>worships ancestors
>ancestors were christian
Wat do?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>worships a dead jew who literally ate shit
that's a yikes from me, la creatura

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Understand that while you ancestors may have worshipped a false god, and had other flaws, there are things you can learn from them anyway. Like, no one believes the whole bible, and no one talks about how Gandhi raped kids. If you are worshipping something you have to understand that you shouldn't worship the whole things

then they have not become spirits of faith, but spirits of many other virtues

Please at least try to be subtle.

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ay dios mio don't you have some tacos to eat?

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That is not all he ate. We're dealing with sick people here, folks!

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Fagans should worship poo gods. They are the same gods.

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stop being a kike and accept jesus christ

Paganism is not the worship of ancestors, that is just a simplification. It is the worship of the righteous ancestors, those who knew the truth about Christianity/Islam/Whatever and fought against it or did not succumb to it. It is the worship of the ancestors who cared about the tribe and its future.

>Stop being a kike
>Worship Yahweh and the Rabbi Yeshua!

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>Worships marvel superheroes

Do you worship Star Platinum or African gods, 56%?

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what were they named before Christ got murdered? Constantine hallucinates the cross, thats the murder that killed and appropriated Christ. Just a humble man, murdered and sensationalized. Pattern on repeat. Before Christ, these humble people lived secluded lives, keepin away from the Evil Roman eye. That same vision is integrated within the Western Union. Command & Conquer, instilling controlling mechanisms, when people just want to be. Its simplicity, they weren't named after one man "Christ", they saw through the illusion imposed by idol worship. They lived from the heart, they lived in peace. Its not complicated. In the age of information everything gets amplified and nobody knows how to approach anything. What if people stopped prospecting about a reality that exists outside of themselves, and instead brought the dream closer, seeing what is right in front of you, just being, no need for control, just peace. No big plans, just understanding. The Earth moves with time, it doesn't care for structure.

Go back to the most ancient ancestors which are were Pagan, easy

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he's back

Pagans worship Saturn the Demiurge.

Its no different then the Jewish religion.

You fools need Gnosticism.

For every Christian ancestor any of us has, there’s several more pagan ancestors sitting in reserve

For most of European history(not recorded history) the Christian god wasn’t even a thought

>Google "Star Platinum"
This fucking retard is asking me if I worship shit from his favorite anime.

That's not Hinduism. Vedic religion is the aryan religion, Hinduism is bootleg shit coopted by the dravidians

Heil Tyr

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Isn't this roastie fucking a nigger?

>ancestors were christian
only by force

Worshipping your ancestors is like worshipping your siblings. They're just dead family members. Stop worshipping men and turn to the immutable God.

Thanks, this was helpful

You had a pagan ancestor one way or another.
you couldnt be here otherwise biologically speaking.

>worshipping a semen drinking degenerate

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They're still your ancestors user

most of your ancestors weren't

Reminder that paganism directly threatens jewish interests
Seek to make friends with your white brothers over all else. Connect with nature.

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He's a Christian. He always posts the same pictures with the same memeflag.

He is subversive because he is of his father, the Jew. Like all Christians.

>believing some shit made up by an actual kike

its all so tiresome

This. Our ancestors converted only after the Pagan holocaust

>christian posting jewish homosexual propaganda
weird, huh? not really.

>odin walked around and did this and that
want to know how I know that's bullshit?

The Jew don't want strong, white, pagan families because it's against his interest!

Attached: pagan family.jpg (1284x1148, 307K)

Most of our ancestors were pagan though.

>tatted biker
>modernized cake-up roastie with muh attention beanie
Pretty low effort, I don't know why you're on the "pagan" side but posting dumb shit like this. really makes you think...

Our ancestors have not worshipped a single material man like the modern degenerate Christians do. They understood Christ as the cosmic man, the sun, our conscience, our very own divine sonship.
Todays Christianity is basically a dead cover of something much more truthful and natural. Our ancestors paganized the religion once to make it fit our true spiritual understanding. But it was slowly subverted and bastardized to a point were it's now no different from other semitic religions.

Race and Religion is One. The TRIbe and the TRUth should be at the center of cultures. Every tribe has a different god or gods (the various cosmic principles) / they have their own spirit that they consider go(o)d, because every ethnic soul is different, has a different understanding of the divine. A universal religion like the bastardized control-freak Christianity that took over with violence and pointless guilt-trip 1000 years ago is not working in a natural world were every type of man is spiritually-genetically different from the other.

Jesus is a mythological parable of our sun (our material sun and our spiritual sun, our conscience), and of ourselves - that is how our ancestors understood these things back when they still had a bond with nature and the divine. Heathens can never be "destroyed" because they are like nature itself, natural spiritual realizations and parables are always there, they are the eternal true God-hood, and they break through every artificial false structure of man that has slowly eradicated itself with their falsehood.
God is the world itself, spiritually (creator/male attribute) and physically (creation/female attribute).

Nature, Tribe/Race, Truth; these things are the key! - not a neurotic DOGmatic desecrating piece-of-paper idea of guilt-trip and fear.

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He's not

Paganism might have been viable in the old days, but too many of your sacred groves and teachings have been lost, face it, your religion is dead. Christianity might be pozzed but it's the only real religion for whites. First we must disinfect the church and burn away the dead wood, then we can focus on the outside threat.\invite\DDYPBuw


Yeah, nah.

Yeah, nah.

Yeah I figured, that's what the "really makes you think" was for