>be American soldier
>get brainwashed that what you do is protect your people, your family, from outside dangers
>go to war with people who pose no danger to your country
>kill them because Saudi arabs and Israeli jews want them dead
>see your friends, fellow soldiers die for Israel and Saudi Arabia
>come back home
>your own country has brainwashed your son into a hormone taking sissy who'll pay a jewish doctor a lot of money to cut off his dick and balls

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Other urls found in this thread:

its in the mutt gene. Most immigrants acts crazy and their children too. American is home of children of immigrants.


fuck off newfag

RAREEE What is life like in mongolia I've always wanted to visit

Plently of Mongolians on this site

Why do they serve Israel?

because israel controls american politicians through bribery and blackmail.
>epstein gets all these elites to fuck kids
>the place is all bugged, everything is recorded
>as soon as someone goes against israel, the material is used to blackmail them



It's the desert region of Siberia. What do you think its like

It would be even funnier if his wife is that girl who tries porn right after his deployment.

>mfw I learned recently that it's illegal for the husband in the military to commit adultery but perfectly okay for the wife back home to fuck whoever she wants AND get pregnant
I can't believe shit like this has been allowed to go on this long.

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oooh poor child you have no idea. Stick with your memeflag liberal boy.

>listening to black Philip show
>american soldier calls
>he came back from afghanistan to find his wife left, had spent all his deployment money plus acquired lots of debt in his name and was with another man
shit is messed up. can't remember which episode though

both soldiers and military wives/girlfriends are mostly unfaithful

>Taking propaganda to heart
Retarded Toothpaste, right here

it's the reality in the USA. your country is literally the main force behind the LGBT globalist agenda.


They are REALLY pushing this in the USA
Its a REAL fucking thing.
We have some SERIOUS mental fuckers in this nation

If you're not from Africa then you're technically an immigrant.

Thank God I got out lol, thank God I didn’t have to kill anyone or lost any friends too despite being in the sandbox

Holy BASED, AmeriMUTTS irrevocably BTFO

What's your ethnicity?
Son of homeless refugee.

That's what cunts do to your sons while you're off at war. Get rid of the bitch and the boy will return to normal in short order.

>Believing in the Out of Africa theory

>He thought he'd left war behind

>The true war was at home

>Trans-port to hell

>"you destroyed my son, I'll destroy your synagogue"

>Directed by and starring Mel Gibson

Attached: melgibson88.jpg (520x325, 36K)

holy shit, fucking based

Attached: 1542053314963.jpg (513x640, 104K)

> Be your country (dutchland)
> started the global slave trade
> shipped millions of mostly black africans across the world
> oppressed millions of innocent Asian people in South East Asia (Indonesia) and stole their land.
> Lost all colonies.
> Lost Belgium and Luxemburg
> Is now a small country and overruled by Germany and the Eurocrats in Brussels.
> Is still being extorted with billions of euros in payments to the European Union superstate every year.
> Continues to lose more sovereignity to the Eurocrats every year.
> Was overrun by mass migration and arabs
> Low birthrate of native dutch, and higher birthrate of berber, arab minorities causes a gradual islamization of society.
> Most people in the world don't konw where dutchland is.
> Most people in the world including in the EU don't really care about the opinions of dutchland.

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I'm Navy, not Army, but that shit happens all the time. Guy I work with had his wife spend all his money while he was gone every underway, but only divorced her after she got them kicked out of housing for using drugs on base.

Then the soldier kill his entire family and go to the next synagogue or whatever

>Mongolians posting on a Mongolian basket weavinging forum is rare

Boy, sure is summer

>Be a joo/saudi merc
>Back home, jody petting your doggo, jody drinking your beer, jody fucking your wife
>Come back with ptsd and get divorce raped


Attached: thpecial forces.jpg (910x1300, 345K)

Isn’t ZOG wonderful?

Attached: 0B88EAE1-F3A6-4D19-BE96-355A45B25D57.jpg (1400x1001, 316K)

Trust me it doesn't even matter if you are home these days.

yes, truly wonderful!

Attached: 1535937944019.png (612x706, 519K)\invite\DDYPBuw


>But get murried and have kids!
I'm old enough to remember when mgtow was mostly divorce raped men. Then it got infil by a bunch of incels. Modern day marriage sounds great! Odds of divorce high, ungrateful entitled brats that hate you

On a positive note, Dutchland became one of the most prosperous countries in the world and it has one of the biggest economies for a small country.

However, since Dutchland joined the EU it became a colony (vassal state) of the Eurocrats and Germany. Most big political decisions are being decided in Brussels now. The military is subservient to the German military (and future EU army). The trillions of euros of pensions were partially stolen with schemes so the Eurocrats could access it and redistribute it to Germany and other EU countries. Dutchland still has many Europhiles who like to sell out the country. 1 out of 5 people in Dutchland is not ethnic Dutch. This will get worse since the EU prefers mass migration.

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>>your own country has brainwashed your son
a father's absence in the life of his son caused this shit. instead of being a pawn of the jew he should have been home making sure his wife was not getting fucked by niggers and that the electric jew was not turning his kid into a fucking retard tranny.

Attached: kissinger_military_quote.jpg (610x408, 48K)

>be someone from a country with legal degeneracy
>toothpaste flag
>irrelevant to the world stage, nobody cares that they're also a slave to (((them)))
>cucked by mutts on Peruvian guinea pig cooking image board
>(You)'s the only thing that raises dopamine to above suicide levels after years of experimenting with heroin and tranny fucking

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WRONG Europe is the birthplace of the Cro-Magnon aka the homo sapiens sapiens or in laymans terms - the white human.

Lesser hominids (niggers, natives, chinks etc.) need not apply.

True. But this shitty video didn't feel real, looks like staged propaganda shit. Though i'm sure statistically this shit has happened, this wasn't a real one.


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I put a thumbs down but just between us Jow Forums i would fuck the shit out of his son. I'd suck his little dick and lick his ass, spit in it, slap my dick against his tight hole and slide it in. id cum inside him multiple times a day, i'd kiss his little face as i fucked him. id lick his nipples too. id suck/humm on his balls in my mouth


Attached: brown-cocks-and-white-pussy.jpg (1024x1024, 193K)

She cute. I got a boner.

>shot on location in Long Island, NY

What is wrong with all of these FUCKING FAGGOTS in Hollywood trying to make this faggot shit normal? NO. YOU HAVE A FUCKING MENTAL DISORDER YOU FFFFUCKING FFFAGGOT!!!¡!!

No shit you fucking retard.
No one thought this was a hidden camera reality show.

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faggot, kill yourself.

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If you don't raise your sons, they will be raised by people who hate you.

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>Why do you serve God’s Chosen People?

Attached: 5D85A704-98DB-42D8-8B2B-2C392A5481D0.gif (615x548, 18K)

Oh and naturally
>comments disabled

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Holy COPE, Batman!

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>I've always wanted to visit

Tourist scum

This actually makes sense. Coming to the Americans severed the ties to the people and land the immigrants came from and replaced it with a foreign culture and belief system. This is true for the first colonists all the way up to Mumbatoo in Minnesota and his child bride\invite\DDYPBuw


>God’s Chosen People?

They are chosen because they say so!
You'll be chosen only if your accept Jesus.
Soooo ...

>calls me a faggot for being attracted to sexy grils

Most people in the military, do it for the benefits...

I love it

"One Day, Everybody Voted For Hitler."

>trying to make this faggot shit normal?
idk, but the US government is behind it as well.

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Dissenter, motherfucker, do you use it?

i will watch it

based and impressive poster. Is that dutch?

>comments are disabled for this video

Attached: Wolfman.jpg (1024x919, 147K)

if only...

>Is that dutch?
it's a Swedish poster.

I was waiting for him to put a gun in his mouth and an hero.

>mfw it's an actual Mongolian
D-do you weave baskets?

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Out of Anywhere Theory still applies to my statement. I'm not a fan of theories either but don't deny that humans have been migrating since the beginning of civilization

Ghengis Khan wasn't the first mongol

what the hell they weren't even in the war lol, guess everyone hates America.

Was it specifically I'm Croatia? Or just split? Either way you migrated from one part of the continent to another you snow nigger

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Oy vey find the jew.

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For what purpose? I don’t want to comment on YouTube videos anyways and people who don’t use dissenter won’t see your comments on YouTube anyways.

It’s basically a digital cuckshed that makes you homos think it’s okay the Googbull threw you out of the house.