What’s he building in there?

Mormons working with da joos or do they have their own master plan separate from everyone else?

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Other urls found in this thread:


they're part of the "lets support israel to bring about the end of days revelation" crowd. they believe that there will be a civil war in the US and that the constitution will hang by a thread at which point Jesus comes back, ends the shitty world, and carries all good mormons off to Kolob, where they can then go populate their own planets and shit. Short answer to your question - yes. Long answer see above

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mormons are a pedo cult, boycott pecans

They believe Jesus will set up the New Jerusalem in the USA and they already have the 12 apostles. So unless a Jew converts while they're alive, they have to get a baptism for the dead in order to be saved.

>and carries all good mormons off to Kolob, where they can then go populate their own planets and shit.
That's actually a lie invented by anti-mormons.

t. someone who's been researching mormonism.

>mormons are a pedo

That's debatable.

Ah I can see that. Do you think there are actual business dealings with Israel and the deep state or do they keep things separate but equal? Supporting them from a distance?

>Do you think there are actual business dealings with Israel
They don't even have an LDS temple in Israel. They state that there's less than 400 mormons in Israel.

>starts a thread wanting to discuss mormons
>doesn't actually want to discuss mormons
what a bitch you are.


Listen to these Arrogant and prideful words of smith. Remember GOD hates pride.

Proverbs 16:5 (KJV) Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished.

"Come on! ye prosecutors! ye false swearers! All hell, boil over! Ye burning mountains, roll down your lava! for I will come out on top at last. I have more to boast of than ever any man had. I am the only man that has ever been able to keep a whole church together since the days of Adam. A large majority of the whole have stood by me. Neither Paul, John, Peter, nor Jesus ever did it. I boast that no man ever did such a work as I. The followers of Jesus ran away from Him; but the Latter-day Saints never ran away from me yet...When they can get rid of me, the devil will also go." (History of the Church, Vol. 6, p. 408, 409) Joseph Smith

The Bible is all you need

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:8-10 (KJV)





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>chick tracts

Mainly waiting for someone to discuss Jew state dealings with the Mormon church. I already know they’re both Zionist and have similar world views but I’d like some red pills on any clear collisions between the two religions/ businesses.

>Mainly waiting for someone to discuss Jew state dealings with the Mormon church.
And I explained that. which you ignored.

>I already know they’re both Zionist and have similar world views but I’d like some red pills on any clear collisions between the two religions/ businesses.
Which there's no evidence of, even if there was dealings. As far as I know BYU has a center in Israel and that's about it.

The fundamentals have based famillies at least

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They just marry them at the best age

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Lack of a temple says more about the local government’s attitude towards competing religions than it does their actual business dealings though.

problem with the fundamentalists is that they're slavers, pedophiles and oppressive.

they care less about Christianity and more about having sex with as many women as possible.

8, just like Muhammad, they're fucking perverts who wanted a legal way to continue fucking little girls and did, muslims do the exact same shit, just like in the ghetto, every street hood has a lot of baby mamas, no difference except mormons cast out their young men who often end up as street prostitutes, if they aren't directly sold, so these people sell their children

>Lack of a temple says more about the local government’s attitude towards competing religions than it does their actual business dealings though.
The mormon church is virtually non-existent in Israel (again, under 400 people) and since they believe the new Jerusalem won't be in Israel that lends to them not having a temple there.

plus the Jews wouldn't like that considering Christianity makes Judaism a defunct religion and Mormonism considers Judaism even more defunct than general Christianity.

The difference is, mormons cast those types out. Muslims at best ignore the pedos.

It just seems like if there really was a deep joo state, a billion dollar Zion empire and its millionaire businessmen would have something to do with it. Unless they really truly are doing their own thing.

>It just seems like if there really was a deep joo state, a billion dollar Zion empire and its millionaire businessmen would have something to do with it.
Mormons while they're Zionists, are pretty unlike other Christians. They care more about their prophet Joseph Smith than actually doing the will of the Jews. Now sure that can lead to corruption at the leadership of the church, but it also keeps the corruption inside instead of spreading outside like with Zionism.

Since Mormons believe only Mormonism is the true way, there's no room for Judaism being an alternate way as with Zionist Christians.

They're a synagogue of Satan. The Mormon temple will be burnt to the ground as end times begin, never to rise again. Many Mormons will be sent to Hell where their prophet dwells. Maybe they'll get out one day. Maybe.

>accept jesus christ as their lord and savior and baptize in the name of the father, son and holy spirit
>synagogue of satan
pick one.

You’re right. They believe they will rule with Jesus during the millennium and teach the whole world Mormonism. They afterward become gods (equal to the Father). This is luciferian. But only if you’re a temple worthy mormon in this life!

>They believe they will rule with Jesus during the millennium and teach the whole world Mormonism.
Who told you that? Because that's not what they believe.

>They afterward become gods (equal to the Father).
Nope. They don't believe that. You're basing your beliefs on mormonism not on what mormons said but what the haters of mormonism have said.

Pretty much every mormon goes to hell. Their baptism is invalid. They baptize in the name of different (separate) gods.

Incorrect. I live in Utah and was instructed by them. Ex Mormons and current Mormons trying to convert me.

>Pretty much every mormon goes to hell.
So you're god now? You're the one who judges if people go to hell or not?

>Their baptism is invalid.
Because you say so? What power do you have to declare baptisms invalid?

>They baptize in the name of different (separate) gods.
No, they don't.

>I live in Utah and was instructed by them.
Prove it.

kek you shill. Everybody knows the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three separate gods in Momoland. I’ve heard it a million times here. A quick google search shows you the truth of their teaching.

The Catholic Church says their baptism is invalid. Again because their godhead is completely different. Mormon Space Jesus doesn’t exist. Their gods are bunk. Just like you.

No I was told this as a high schooler growing up in the church. After the 2nd coming there will be a period of enlightenment and peace before the end of the world. Heaven is taught as you basically ruling your own little planet/ universe and creating whatever you want. I can’t say that every single member believes this but I was definitely taught this by a couple of seminary teachers and youth leaders.

That [religious group] were just the 19th century equivalent of a hippy sex cult.
In order to justify it they waved the bible in front of critics and pointed out a few passages about having more than one wife.
Funny how a bunch of sex perverts are now considered 'conservative'.

As someone who was raised in the church and has many family members still deeply devout and involved, I can tell you that you're wrong. Here's a link to a beautiful rendition of "If You Could Hie to Kolob" by the MoTab: youtube.com/watch?v=1d8jHo7Lx3o

lmao you sound like you're buttburnt over it

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Here. I just went outside and took a terrible picture of Twin Peaks. Just for you.

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>Everybody knows the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three separate gods in Momoland.
Yes, I know. That doesn't invalidate the baptism nor their salvation.

>A quick google search shows you the truth of their teaching.
Why do you have faith in the detractors of Mormonism?

>The Catholic Church says their baptism is invalid.
When did the catholic church officially state that?
Are you saying everyone other than Catholics go to hell too?

>Again because their godhead is completely different.
Says who?

> Mormon Space Jesus doesn’t exist.
lol you add those insulting descriptors in an attempt to strengthen your position.

>No I was told this as a high schooler growing up in the church.
And how convenient you can't back up that statement with information since it happened so long ago.

>Heaven is taught as you basically ruling your own little planet/ universe and creating whatever you want.
Where does it say that?

>A hymn singing about kolob means ur wrong
lol. kay.

>Here. I just went outside and took a terrible picture of Twin Peaks. Just for you.
And? how does that prove you're telling the truth?

A bunch of "LDS Leaks" came out last year (or early this year?) about the church's investments, business dealings etc. Apparently they are about $30 bil involved in the stock market, including holdings in these companies:
Ashmore Wealth Management LLT
Argyll Research LLC
Clifton Park Capital Management LLC
Cortland Advisors LLC
Elkfork Partners LLC
Flinton Capital Management LLC
Glen Harbor Capital Management LLC
Green Valley Investors LLC
Meadow Creek Investment Management LLC
Newburgh Advisers LLC
Riverhead Capital Management LLC
Tiverton Asset Management LLC
Tyers Asset Management

I imagine that any deep ties to Israel would be found by exploring these entities. Although it stands to reason that there is much more that we don't know about, as the LDS influence over the entire state of Utah is immense.

I disagree.
They do true mormonism, first of all.
If they just wanted sex with a lot of woman, they could also buy prostitutes(even underage, I'm pretty sure)
Also sex is exclusively for procreation to them.
No, they care about having a big familly.
Their birthrates even exceed thouse of shitskkns, so they are definitively based.

You need to learn how to google - If you really aren’t a shill.

The Catholic Church says most Protestant baptisms are valid because they mean the same God. But they better not mortally sin after their baptism since they don’t have access to the sacrament of Penance.

I mentioned the hymn to illustrate a point - that it is an important part of mormonism, whether mormons will tell you that it is or not. In the book of Abraham Chapter 3, verses 2-3: “And I saw the stars, that they were very great, and that one of them was nearest unto the throne of God; and there were many great ones which were near unto it; And the Lord said unto me: These are the governing ones; and the name of the great one is Kolob, because it is near unto me, for I am the Lord thy God: I have set this one to govern all those which belong to the same order as that upon which thou standest.”

I can also tell you, once again, AS SOMEONE WHO WAS RAISED IN THE CHURCH, that the entire theology is based on the "becoming like Gods" in the afterlife. It is heavily implied and subtly conveyed that through temple sealing rituals that, yes, in fact faithful mormons will be able to populate their own planets (that they themselves have created). Looks like you need to keep studying bud.

>You need to learn how to google
Why would I put my faith on Christian haters and a biased web search engine?

You tell me to "google" but you fail to explain why I should trust the "google".

>The Catholic Church says most Protestant baptisms are valid because they mean the same God.
But that's not what I asked. I asked for a specific declaration from the catholic church invalidating mormon baptisms.

>But they better not mortally sin after their baptism since they don’t have access to the sacrament of Penance.
So you're one of those Catholics that believe every single non-Catholic goes to hell? No wonder you believe Mormons go to hell.

>, that the entire theology is based on the "becoming like Gods" in the afterlife.
And yet you can't corfirm they believe that.


Those gold plates were right about the niggers. Why did they change it?

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They have visited us a lot of times. They seem to be trapped in time, but not necessarily in the wrong way. They are good-hearted (maybe too much) and capable of no evil, but I just can't believe in any god or prophet anymore. Hope this helps.

Jesus Christ finally someone with information, thank you. Source for the leak?

You’re such a shill. You quoted me earlier “pretty much every mormon goes to hell”. So no, shill, not every single non catholic does. I even left it open to people with nonvalid baptisms. How is the door shut to those with valid ones?

You’re the one misrepresenting people’s beliefs. Not me.

I take it you're not an endowed member.

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Mormonism is a masonic cult. Essentially the North American version of Islam. So basically, yes they are.

>links to mormon apologetics website
lmao you really are a special kind of stupid arent you?
>can't confirm they believe that
I'm literally sitting here as an ex mormon providing you with relevant scripture and historical context to investigate and it's apparently my problem for not spoonfeeding you the answers. Open your eyes, user. Mormonism is a cult, and in true cult fashion will lie to the outside world about the hidden mysteries and secrets of the theology.
Jospeh Smith was a conman, a master mason, and a pedo. If you intend to keep your blinders on and wade your way into the swamp of this cult, be warned.

Mormans are gay, anabaptists are where its at.

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It truly is Masonic. Founded by a Mason and they all love Masons. No doubt.


Bill is a rapist

She’s literally built for black cock

This is the strangest thread. Had no idea LDS shills even existed. mormonleaks.io/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page

you watch your god damned mouth, you faggot