Brit/pol/ - Shit In His Mouth Edition

>'Everyone ultimately prefers their own race.'

>'Morrissey is a white supremacist', says superstar Billy Bragg

>As a black teenager, I loved Morrissey. But heaven knows I’m miserable now

>Why It's Time To Ditch Your Morrissey-Loving Friends

>Billy Bragg says he's 'heartbroken' after latest Morrissey outburst

>Morrissey says Nigel Farage should be Prime Minister

>Morrissey 'apologises' to Robert Smith of The Cure


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Looking at that picture makes me realise how far we've fallen.

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Report the spammer

get ready to filter

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I did a naughty thing on tinder shhhh

>t. Billy Bragg

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Is Labour's latest announcement going to make a proper Brexit (no-deal or otherwise) more or less likely lads? Was disappointed to hear their news desu as I'm a bit of a Lexiter, but at least I won't be tempted into voting for them now and hopefully neither will the millions of other ex-Labour Leave voters.

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Imagine being the leader of the Japanese Socialist Party and you are on a stage reading your parties manifesto when all of a sudden this lad barely even a man Naruto runs towards you with a samurai sword screaming about the emperor

Farage called Enoch Powell and Tony Benn a patriots on lbc

in that case i have spoken to him twice.

dieing for ones country is the most noble thing one can do.
whats going to happen when IT happends in minecraft.
do you honestly think when it does happen anyone will be here to reply to you?
you fucking coward nonce


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based and Nigepilled
Benn was a naive shoshalisht, but he wasn't a massive dirty stinking commie like Corbyn.

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Corby is not a communist dear boy.

I don't know how many of you pay attention to Northern Ireland (very few from what I see) but if it's any hope for these islands about 90% of Sinn Féin voters hate Sinn Féin, and just about everyone wants them to fuck off in the case of a United Ireland.
I hope you boys get back on track

as if leftists ever killed anyone

Prisoner suicide rates are up and are miserable,

Sounds like how prison should be

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With abortions and gay marriage might as well join the Republic of Ireland

Rip Tommy

based Nigel correctly implying that May, Corbyn and indeed most of parliament and every single other Remain voter are not.

Corby is a town you cleft

Loving Moz more from day to day.

NI joining the Republic is the correction of a mistake, but that doesn't mean it has to be shit.
A huge influx of mostly conservative voters who have either been forced to vote for:
>some left-wing faggot that doesn't represent them
>some """right wing""" LARPer who only likes shekels
could have a profound affect on the Irish political scene.
Of all the developed EU countries, Ireland has the best chance of surviving.

I don't even know who the good NI party is. All I know is that TNP in Ireland are talking about shitskins so if I was Irish I'd vote for them\invite\DDYPBuw


Based yamaguchi. Also wtf

>On 12 October 2018, right-wing provocateur Gavin McInnes reenacted the murder as part of a skit to entertain members of the Metropolitan Republican Club and the Proud Boys (a hate group founded by McInnes[9]) in New York City.[10][11] After the performance, McInnes left the club holding the plastic samurai sword used in the reenactment

What did they announce?

nah lad it's a trouser press

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having been born too young to enjoy them I am now realising the absolute brilliance of older british TV shows that you can pirate for free.

So far I have Lovejoy and Survivors , it's like discovering gold just lying there in the street.

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>Of all the developed EU countries, Ireland has the best chance of surviving.
Good luck to them, I guess.

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i'd rather imagine it the other way around

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What channel is the bojo debate on and will he say orange man bad over his tweet

lads I'm halfway done with Moz's autobiography, have to say it's something else.

>No chapters
>First 100 pages read as a history of 1950s and 60s TV and cinema
>dozens of obscure 60s and 70s bands mentioned
>Manchester schools in the 60s were shite apparently

But I've thoroughly enjoyed it overall

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>>On 12 October 2018, right-wing provocateur Gavin McInnes reenacted the murder as part of a skit to entertain members of the Metropolitan Republican Club and the Proud Boys (a hate group founded by McInnes[9]) in New York City.[10][11] After the performance, McInnes left the club holding the plastic samurai sword used in the reenactment

LARPing prick lol. all Goy Boys achieve is rattling up other groups like antifa, which immediately does make the overall left look bad but ultimately is just more conservative nonsense.

yamaguchi is a hero though.

There isn't a good party.
Of the main parties:
>Sinn Féin
LARPing ex-terrorists who steal the name of the original Irish Revolutionary Party to get rebel shekels. Pro-browning of Ireland
Corrupt retards who pretend to be christian and right-wing to appease Loyalists, also pretend to be dindu nuffins despite being founded by the people who started the Troubles
Same as the above, but moderate
"we have to rise above the divide and embrace diversity, guys!"

In Ireland, there are two parties.
>Fine Gael
Centre-Right Christian Conservative, started drifting socially left a few years ago.
>Fianna Fáil
Above, but rural.

No other party in the ROI comes close.
Any change to the pretty decent Irish Constitution also cannot happen without a popular vote, meaning that all the big EU schemes exclude Ireland because nobody here wants them.
Hence "chance." Ireland is basically bent over and primed to make all the mistakes you guys made forever ago.
However Ireland is quite anti-refugee, only Dublin is zogged

ITV in 1 hour

who cares?


>Viz magazine

buy me heroin it is a killed dream

i'm about 1/3 of the way through, it's pretty good tbph.

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there is not a single person who can do it better than me


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What's the point in this board if we don't talk about politics

it pisses me off how both you guys and the irish aren't killing pooskins but were/are so eager to kill each other. some of you cunts literally have machine guns buried in your gardens, please for fuck sake USE THEM ON THE POOSKINS

Just that they're now actively supporting a second referendum, and would campaign for Remain should the second referendum come to pass. Corbyn's essentially lost out to the likes of Starmer and Watson but is making big compromises to hold onto power

People say that , also about the SNP in scotland, but reality everybody is going to vote for the party who won them independence out of loyalty, even if the party is pretty shit, like the niggers in south african and the ANC

opposing views there then

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Boris PM has been a dead cert since the 'leadership race' began, it's a pointless sideshow, and not even an entertaining one.

i hope there's a youtube livestream of it


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pretty much

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Ffs. The one thing corbachev had going was at least he stuck to his principles.

The media are trying to point a failure like Hunt as being a good family man. It's so obvious and many in the public are falling for this media image.

Boris is no better though, he's just a liberal democrat who is pro-deal brexit.

This. Hunt has already lost, not to mention his dismal campaign and some truly stupid comments.

I suspect the Labour voters who temporarily went over to UKIP for the Referendum and preceding elections will not take too kindly to being spat on by the Unions and Labour Party, so it's all for Nigel to scoop up.

UKIP are ded though desu (if Batten is forced to stand down).

T. Southerner

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Ireland hasn't had the harsh awakening it needs yet.
92% of Ireland is white, and of that 82% is white Irish. The Biggest immigrants to Ireland are British people.
Dublin is the only part of Ireland where it's noticable, and even there they are about 1-2% of the population.
The Government have brought up all sorts of zany British-esque plans to mass import niggers but nobody really likes them.
Exactly the same with Sinn Féin, although it's more about cucking Loyalists than anything else.

it's going to be boring as fuck. if we're lucky there might be a 10 second clip of boris saying something funny.

>It's so obvious and many in the public are falling for this media image.
Really? If they're falling for that they're just as stupid as he is.

remember me?

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Boris can fuck up though, Hunt can't

they look like absolute shit

>92% of Ireland is white,
so was greater london 40 years , and the UK 15 years ago, shit can change quick when your a small country

>Jeremy Hunt can't fuck up
what fucking planet are you on mush?

For whatever reason work have dumped a brap thot 10/10 summer worker on me to look after, like pic related only with a golden ratio face. She only mentioned her bf a dozen or so times, it’s like Chinese torture, please, there must be one non-incel here who can tell me how to enchant this thing.

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Yeah that's why I used to have at least a certain level of respect for Corbyn. Hated his id-pol stuff obviously, but respected him for going with his principles rather than following the party whip. That all ended when he became leader and the Israeli lobby kicked up their smear campaign against him. Sad, but inevitable.

Yeah, and I'm in that camp too desu (albeit from a middle-class liberal family, rather than proper working class). There's millions of former Labour voters who voted Leave, and many of them would never consider voting Conservative. Imagine it'll be Brexit Party or staying at home for them now. Hopefully the Remain vote will now be split between Lib Dem and Labour too

>pic related

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your boss is testing you.
Dont get involved
pretend to be a Volcel.

And Ireland appears to be very willing to please the EU.

just be your self

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Gift her your dick diamonds.

I liked the viz article on billy Bragg exposing how he spent his wealth on a stately home and walks around in a top hat beating his servants for not dusting his priceless antiques correctly

Is the golden ratio even symmetrical?

Yes it’s 1.64 and is in everything we conceive as beautiful. Your iphone is designed to it.

Could be, a high up boss I haven’t seen in years just decided that today was the day to take an interest in what i was doing.

Meanwhile, at the RMT

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yea man they do it often to see if your thinking with your dick or if you ambitious

they do it alot these days.



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Is anyone NF if so
whats it like?
is it any good?
is it even worth joining?

sorry i meant the inverse

>unity is strength

Fucking racist


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>London is debased. The Mayor of London tells us about 'Neighborhood policin' — what is 'policin’? He tells us London is an 'amazin' city. What is 'amazin'? This is the Mayor of London! And he cannot talk properly!

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Also what’s a volcel?

That somehow is more upsetting than if it were a child. He only wanted to be frens.

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>ate aus/pol/
>ate kraut/pol/
>ate /sg/
>ate /ptg/
>ate chinks
>luv brit/pol/
>luve me a sosij roll
>luv pube and eddie
>simple as

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maybe he sholdn't have moved to London, maybe he should have done some research.
I have no pity

All the jobs that I actually want to do are insanely competitive and badly-paid after years of qualifications, and yet if I just had the motivation to try hard in the private sector I could find my way to >£50k salary without too much trouble. It's a pickle lads, it really is.

1/10 bait

'fantastic' - Jeremy Corbyn...

Wish it were desu. Would be much happier if I was just a normie who was happy with chasing $$$

Did you make that?

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Cringe and bluepilled