>Zero action

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Oh nononono
BurgerKing Tacos.
Time to short these clowns

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I wish a thousand super nests would wind up in every plebbitor's home.

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Jow Forums pls go


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What topic was this discussing?

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> who doesn't understand how to audit software
Yeah, good luck auditing iOS apps. Good luck ensuring you didn’t miss anything even in open source apps
> See: International Obfuscated C Code Contest

The tricks the winner entries pull to make a seemingly benign mistake to create deliberate vulnerabilities is a thing of beauty.
(And that’s assuming they can’t just piggyback in accidental vulnerabilities, like they actually already do)

Only way not to lose that game is not to play. Third party software in connection with this place

[1] ioccc.org/

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Economic collapse when?


a very stupid guy
aka everybody who talks shit to trump

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>Tfw you want a redhead gf but don't want to mutt up her genes

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>just be more confident bro

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Shitlib bugmen calling trump a beta male

Kraut at the top is literally doing Chad pose, nice.

Inb4 this is because muh climate change

>trump a beta male
Well thats just silly

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That guy can't catch a break.

I think the real question is, why do I love redheads so much.

Yeah pretty much

do you think kayleigh would be ok with being my newsfu

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There's literally nothing wrong with wasps

All those betas secretly wish they could be Trump.

STOP *clap emoji* TRYING *clap emoji* TO *clap emoji* CONTROL *clap emoji* WOMEN'S *clap emoji* BODIES

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Does donny have the power to remove K-Pop?

woops, no reply intended

I hate that I like him, he knows his shit.

is that supposed to be beef?


"We need to take these things apart, put them under a microscope, and say, 'Wait a minute, what happened here?' For 10 years we created Saddam Hussein with your taxpayer money...," Perot said.

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> wolves don’t have an hierarchy like that
For fuck sake, FUCKING CHICKENS have an hierarchy like that.
Time for a countryside story: I once witnessed “Lesbian” chickens.

Back in the countryside our family had a little coop with one rooster and a handful of chickens for meat and eggs. One day the rooster died and, all of a sudden

We were stumped until they started crowing in the morning, growing that thing in their heads and growing bigger and more aggressive.
> then we realized they were young roosters all along, but never developed any differentiating characteristics up until there was no alpha rooster anymore

Bottom line is:
> there is such thing as a mating hierarchy in nature and it manifest itself very biologically even

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Do you have a loiscense for that creamed ice, partner?

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>t. A wasp

and those plants were a meme, just like all the shit chyna is supposedly "investing" in

user, plz. The debt is denominated in the currency of the debtor. It’s like you guys lent me money against MILF pictures.

>destroying your child's life for facebook (You)s

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Bend over, betaboi

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"Peak oil" is a dead meme but we really should be using nuclear in every area that's not prone to natural disasters

Thanks niggers

Leftists deny nature but you already knew that.

>"lesbian" chickens
>they were actually traps hiding among the girls waiting for the perfect time to strike and fuck them
Stop portubro, I have enough porn fantasies as it is

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Winning Big League!

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Burger king is so desperate for business.

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>that mother will never rightfully be swinging from a lamppost

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Even matriarchal animals have a hierarchy like that. Without some sort of alpha in a group there would be chaos.

serial flag burner
one (1) gleaming fact missed tho (coincidence i'm sure :p)
> he ***threw*** the burning flag at secret service

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>that's not prone to natural disasters
That's precisely where you need to stuff the most nuclear.

so long as they don't lock away my pidser i dont care.

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Plus as you said, as long as no one can come collect(there never will be) it doesn't matter.
Or fission really.


What if there was a man's bill of rights?
What all should be on it?
>The right to keep property and not pay alimony if wife initiates the divorce or if you have proof of infidelity
>The right to have full custody of your children unless extreme circumstances

Posted per capita debt
35gbp per citizen
68gbp per taxpayer
Actual per capita debt 78,000gbp per taxpayer.
Not for a while teanigger

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Doesn't change the fact that wasps are necessary for a healthy, thriving ecosystem. Everywhere you see a flourishing, healthy balance of nature there are wasps there


Why is the DNC/twitter brining up Seth Rich? Brining up the suspicious death isn’t a good idea for them. Are they retarded?

hell there are nuclear plants out in tornado country so even some natural disasters can be worked around


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Why can’t I upload images? I’m using a pass

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female (male) on female is the purest form of love

nothing is sacred anymore, not even frozen pizzu

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Just because they're necessary doesn't mean we have to like them.

> Plus as you said, as long as no one can come collect(there never will be) it doesn't matter.
Incredibly ignorant, but we'll be all better for it.

Would I get in trouble for burning an israel flag?

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Fake news is calling seth rich conspiracies a Russian hoax today.

If they only lick ben and jerry's is that a win?
Too bad these kids didnt take the tidepod pill.

>Hawaiian pizza
>frozen Hawaiian pizza at that
Don't worry. Nobody will touch that filth.

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The UK debt is 50% the size of ours despite being only 20% of the population of the USA. You niggers are way more fucked than us by that metric.

>There is even 1(ONE), qt(m) in rural retard lands
Defend this

Alphas are just genetically better I think. When I was a kid, I had this friend who just the laziest piece of shit. Fat video game nerd. Guy never played a sport in his life. I played 3 sports but was very short and skinny. We get to high school, this motherfucker does the physical fitness test and breaks the fucking 100 year school record on every section, gets recruited by the football team and the wrestling team and becomes a champion at both.

I think what I've learned in life is that hard work only accounts for so much. If you are beating yourself up because you aren't living up to as high a standard as you want, it might just be that you can't do that. It might just be that you don't have the potential. You are trying so hard but you're just tiring yourself out.

Point your effort in a different direction.

Didn't someone get arrested recently for burning a fag flag?

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Must be how you feel about women

No idea

no, as long as it is your property and you don't throw it at anyone

That's a sure fire way to get everone on shitter and faceberg to try and hunt you down, important question nonetheless!

SO, is this good or bad?
I dont even know what to think anymore

>Epstein does not represent the totality of jews

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> things that sound too ridiculous to be true but are so ridiculous that it could be true

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Well the court record are public, twitter literal who. Name the Jewish victims of pedophilia.

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>Plus as you said, as long as no one can come collect(there never will be) it doesn't matter.
Funniest thing is that they once made a mistake of trying to collect when the US was at it's weakest
> France tried to convert the dollars they were holding to Gold
> Nixon then pulled the US out of the gold standard for good, starting the current system of "full Fiat" and "US Dollar Reserves" even between countries

If was a massive default because the dollars they were holding in were not anywhere to the amount of gold they were owed


>YANG 3%

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Fuck off, wasp. I hope some bees rekk your shit. (This is a hornet but whatever)
is2.Jow Forums.org/wsg/1561580077332.webm


Nevermind, found it.
So what happens when it's a nigger?

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>Nobody will touch that filth.
this 2bh. keep your vegetables out of our cake and your fruit off our pizza

>Even matriarchal animals have a hierarchy like that
True, it's called "pecking order", also observed in chickens. When you feed them regularly you start noticing the ones which take first pics and the rest and have to sometimes throw some food the other way for the weak ones so they get their fill and don't get underfed

Will Chinkboy be on (((CNN)))'s debates @ the end of the month? Or will he be part of The Jew's first culling

>so true
