The Islam Problem

Why did Jow Forums give up on trying to get rid of Islam so fast?

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All Semitic bullshit goes into the trash.

Hey Ahmed.

hey jewrat

The Nigger problem--we never gave up you're just looking at one type of nigger.

Jow Forums Understands that there would be no Muslims in Europe without the role played by jews

Kikes first.
Then traitors.
Then everyone else.

hmm cause when you have taken so many redpills and blackpills you will finaly see that only islam is the truth and you either accept it and join or you will fall for the jewish world order and be a slave of the kikes

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Cause they're based. More based then western civilization.
They know how to kill homosexuals and opress women. I'll just have white kids, I don't care if they outbreed me I'll assimilate to their culture while making it a family religion to not race mix. We will be Islamic with the additional survival tenant. My kids will be home schooled and they will accept an arranged marriage. If not, honor killings are an option.

(All satire BTW kek. fbi, every leaf is a shit poster cuck we act like Trudeau irk lmao )

I havent. IRL its my #1 priority.

i think it's really funny how all the threads shitting on islam use images of south asi*ns, who literally got cucked by arab muslim into converting harder than anyone else.

Because Jow Forums is:
A: infiltrated with muslims
B: not very bright
C: would swallow eleventy trilliin gallons of muslim - especially iranian - cum if they thought it would get rid of one jew.

Truly an enlightened man.

ok moeshe

im not muslim btw

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Because people realize throwing hissy fits about some third world countries and their religion is not as big of a priority as preventing their civilisations collapse.

fight your own wars shlomo

dude go fuckin kill yourself

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Anything the Jews want, Jow Forums doesn’t want. Even if it means the raping and conquering of Europe

but (((they))) want muslim immigration, they push it a the time.


We have to wait for Brenton to be released.

What a dumb fuck

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Well maybe the higher ups do... but the regular working class Jews catch some serious hate from the Muslim immigrants

for once a based Swede
How's the coal emittion

Because Islam is getting rid of itself.