Recent research by the U.S. Secret Service finds only one American domestic mass casualty attack in 2018 that was motivated by white supremacist or other anti-Semitic ideology. Most attacks are done by precisely the people we’ve been arguing are likely to commit these crimes: isolated mentally-disturbed young men. Aside from the ToL shooting, there was not a solid link between a mass killing and anti-Semitic ideology last year. When will someone publicly acknowledge these Zionist ADL agents that they are opposing counter-Semitism because of its critique of organized political Jewry and they are a Jewish ethnocentric interest group, not because of any regular links to serious violent criminal activity?
White Supremacy’s Low Body Count
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What is this new meme?
> Jow Forums posts to kill all the niggers
> surprised when someone tries
aren't whites like 6% of the global population?
consider the credit the adl is giving me and my people. frankly it's flattering
>91 people killed in mass attacks, out of 320 million, over 365 days,
This is really just a non problem. Your refrigerator is more likely to kill you.
Yea, whites are a global minority.
No, are jews a global threat. Also, the ADL was founded to defend a jewish pedophile that raped and murdered a 13 year old White girl.
Depends on how you define white. The term’s definition has broadened to include the people’s of North Africa, much of the European mainland, and West Asia down to the Indian subcontinent. This is the expansive definition Fareed Zakaria invoked in his debate with Jared Taylor.
How can white supremacy be a threat when there is only 20 of us left.
>900m out of 7+ billion people
>Want to be left alone in their native countries
>Want to expel 6 million troublemakers that campaign to destroy those native countries to their own religious state
>global threat
>I'll just change the definition
it means native europeans retard and always has
>tfw globalism also works for uniting nationalists across the world against the kikes
>global threat
Nazi Germany only affected Europe so they cant even use that to claim white supremacy is a global threat.
>A global threat
A threat to who?
15/20 are federal agents.
yeah but it's all bullshit
everyone knows who is white and who isn't
my point was just that if every white person on the planet was an active white supremacist, it would hardly constitute a global threat. this is just jews being paranoid. i could be labeled an extreme and open racist by anyone, and i don't know a single white supremacist in my circles. not one white person who wants to rule over the other races. everyone i know just doesn't like seeing so much litter in our neighborhoods and would prefer to be left alone. it's also nice to not hear 4th of july fireworks and think its gunfire from a bunch of groids having an shootout
white supremacy itself is entirely manufactured and fake. i genuinely believe that
the international banking syndicate I would presume
To what? To concentrated Jewish cultural power.
The predator will always demonize the victim. If you don't vigorously refute and counter-attack, they will succeed in demonizing the White race.
It used to just basically mean Saxons, Scots, and Nords.
Why does US allow these Israeli organisations to operate in their country and influence the public and then freak the fuck out about couple of russian trolls on facebook?
The ADL cries out as it strikes you.
How can you not trust a face like that?
Why would white majority countries be worried about a white supremacy threat?
>Whites are not an effective political majority in any country. White power has been supplanted by Levantine influence. Whites are a diasporic people, even in their own ancestral homelands.
since 2016; antifa has beaten more minorities than all white national groups combined
Kabbalah Haaretz
Any known links between Antifa and the Mossad?
Jews are an even smaller proportion of the global population and their activity is a global threat.
If your worried about white supremacy stay out of prison since thats where 99% of the murder stats by white supremacists are done.
Probably mostly committed against other wignat “white supremacists”.
well yeah but there's no mistaking that
but you don't see anyone saying that a concept of jewish supremacy exists
what they're doing is they're trying to take down their closest perceived threat
really they should worry about the chinese. the chinese would gas them with a smile if given half the chance, and i have a feeling that's coming in a few decades. im no fan of the chinamen but i am confident they would not hesitate to deal with the jewish problem. i can't believe jews are so short-sighted they're still worried about whites
chinks love kikes, they worship their methods because they too have no souls
maybe they will wipe them out once they've learnt their methods I guess but I doubt it
New meme: Jewish supremacy
Spread it far and wide.
There’s a Jew on a Chinese stamp. The only gweilo on a Chinese stamp is not a Gentile. Don’t count on a challenger appearing to save the world from Semitism.
Leftists American Jews and right-wing Israeli Jews don't care that much about eachother retard
But their level of collusion is truly extraordinary.
Jesus Christ
I get what the test is, fellow non-bbo/ott
remember, Jews project.
what they say about you, is true about them
Do you even know your own history? Like , you literally genocided something like 99% percent of Natives but white supremacy isn't a danger? Amazing thinking biais.
Idk if the author of the article is Jew , but as a non white (Asian) i didn't wait them to think that white supremacy is a danger. I'm more afraid of 222/228 years from a country founded on hatred than Iran.
2) Don't try to trick us. Jews are not your enemies ,whatever you fucked us , they were here. White jew=white. You only hate jews because you hate so many things you finish to hate your own kind (italians used to be hated in France too...)
Oy vey!
222 years of war*
It's nice that the ADL acknowledges the supremacy of whites.\invite\DDYPBuw