Datamine cont'd
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its how divination works, truly a science of its own. Nostradamus made a full array of predictions which some he got right, some didnt happen, the ones that didnt happen were mostly because the margin of error for his prediction was too small.
you won't regret it
The Good looking Entp here, I replied to you anons in the other thread.
Hoo hoo Hee hee I can weasel out of any ensnarement of yours, I can trap you by your own gain, I can even smack you by your own game - Hoo hoo Hee hee I am the Entp - Hoo hoo Hee hee you see my genius as entropy, but you miss the point(not intended conveyance)that I am slippery like an eel and quick like a fox, my wit only matched by the fit of shit - Hoo hoo Hee hee I am the Entp.
Make that a tragic tail of masculine longing. And I'm glad you finally understand the truth of the universe who new a "Oh, you" pick could do that.
And user why have that pic honestly haha
>believing statistics gathered here
>believing a soft science
you don't possess friends, dumbass.
still not sure I understand the one you mean
found it today and loved it instantly
>not picking up on the Hitler quote
just kys
I'm a demon who literally possesses my friends into a compliance with charm and wit. AMA
I wish I had a discord - shame, it seems I shall only see you within these threads.
based Liszt poster
>still not sure I understand the one you mean
Now your just tugging my penis boot.
>found it today and loved it instantly
Btw that reminds me what Mbti are you?
I've always been more of a Goring guy myself.
fuck discord, Telegram is safe though
>Now your just tugging my penis boot.
>Btw that reminds me what Mbti are you?
still master race
>fuck discord, Telegram is safe though
Explain I need this.
>still master race
Ey fellow Entp, my forgetfulness and all.
INFJ mustard race here. How you all doing?
>Explain I need this.
the guy who made this has still not given up the encryption keys even when Putin asked, I trust him
not literally
>Ey fellow Entp, my forgetfulness and all.
>telegram is safe
Mate we just had hundreds of leaks of important people in the justice system and journalists thanks to telegram being a piece of shit service.
So what describes best INTP?
??? never heard of it
>the guy who made this has still not given up the encryption keys even when Putin asked, I trust him
Okay I'll try it.
>not literally
Yea I understood that, point still stands: wat?
Definitely prefer N over S. However the other 6 traits I have no significant preference and can switch them on or off at will. Mine that.
I'm not literally tugging your penis boot, that'd be gay
might want to hold on a sec with Telegram, hueanon might have some contradictory information
duly noted
>I'm not literally tugging your penis boot, that'd be gay
>might want to hold on a sec with Telegram, hueanon might have some contradictory information
>Tfw I just sent the 50 girls I have on call Liszt nudes
It's a big deal over here, Moro (our the guy in charge of your executive branch in our justice system currently and one of several judges who commended ex-president lula) had his phone hacked thanks to a what seems sources claim to be a flaw in telegram's security.
Gleen greenwald tried publishing the massages on the intercept but the messages wer found to be adulterated (ether by him or his source) in order to make the judge seem to be colluding with the prosecution.
An anonymous hacker said to have done the same to Glenn and published several mesages of his (most of which came form telegram again) which show him bribing politicians and talking to journalists in and the possible original hacker to adulterate the images and seeing if they could also manipulate voicemails. Glenn has refused to give his cellphone to the police so far in order to confirm or deny the allegation made against him by the new hacker.
I'm just never using telegram again after this.
and you get it.
Please never post that image again.
here is one of the articles in English for you to read. This is still ongoing and the police are still investigating all of this. So there's
no way to know what really happened.
>>Tfw I just sent the 50 girls I have on call Liszt nudes
well, you didn't seem to care much for humility anyway
seems shady af honestly, there's no proof of any of it being legit
>well, you didn't seem to care much for humility anyway
I'll let you know I am the most humile user in this thread so much greater and more so than any other.
Btw user could you bring up that Mbti writings thing, it doesn't work on my computer. Could you process this, I wrote it when I was 13-14 so forgive the cringe but I just want to see if my writing style has changed in any analytical sense or I just reached a maximum of expression within short posts as I saved it for some reason after sending it to an user and it's just collected dust:
That the show (I will go into the books after however I do admit I have not read them yet later points would suggest it is to the same effect as the show by what I shall state) relies
upon mans most basic instinctive responses "fear", "anger", etc. It does not offer itself to culminate towards an ideal (most media does not but it in this case it is a shewing of utter
disconnection) and I mean ideal as a hierarchical expression of value rather than the common understanding of the wishful positive. It offers no psychological recursion - no return to
the Psyche and its own - the chick is birthed from the egg, unknowing.. nay un-wanting to make its own.
m8 I got much worse
thx I'll look into it
Interesting, I did that test few times over the years and it always results in INTJ and apparently famous people who are estimated to be INTJ are for example Vlad Putin and Elon Musk. I wonder how accurate this personality test is.
True Glenn is a confirmed socialist that hates this government (his own word)s and is one of (((them)). But even so the cellphones of the judge Moro and several people in our judiciary system have been hacked according to the police, even if the messages were faked. So the security concerns are real.\invite\DDYPBuw
sry m8 it was finnanon that had the link to that, I'd never heard of it before
he should be back with beer soon though
>the security concerns are real.
true but I mean at out level it's not that much of a concern tbf
>no loli
depends on how maxed out your sliders are
>sry m8 it was finnanon that had the link to that, I'd never heard of it before
>he should be back with beer soon though
Oh yea hah. Damn I hate Australian security.
>Australian security.
What can you tell about attached picture?
ENTP fag here
im you with less extremes.
Have your exact same values except for my mind being 90 percent introvert. weird.
I read the article and there's not much about Telegram or how reliable the leaks are
not sure what to believe honestly
much autism, teal deer is the same type and made a video on it but I can't find it anymore
we're very numerous here
I'm Australian.
roight cunt
I still don't the see link
Hey mate, you do you. Even if you go by the worst case scenario they didn't willingly give the info away but where hacked. So they are alredy 10 times better than most other similar services.
For all I know Glenn is just lying about the whole thing and the polices is just what they are saying as a prevention measure.
remember when we used to be the near top group and second - but then all the INTJ's flooded in now we've been bumped down to third.
link? Also I got a fucked over ip that I've been explaining for a couple days but I don't feel like doing now so I'll do later. Watch any anime?
They're just summerfags
No I meant like over a year ago.
that's also my sentiment
I'll keep using it because honestly idk any better alternative
maybe signal?
I mean the link between finnanon and strayan security
> Watch any anime?
not much, half way though NGE but I'm showing it to my parents so I'm not going very fast
>I mean the link between finnanon and strayan security
Oh no I was just remarking that the autistic aussie internetz stops one from going to certain sites. I can disable it but too much effort for lazy entp.
>not much, half way though NGE but I'm showing it to my parents so I'm not going very fast
I'm probably in the same boat but I wouldn't show my parents. I've only seen like 6 or 7 anime, have you ever seen NGE before? Kaji was a funny and relatable character.
>the autistic aussie internetz stops one from going to certain sites
especially when you don't have the link
>wouldn't show my parents.
why not? I'm interested to hear what thy think of that kind of culture
>I've only seen like 6 or 7 anime,
I was a weeb in HS but I only watch the very good ones now
> have you ever seen NGE before?
it's my 1st time UwU
>Kaji was a funny and relatable character.
yeah I like him so far
Rei or Asuka?
>especially when you don't have the link
>why not? I'm interested to hear what thy think of that kind of culture
Well I mean some parts are just so cringe.
>it's my 1st time UwU
Ahh well I won't say much except that shiji dies. I'm joking user. End of Evangelion is is also good though somewhat more of a darker tone and ahhh you know all those subtext Freudian and Occult themes - yea well End of Evangelion really focuses on them so it isn't just about the psychology of the individuals anymore as it is in the main show so whatever you do watch it first and you decide if you want to sit through "some" parts with your parents. Though I like both the original and later ending they somewhat both coincide.
>I was a weeb in HS but I only watch the very good ones now
pic related. Highschool was when I started watching it but could only handle some of them. Btw have you seen Jin-Roh? It's probably my favourite anime, it's a film that's been dubbed and is all on youtube in perfect quality. It's definitely something you could watch with your parents and from memory a quite a few big names made it. It's entirely serious and is very entertaining and methodical without trying to be "bro deep" like ghost in the shell. Though it's not "dark" either. I would say the only critique for it is the hyper obvious and consistently thrown in your face themes and symbolism which gets a bit "of course".
>Rei or Asuka?
Asuka without a doubt, the creator literally said he forgot about Rei because of how lifeless she is. They both have their redeeming quality's but just Asuka without a doubt. The creator said when being told most Western viewers preferred Asuka he stated "Funny, here everyone likes Rei - they can't handle a strong woman"
Life as an very attractive ( yet autistic ) med student here in Colombia
INTJ life can be a curse sometimes
>some parts are just so cringe.
well you can't know that unless you've seen it already and my parents seem to like it so I'm glad we're watching it together
>I'm joking user.
never heard of it but definitely look it up
>Asuka without a doubt
same, she's a bit annoying but at least she can have some fun and her insecurities are very kawaii
I may change my mind by the end of it but I seriously doubt it
How do you know youre not ENTJ?
>well you can't know that unless you've seen it already and my parents seem to like it so I'm glad we're watching it together
Yea well that's fine it's somewhat of a gimmick to be watching "those Japanese big eyed cartoons".
>I swear it's a joke user
pic related
>never heard of it but definitely look it up
It's a classic, I'll find the link for you in a second.
>same, she's a bit annoying but at least she can have some fun and her insecurities are very kawaii
I may change my mind by the end of it but I seriously doubt it
Honestly I just found myself liking her more throughout the show, something about a strong woman especially how she's portrayed is just quite attractive
>but user she's 14
Well I first watched it when I was 14.
Cool link
Here it is user Jin-Roh the Wolf Brigade
I just did the test and answered all questions honestly. Furthermore I spend most of my time by myself and feel comfortable being alone.
>being an introvert in 2019
Lmaoing at your life
ENTP master-race
>When you try and seem smart and superior
>Yea well that's fine it's somewhat of a gimmick to be watching "those Japanese big eyed cartoons".
it's fine imho, some of these cartoons clearly aren't for kids
>pic related
tfw no pic
>>but user she's 14
no objections there, anime is anime
oh shit that's what that is? yeah that looks amazing, I'll watch it this week end
sounds sarcastic but it's literally one click away
Oh and yes this is the anime that all those Right Wind death squads images came from.
lol @ people still talking about MBTI. That's so 2005.
>ENTP master-race
why would you take this fag seriously?
Sometimes i really wonder that
I too like being alone but at times at class for instance I always prefer to strategically be with someone
Being alone at all times makes you an easy target for vulture and people that would categorize you as a reject for not wanting to engage
>sounds sarcastic but it's literally one click away
I am nor sarcastic, I was justin bumping the thread with something more than just bumb
>it's fine imho, some of these cartoons clearly aren't for kids
Was having a joke user. I would say most anime are at the level of a childs cartoon in quality but at an adults level in content.
>tfw no pic
Forgive the joke fuckup
>no objections there, anime is anime
True b..but what about lolis(you bedda not fucking say it)?
>oh shit that's what that is? yeah that looks amazing, I'll watch it this week end
Yea it's really fucking good, it's in a world where Germany won WW2 so even more fucking based.
kden, enjoy your stay ;)
>you bedda not fucking say it
there is literally nothing wrong with loli
>it's in a world where Germany won WW2 so even more fucking based.
absolute must see, messaging my friend to let him know we're watching it for our next weed/movie session
>inb4 degenerate
I used to smoke a lot it's just occasional now
bit of unrelated fun I just happened to find
I always point out something you niggers never want to consider
>maybe certain personality types don’t care about your nuscience horoscopes
>maybe certain personality types don’t contribute to polls
>maybe certain personality types don’t even join your threads at all because they are off-topic/topicless/data mines
>etc etc
Your data is useless because the participants are SELF-SELECTED rather than RANDOMLY SELECTED from the population.
>there is literally nothing wrong with loli
user... I'm not saying that you are attracted to little kids but seriously it's pretty degenerate. You are literally training yourself to be sexually attracted to cartoon kids - I understand it is different psychologically but it's still fucking degenerate.
>absolute must see, messaging my friend to let him know we're watching it for our next weed/movie session
Kek it'll probably seem really deep because of that. Also that doesn't play that much of a major role but is more so just part of the story and world. The creator of it had made live actions films before (haven't seen them) in the same universe I think called the Kerberos saga or something like that which the anime is based off though surprisingly it seems the anime is the undisputed masterpiece. It's a shame they never made an anime sequel or series out of it. Like a mini-series so just a really long film split up. Ahh what could of been.
>I used to smoke a lot it's just occasional now
Wut I'm not that type of guy, I trust you do it however often fits your ability. If it's just an occasional thing as you said it's fine - when you'r smoking it every day or every second day that's when it becomes degenerate or even every week but circumstance starts to play a greater part at that point.
Hope you like the film user, you should check out Angel's egg or Ghost in the shell (the anime not the gay film) for your next weed session. They'll supply just enough "bruuuugh" effect. Though of course neither match Jin-Roh and I wouldn't put them on my favourites.
Try watching Perfect blue, it's an anime about loss of innocence, a girls slow psychological deterioration. Really good anime -
>picture of John Wayne
>"this image contains sensitive content"
obvs the polls are skewed but it"s still interesting
>brb gonna eat somth
lol such an entj
>he doesn't get a joke and because of his assburgers he thinks he's a genius
You wanna see a bit of unrelated fun? I got it baby:
>Tfw you hear Jordan Peterson laugh about a story of a woman getting chopped up by a chainsaw
Everyone thinks I'm lying when I say this but no one clicks on the video.
>You are literally training yourself to be sexually attracted to cartoon kids -
lol I'm not fanatically into loli I just think cartoons are harmless
>I understand it is different psychologically but it's still fucking degenerate.
by nothing wrong I meant not any more degenerate than regular porn
> The creator of it had made live actions films before (haven't seen them) in the same universe I think called the Kerberos saga or something like that which the anime is based off though surprisingly it seems the anime is the undisputed masterpiece.
if it's that good I might watch those too
>Ahh what could of been.
I must reeeeeeee
>Wut I'm not that type of guy,
well this is Jow Forums after all
>If it's just an occasional thing as you said it's fine
I think all drugs are fine with moderation,except maybe sick shit like krokodil but at this point might as well snort jenkem
>you should check out Angel's egg or Ghost in the shell
most def will
>Try watching Perfect blue, it's an anime about loss of innocence, a girls slow psychological deterioration.
sounds really sad though :/
twitter is fucking retarded
after seeing the trailer it doesn't seem that bad, I might watch
fake and gay faggot
is that really him laughing?
>lol I'm not fanatically into loli I just think cartoons are harmless
They are harmless in the sense of being attracted to normal kids however you must understand the line. It is degenerative to depict paedophilia in any form.
>by nothing wrong I meant not any more degenerate than regular porn
Oh okay than yea I guess I could agree. But it's sure as hell more normal to appreciate say this wemb (not wank) then any porn or jap porn.
>if it's that good I might watch those too
Haven't seen them myself though and from the trailer they look quite different, though it could just be a bad trailer.
>I must reeeeeeee
My bad *what could regarded been
>well this is Jow Forums after all
>I think all drugs are fine with moderation,except maybe sick shit like krokodil but at this point might as well snort jenkem
Kek user I have to agree with you here (though maybe minus the later).
>sounds really sad though :/
Yea it is but then again so is Angel's egg and Ghost in the Shell, as well as Jin-Roh though in a much more masculine "it must be so" somewhat way. If you think Perfect blue is sad you'll probably be depressed by Ghost in the Shell kek because of robots. The latter show has redeeming quality's and is on average a good film though it tries too hard to be deep I found to be really very overrated. Still worth a watch.
Yea but I didn't think that fucking sensitive yeeash.
Could be a cough, could be a laugh, I find it hilarious either way.
Holy shit. He's been using that Nietzsche line for a long time.