Reminder to sue if any Democratic Party politician blocks you on Twitter.
Reminder to sue if any Democratic Party politician blocks you on Twitter
You need pro-bono lawyers for that.
good advice
Doesn't this mean Twitter cannot ban people preventing them from talking to a US politician?
Will this set a precedent that Twitter cannot block conservatives?
Only politicians can’t block. Twitter can do whatever it wants with it’s own site.
what the fuck is happening in this country
If this stupid ruling isn't overturned, remember that the Second Circuit's jurisdiction includes all of New York, so AOC can't block you.
Take it to court then. That's how case law is made.
Have fun fighting a social media cartel that almost every lawyer in the country will be rooting for.
A small clique of rootless, transnational elites took one good look at it and saw the vulnerabilities in our culture and government and have been hard at work for decades leveraging them to make our nation into their vassal to exploit and abuse to their higher ends.
So are we just gonna spam his feed with anime girls like we used to now?
If Trump cannot block people from access to him then Twitter cannot block my access to Trump. They are violating my constitutional rights just like he was violating their right.
You're not seeing the full picture here. If being able to interact with the president's twatter account is a first amendment right, then twatter can't ban ANYONE from twatter because if they do they've stopped that person from interacting with the president's twatter account. This is as clear as the crystal skies.
Any twitter account that is banned is being prevented from interacting with the President of the United States twitter account.
Thanks to this court ruling, that's a First Amendment violation.
The ruling made note of a "digital town hall". Since no corporate entity can prevent you from attending a "town hall", i think you are on to something here and I have been wondering about it as well.
Do these judges not realize that you can just log off your twitter and still see the president’s tweets that way? Is the judiciary that stupid?
>Will this rule be applied fairly to democrats?
Ah, life before the blackpill.
That's so dumb
More importantly, Twitter cannot ban any candidate running for office in the US, including Patrick Little.
Yep. If Trump blocks you, you can still scream at the walls of your room all day and write a million letters, even go outside and scream, or even go to DC and scream at the whitehouse. But according to the ruling, that's not good enough. In order to to fully exercize our 1A rights, we must be able to Tweet at the president. Twatter censorship BTFO.
Nope, what matters is being able to Tweet at our public officials. To express ourselves. That's the speech. Not just listening but also speaking.
>by this ruling, twitter can't ban any account because it's being blocked from interacting with trump
>now that we have caught them with this logic
>there's no way they can continue to ignore logic and just do whatever the fuck they want like they've been doing for the last few years
t. all the smooth-brains in this thread who haven't yet realized that the law no longer applies with these people.
Only thing that matters to globalist judges is whether you are pro or anti globalism.
As if the courts would rule in your favor lol
Then make a new account.
The argument they use is that the comments section on his tweets is a "public space" from which the president is unconstitutionally banning you.
>doesn't realize judge ruled against globalism.
Everyone is laughing at you shill.
What about the blue checkmark literally who's that post abusive comments do they count as "Critics"
>>doesn't realize judge ruled against globalism.
I didn't realize that at all... and still don't. Please explain.
Patrick Little withdrew his candidacy bro, sorry. He said the system is too far gone to waste his time with the illusion of a for the people government. Hopefully we'll see more of him on Jow Forums soon.
Do you really want to discuss obesity?
begone insect
>absolutely no arguments
>just wants to silence people he doesn't agree with.
This is what a true shill looks like, ladies and gentlemen.
SJW = Social Justice Winnie Poohs.
Not necessarily... i dont have the court case, but in the days of company towns, when a company owned an entire town, they tried to ban certain activities of solicitation (like handing out religious pamphlets) but the courts found they could not ban such activity because of its all encompassing reach... such as twitter and fb have become.
The elected officials are not allowed to do it because they are elected officials.
Twitter staff aren't elected officials
Its a based ruling
This was achieved by goading the liberals into doing the grunt work
And yet Trump blocks people
So sad
lmao, conservatives can't stop anything from happening to them.
Marsh v. Alabama
Superceded by this years cases
Thanks Kavanaugh
Couldn't give less of a fuck about conservatives, all brainlet ideologues deserve the rope.
Eroding corporate hegemony is the objective here. Fuck Twatter and fuck Citizens United.
Lol. Okay, which case supercedes Marsh v. Alabama?
Can’t you just take 3 seconds to make a new account?
Prager u vs youtube to start
If its sure thing and easy win you can tell him you take % like tell him 60% and greedy lawyers will make sure he gets as much as he can for easy money. Its basically hos case then he will do it better than for anyone else
The ways of the ancients should not be shared
>Will Jews follow their own laws
Yeah no
I want my Twitter account back.
Should have followed the rules cyber anchero
>Trump can't block his critics
President, not monarch
He gets to listen to the voice of the people
A proud 1 in 3 might even pay a compliment
>Its a private business platform they can ban who they want
>Drumpf can't ban people its not legal
Can you be antisemitic in comments?
>its not a public platform
>they can ban who they want
>sues Trump for being blocked
>cognitive dissonance
Asking this is antisemitic
There's no symmetry here. Criticizing the left is against twitter's rules while criticizing the right is not.
>I disagree with this tweet because of X Y Z
is a voice
is noise
Twitter is pretty lenient on antisemitism. Just don't you dare badmouth Islam!
That's not a supreme court case, moron, it didn't supersede anything and Kavanaugh wasn't involved at all either. No part of what you've said so far is correct.
Trump should literally not ever tweet again and let the POTUS account sit there for the next 6 years unused.\invite\DDYPBuw
>Patrick Little
What the fuck is wrong with you two faggots? He's the ultimate brainlet and a complete fucking embarrassment.
He unironically had a mental breakdown and had to fucking quite life after reading a bit of Culture of Critique. You mutts are fucking idiots
Is twitter a public forum/utility now?
According to the appellate court decision, yes. If you can't use your preferred Twitter account to tweet at the president then your first amendment rights are being infringed.
>not having 3.2B replies
I blame the algorithm.
this could be interesting territory
So bots are allowed to flood out any conversation then and can’t be banned.
Only if they are US bots. First Amendment doesn't protect foreigners.
>bots have first amendment rights