PizzaPiVI is a company based on Greater St James (less than a mile from Little St James) that advertises pizza events occurring on Little St James Island. This is gathered from their Instagram account. More pictures to follow.
Dig in further by looking at the hashtag for littlestjames
Jupiter is also a Roman God, and those with affinity for cheese pizza often indicate their taste with Greek and Roman imagery.
They may very well have been in Jupiter when they posted this. They also run a pizza-themed boating company within a mile of Little St James Island. Which is more relevant?
Christopher Anderson
Also need to look into Pervert, Inc. and Naughty Nymph boats, owned by a Todd Glaser. There's a connection the USVI between this guy and Epstein.
Daniel Foster
You can’t possibly be this stupid. You should be running very scared
Zachary Ramirez
I have seen folks look into this. That cove on great st ames is a really popular beach destination for folks with boats on St Thomas.
Epstein just purchased Great St James this past year. From what I here, he is trying to kick people like this pizza boat out off the cove even though that is illegal as long as they stay 50 ft from shore.
Look into it all you want. But I found this one fruitless.
Angel Evans
I'm not seeing any pedo shit here. Pizza gate is real, but just because a bussiness serves pizza doesn't mean they're pedos.
It may be that no evidence is directly posted on social media. But this organization and its Clinton-affiliated owners are clearly involved in the operations that were/are on little st James. I don’t know specifically what they were doing but transportation of cargo - likely “pizzas” - to and from (mostly to) the island is in the cards
Ah yes, nothing is suspicious about the pizza-themed boating company within a mile of Epstein pedophile Island little st James and run by Ivy League educated Clinton donors
It looks like all of this checks out. They were either pulled into this criminal underworld or they were pulled into the intelligence services. That is, if there is any distinction between these two.
Mason Rogers
Powerful people always think consequences will never come to them.
Gavin Hall
Didn't know about that part. It's that with comet there was a shit ton of obvious pedo stuff on the social media. You could be right, but it's a lot less convincing than comet and voodoo donuts which are obvious pedo rings
Aiden Stewart
I wonder if CarisJames was ever there.
Blake Hall
this stuff really turns my stomach :(
Could someone like the Whale dude (whatever his name is - he attacks Japanese whaling ships) park a certain distance off shore and then just monitor it with drones and cameras every time a flight comes in?
Maybe monitor for possible escapees that actually get away (but can't escape since they're on an island)?
Parker Sullivan
probably the city, considering one of the hashtags is jupiterfl. and that lynoras is in jupiter, fl.
David Diaz
The geographical locations, content, and subtext make this extremely obvious that these people are in leagues with human traffickers and make pizza posts when they have human goods to sell.
whoa dude whoa this really opened my eyes, you know? i know now that any time one of the most popular foods in america is mentioned, it's actually code for ritual child rape. oh man i'm so redpilled right now dude
>virgin shut ins have never experienced boating or camping on secluded islands >pizza is related to fucking children because CHEESE PIZZA DUDE
I fucking hate every single one of you larping retards. Literally chasing fantasy instead of doing literally ANYTHING productive.
Henry Collins
Pizza, spirals, and odd messaging is a good indication. Being located on the island home of a convicted pedophile and human trafficker is probable abuse you dumbfuck
Thomas Taylor
>virgin >shut in Fuck off nigger. You don’t make a boating company on pedophile island and start using pizza and Greek imagery unless you’re looking to speak in code
a spiral on a pizza? i didn't see that man oh shit they're raping kids right now what the fuck. A SPIRAL? only rapists can even conceive of that shape. spirals and pizza, oh shit dude
Jace Lopez
Pretty sure that fat useless fuck would run into “boat trouble” really quickly and tragically die when faced with non civilian opponents. Do not underestimate these people’s capacity for violence
Gavin Ross
When are you going to address the part about little st James island and how it’s run by a convicted human trafficker and about how he has a satanic temple on it and about how the FBI has confirmed that pizzas and spirals are symbols for pedophiles
Let me know when you wrap your mind around those pieces of this
dude bro why you bustin my balls, i agree with you. someone operating a pizza cruise boat in a popular tourist area is obviously raping kids. i mean look at that pizza spiral you mentioned, i mean it's pretty clear that was just a message and not someone putting toppings on a pizza. remember pizza = child rape? i mean it's open and closed dude.
Anytime you want to start addressing how the FBI has confirmed this symbology and about how this company is based a mile away from a massively sex trafficking hub please let me know
This company is very likely ordering and advertising sex trafficking inventory by using this symbology
I'm going to drop the sarcasm. You're reaching. A single spiral on a pizza and you've all decided they're sex traffickers. Little St. James is not the only island in the Virgin Islands and not everyone in a 10 mile radius is now "suspect" because of Epstein.
They could be raping kids for all I know, sure, but you've provided no real evidence. That's the problem with pizzagate, it's wider than it is deep. You people see a pizza mentioned somewhere and go "YEP THAT'S PIZZAGATE" without even considering it could be innocuous. A few months ago you were all convinced some doughnut shop was a hotbed of human smuggling; cracked that case yet?
Blake Torres
Here’s another one from the island. Just a regular Yemeni national with a photography career and a US passport
Obviously every pizza shop isn’t involved. But It is highly suspect when the owner used to work for George soros and they regularly hashtag Epstein’s private trafficking island. Pic related. What else could they possibly be talking about? What else is on that island?its nothing but a private residence and a temple.
That combined with confirmed pedophile symbology is enough to raise my suspicions. Right now it’s obviously speculation but with more digging more information will come forward
anyone who claims that old men fucking young women, who then have babies, increase the lifespan of the human race are not telling the truth
anyone who has sex with someone under the age of 25 must hang, anyone who is under 25 having sex must be arrested for social disorder, put into a re-education camp, and then put on a list that tracks mentally ill people for the rest of their lives
anyone who has art of paintings, whose colour configuration depicts someone under the age of 25 in a sexual or nude position must hang
anyone who has pieces of plastic or rubber or latex, whose colour configuration depicts someone under the age of 25 in a sexual or nude position must hang
anyone who has masturbation paraphernalia or toys, must hang, they are unnatural, and degenerate
>the owner used to work for George soros So have a lot of people.
>they regularly hashtag Epstein’s private trafficking island Little St. James is Epstein's island. Greater St. James is where they describe hanging out near.
>That combined with confirmed pedophile symbology It's a fucking spiral, dude. A ubiquitous shape.
Bro every one of the pictures posted at the beginning of this thread is tagged to Little St James. Just stop. Just fucking stop. You are either in denial or you are a liar.
Crosses are ubiquitous too. Does that mean they signify nothing? Does a Star of David have less meaning because it’s less ubiquitous? Spirals, when used in combination with pizza and PEDOPHILE FORTRESSES have a VERY FUCKING DISTINCT MEANING
Levi Gutierrez
Also, guess who owns Greater st James? That’s right, JEFF EPSTEIN
Nolan Howard
>Bro every one of the pictures posted at the beginning of this thread is tagged to Little St James. Just stop. Just fucking stop. You are either in denial or you are a liar. They're tagged Christmas Cove. Look where that is.
> Spirals, when used in combination with pizza and PEDOPHILE FORTRESSES have a VERY FUCKING DISTINCT MEANING Two ways to distribute a fine ingredient on a pizza: cross-hatching or a spiral. Spiral takes less effort to make.
Yeah Christmas cove and then can you go ahead and read the rest of the words in the tag for me?
Also, please address the fact that Jeff Epstein also owns greater st James. You are being willfully ignorant of the information presented here. If anything, your presence in this thread only confirms that this is worth looking into
Well they’re using international pedophile symbology, so yes that’s a little suspicious. Just one coincidence like that isn’t worth too much alarm. I don’t read Serbian so I can’t help you much more than that.
Do they feature children on social media?
Chase Smith
>Also, please address the fact that Jeff Epstein also owns greater st James. Christmas Cove is a popular snorkling/mooring spot. Does it not seem likely that someone opened a business seeing a need for people to get a quick bite to eat around there? No, the spiral on the pizza confirms that they're raping children.
Nicholas Hernandez
Excuse me, my eyes are not the best, is this a bag of weed under the pizza.
Connor Martinez
>interest Spottet the jew
Tyler Jackson
Is that Ranieri guy related to the nxvim Ranieri guy?!
Daniel Morris
Yeah bro totally a Soros IT guru bought a pizza boat business from a former Wall Street trader who donated heavily to the clintons and began operating adjacent to Epstein’s satanic ritual island while using confirmed human trafficking symbology
I’ll be here until you get tired
Blake Bell
What no way those hashtags for them its just pure fun like some inside joke
Kevin Young
>while using confirmed human trafficking symbology The fact you're still pushing this point over a spiral tells me you're retarded and that there's no point in further arguing, but I will ask you this question: would any evidence convince you this is just a benign pizza business?
Zachary Campbell
>powered by pizzaanal lmao she masturbates while a little girl gets fucked in the ass
James Brown
man what the fuck is wrong with pizza places like seriously my local pizza shop sold weapons to the italian mafia and got busted Its like everything related to pizza is about crime
Grayson Morris
even what it does to your colon
Luis Murphy
1) an analysis of where they dock and if there was or was not evidence of storing human cargo
2) analysis of communications logs to determine if they had ever discussed human trafficking or had extensive conversations with known human traffickers
3) analysis of the financial activities of pizza pi, specifically whether or not they had ever had substantial financial activity with Epstein, Epstein’s guests, or other human traffickers and whether or not the business was operating at a profit or if it was being funded via large untaxed cash payments or other illicit means
4) whether or not they were or were not the owners were in possession of child pornography
That’s essentially it. If absolutely nothing turns up in those categories, I will release my suspicions. You of course have not attempted to engage me along those lines. You have only tried to tell me that spirals aren’t a know. Symbol of pedophilia and that they didn’t geotag themselves at little st James when they clearly did, even if Epstein owns greater st James
These idiots are clearly worth looking into and these affiliations, area of operations, and symbology of choice would give probable cause to engage in electronic surveillance further digging were I affiliated with law enforcement.
I *SUSPECT* that this entity is involved in human trafficking with a cover business as a pizza restaurant. I don’t *know* but a good detective doesn’t believe in coincidences.
Hudson Cook
Its a leaf, what do you expect he would say?
Ryan Foster
It's too much evidence. St. James, Epstein with his recent indictment, Pizza symbolism....install tor, google for onion links, dig around for 60 minutes and you have proof that pictures of children including babys getting fucked exist and that people talking about this refer to pizza and slices for age... gladly I didn't see videos, but some very disturbing gifs. Luckily I'm kinda desensitized by gore of all sorts including murder in very horrible ways. The gifs i saw >showed a baby lying in its stomach in the process of getting a dick shoved in its ass while female hands spread its ass cheeks >showing a man fucking a toddler maybe 2yrs old in spooning position. You see that guys full face it's filmed in total from the front >A male babies entire rectum was totally destroyed, bloody, size of I dunno half a bowlingball. That baby is dead l maybe I don't see how to survive such an injuriy as a baby without medical care >showing a few seconds of one or several no limits fun productions from David scully. His girlfriend or wife is in them torturing by several ropes fixed in mid air upside down and gagged child in its genitalia, I can't recollect if m or f, I assume m. >showing her hitting a small girl's vagina maybe 3 to 5yrs with her hand and some stick quite violently while fixed and gagged Pictures included small children being fucked mostly f up to maybe 10yr most crying or with face expressing pain some smiling and laughing, those were Asian looking children 3 to 7 maybe Thailand or Indonesia, and hurtcore on children m and f between 5 and 10 or 12. Tied up against a pole or midair in basement or factory with wounds, some quite severe and bloody, maybe from beatings with a thin bat slashes, some maybe by knife due to the sharpness of the wound. Don't want too see that again but once you've seen it you can't deny. Gladly I never saw a snuff murder vid with a child, but due to some injuries those kids have i am sure that these exist.
Michael Mitchell
jeebus dood. *cracks beer* have one on me. Pedos are fucking depraved. The deep web was even worse about 4 years ago
Caleb Diaz
It's honestly shit like that that makes me wish I would have chosen a different path and joined the FBI or something where you could chase these monsters down. I just don't know that if I was able to find them that I wouldn't just put a bullet in them when I found them.
Joshua Richardson
you forgot zig zag patterns, you also seem to have forgotten "i just want to be your pizza lover" in the caption
Brody Morgan
THe guy is either in denial or is deliberately here to troll or shill
Christian Gonzalez
Checked. 100 percent its been a while maybe two years when it came up the first time and since I am so fucking blessed with curiosity and looking up every fucking edgy shit I hear about I am blessed to share what I witnessed after browsing with tor with starting point hidden wiki within 20 or 30 minutes. It is ridiculously easy to find. Install tor, Google hidden wiki, start opening links from a few sections like imageboards, forums or erotica in new tabs and follow the links, even randomly you definitely come across this shit within a short period of time.
Evan Sanders
they would just stone wall you at the fbi and give you different cases, do you honestly think that they don't know about this shit?
I would worry about them tracing you, then blaming you for being a pedo after you looked at their shit. That being said good opsec makes this easily avoidable. still I wonder sometimes
Kayden Brooks
never forget this thread from about a year ago.
the restaurant had an item called 'your daughter on a plate' in spanish. as anons were investigating it, about 20 minutes after it was discovered they DELETED ALL REFERENCE TO THAT DISH and even uploaded a new version of the menu to their website and social media with no reference to that item.
also the place was next to a fucking masonic temple with CONFIRMED shared basement.