how do i tell whats a real news and whats a fake news?
How do i tell whats a real news and whats a fake news?
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You ask the nose
The nose knows
if a mainstream journalist, a Jew and/or a migrant tells you something, it's fake.
>A jew tells you something its a lie
The holocaust is fake history
now, now.. i'm lying or telling the truth?
Everyone is lying about something.
Holocaust denial is bullshit. The holocaust is a real historical event.
So you are lying.
Or you are the jew?
Without getting into the truth of what you're saying, it is worth mentioning that you are required by law to say that.
Read who writes the articles, for starters, beware of Le conspiring nose and Le conspiring hands. Use Jewdar.
If it comes from the MSM and it's not weather related, it's fake news.
kek, this kike knows
>truth so true that if you question it you will be jailed
Why no one will bat an eye if I mention the holodomor, russian holocaust or any other (with many much worse than 6 gorillion)
A Jew ( ) Accusing a German ( ) of being Jew
What sloppy time line is this?
Based Palestinian
I think you mean (((German)))
are you new? it's been like this since they introduced the flags
If someone should be holocausted, it's these dirty subhumans
if it agrees with Jow Forums circlejerk
>e.g.: pitbull attack statistics
then it's true
if it disagree with Jow Forums circlejerk
>e.g.: elevated Chinese IQ, above European nations
then it's fake and the jews are behind this
Ignore the news friend. Everything is biased, the truth has no value anymore, everything is propaganda. You'll survive without your daily dose of news and you'll probably even be happier not caring about the things you can't influence anyways.
anything that doesn't fit your narrative is fake, all that supports your narrative is real; despite being fake. Get it? this is war, Hitler said a lie becomes reality if your repeat it enough, and I believe that to be true!
gee...what is the difference between a nazi and a kike?
if you want to know who controls you, find out who you aren't allowed to make fun of. the rest is self explanatory.
The word "Ashke"
You have to be able to read the source as well as the material. WSJ, they're not going to lie to you about money. Jow Forums hates jews so everything you read here will be slanted towards that.