Anyone want to talk about Islamic Mysticism?
I'm curious about the deeper stuff.
Any Muslims Here?
stay away.
sure what do you want to know
I think your question might be too deep for the likes of 4 chan...
Well I'm not sure. I guess it's a pondering. Out of the 4 big religions, Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Islam is the most recent. Made after things like Neo-platonist, Hermeticists, Gnostics, so the mysticism from Islam must have been in the position to build on the concepts from all of these mystic traditions, especially Islams geographical location as being the crossroads of the world.
It's spread to so many and continued growth must fill some kind of spiritual need in people, so I'm just trying to understand the metaphysical side of it.
I mean, symbolically the idea that one orientates themselves towards god (Mecca) and bows, seems to have deep meaning that you are cognizant the pillar of spiritual light and harmonize yourself with God's will.
Just a kind of stream of consciousness answer would be fine, musings, how you interpret it, things people don't understand about Islam. Just that kind of stuff
> t.The_Donald leddit fag
Islamic deep secrets?
Well the deepest secret here: Allah is Satan and Muhammad is burning in hell in eternity.
Go to /lit/. There are several good threads there on Islamic Sufism. Start with Rene Guenon since he's a Western convert who you should have the easiest time relating to. As for here you won't find anything dont bother.
Muhammed was a pedo. That deep enough for you?
>dat star
isnt that star like satanic or something desu?
Why are you humiliating Christians in Pakistan? You are terrible.
yeah, that's chemical weapons, not inbreeding.
ignorant memes like this are why i'm ok with your impending replacement.
you won't be missed.
I'm not doing anything.
See, I just don't think that Islam could have spread as much as it did and endured the ages if it was founded in absolutely nothing but lies.
There must be something that resonates with people.
>asking high IQ questions on low IQ board
All bullshit. Christianity was created to repel the jews/gypsies/middle east but obviously everybody was an evil asshole who hated Jesus for being a good boy scout hippy.
The Crusaders were created against the Ottomans.
Muslim was created as a sub religion simply to gain power by Middle East's equivalent of Hitler and the nazis.
Asia and the Middle East are such nice sensitive people that they completely ignored Muhammad when he attempted Christianity, but when he started pillaging caravans and raping suddenly everybody was yelling like a bunch of hyped up football fans.
Goes to show how innocent gypsies are.
Oh and Muhammad's army caused the Dark Ages. Seriously.
christcucks are weak and deserve to be humiliated
christianity is the reason why the west is collapsing to third world hordes of savages because these low IQ retards think that N'Gubu will start acting like a white person if he has a cross around his neck
You know Sufi’s make up less than 1 percent of Muslims and are considered heretics, right?
Kill yourself goat fucking war mongering pedo worshipping abomination.
Ottomans didn't even exist when the Crusades started.
LMAO yeah, the threat of being murdered tends to resonate with most people
Sufism isn't a single monolithic sect. It's just a general term that indicates someone is interested in the esoteric aspects of religion more than exoteric. Sufis can be be anything from Islamists to libatrds. Guenon himself was an Islamist.
Look into Alevi mysticism
protip; I am God
Catholics aren't Christians
It was literally the right-wing of the Middle East. The promise of ruling the world while at the same promising bullshit like The Nazis and Americans is literally what every philosophy is based on.
>Hey I got a religion - good what do you do in it? - well basically you're a hippy sitting around and preaching nice things
>Hey I got a religion, you actually do cool fun stuff in it like pillage the SJW caravans, fight against the SJW, fight for a "noble" cause. Take control of the world. Raise to power. Fight the power. Sex, drugs, rock n roll. We'll be seen as gods, the mafia, gangs, nobody will mess with us.
Literally all movements in a nutshell.
because you know, there are NPC versions of religion and then there is the deeper stuff.
Like Christianity for example, the NPC version of it is
>you're a piece of shit just for existing
>you're going to hell
>but don't worry
>Jesus is a super hero
>believe in Jesus and you wont go to hell
>the end
But the deeper mysticism of Christianity is really rich and there is a lot of good in contemplating the 100% mortal/100% divine aspect of christ, since all human beings are 100% made of material and simultaneously their spirit is 100% divine and immortal. The idea of this shared spirit between yourself and god. Jesus being symbolic of the relationship of mankind with the father. That mankind is the embodiment and image of God made manifest on earth, that inanimate material can be made conscious and powered by the holy spirit.
So Islam has an NPC dumbed down version of it that I'm sure is corrupted and has been commandeered for social/political control machinations. But I'm not asking about any of that stuff. I'm asking about the contributions that Islamic thought and ideas brought to the metaphysics of analyzing the human soul and the relationship to god.
Fuckin love comin here for the mad opinions.
Cannot even imagine what you look like irl mate. Bonkers
This is what Muhammad did for the first ten years. Jesus himself rocked some Jews in their temples and called them the synagogue of Satan.
>he was the right wing of the Middle East
Are you retarded? By pagan standards Muhammad was extremely liberal.
Oh, don't you have collective responsibility?
Yes...yes...Muhammad was the first Feminist; Islam was the first Democracy
>There must be something that resonates with people.
It's called wanting to live.
Mohammed didn't have much luck spreading his "philosphy" and was run out of Mecca. He licked his wounds, learned to suck his own dick, and got really pissed about being kicked out of town.
So Mohammed convinced some wicked men to follow and support him. He suckered them into this by promising them spoils of pillaging and murdering those that refused to follow him later.
After building his army of darkness, he was ready to go back to Mecca and "convince" those that had kicked his ass out before that his made-up, bullshit religion of Jizzlam was the path to worshipping himself.
Mecca fell to Mohammed and his army of darkness. The people were given a simple choice. Convert to Jizzlam or be put to the sword. Miraculously, most converted.
Mohammed had found the magic formula to spreading his religion of bullshit. So he and his army of darkness went on to conquer many areas of the Mid-East and Apefrica.
So today we learned that if you murder helpless people to set an example, then threaten the rest of the people that they will be murdered unless they convert to your own bullshit religion, people will usually convert.
It's called self-preservation.
>Islam was the first democracy
>Muhammad was the first feminist
In the midst of pagans he certainly was.
This is false. Non Muslims pay the jizya and live in Muslim states.
>he met some wicked people in Madinah
What? His leading commanders and leaders were literally the guys from Mecca
>Arabia fell to darkness
From what? The light of paganism?
Well Christianity was spread by the Roman empire to try to legitimize their rule over many different ethnic groups, cultures, and regions.
Converted many by the blade of the sword.
That doesn't make the theological work done within Christianity invalid. Likewise with Islam, even if your entire post was true, there were scholars who grew up in the Islamic tradition that did genuinely believe the religion and pursued spirituality in earnest.
That's the stuff I'm asking about.
Besides, again, if it was pure bullshit then it would have fallen apart and not fed the spiritual needs of people. Christianity is the same way, even if you think the there was never a virgin birthed demi-god who died for your sins, the symbolism, the narrative, the contemplation of the stories filled spiritual needs of the people.
I mean, look at communism, it spread big time but it was based on lies and an ignorance of human nature, it used utter brutality to achieve its ends, since it was grounded in a bedrock of lies it caused starvation and within 100 years of the bolshevik revolution, there are what? less than a half dozen countries in the world that claim to be communist?
As I'm telling you this isn't the best place to learn it. All you'll get is pasta spam. Go to /lit/.
>where Mary was called "my mother"
What the fuck Catholics already do this? And Muhammad did indeed criticize the Nazereen sect as well as extend the criticism to other sects that deified Mary along with mainstream Christians who call her the "mother of God". Mary is not claimed to be part of the Trinity but rather as a God taken BESIDES Allah instead of alongside him.
you're here, why not ignore the shitposting and share your thoughts? Reading well written theological texts would be nice, but I want to know the perspective and thoughts of someone who is learning themselves, someone who isn't a master of the subject, but at least respects the subject. What it is like to be a Muslim, knowing there is this depth to it, but then having to face a world that denies all that depth and also seeing the vast majority of muslims/the presentation of islam fail to convey that depth.
It must be very frustrating. Likewise in the west obviously, the christian churches do such a piss poor job of teaching/conveying this stuff and many of the alternative religions really miss the mark as well. It sucks when you go into Paganism threads on Jow Forums and all they do is "f-fucking christians!" and don't even discuss paganism and the symbolism of the cultural stories captured to explain divine law. Because it is there, and there is great insight to be gained from various ethnic pagan traditions, but even self professed pagans only scratch the surface.
To me serving God is a multi phase arrangement that can only be achieved when one moves passed the exoteric and begins to examine the great gifts of God. To me the greatest state of bliss can be the acknowledgement of God as one who creates that which brings you happiness and how he continues to do so. This realization is ultimately the first and foremost step to coming to know God. The worldly duty of man is ultimately to put his fellow men in a position where he to can come to know God. Through these acts he elevates his fellow men and himself by freeing himself from the desires of the flesh. In this pursuit it is necessary that man be tempted by such desires first before learning to move past them. Yet placing man in such a position where he may begin to elevate himself is all that can be done. The decision to pursue and achieve salvation rests with the man.
Islamists are just useful idiots. They are a good source of harmless enemies. Enemies are important for a healthy society because it creates cohesion. If everyone got along well with each other, there would be no nationalism.
If Israel was formed in Uganda or Argentina instead of in the middle of Islamic barbarism, it would be full of lefties it wouldn't have existed as a Jewish country for more than 20 years. It would have turned into a sort of Brazil. Because Islamists here always chimp out, all of the borders here are completely closed and no Muslim in his right mind would think of immigrating here.
>by freeing himself from the desires of the flesh.
>The decision to pursue and achieve salvation rests with the man.
See,yeah, I believe that too. There are two appetites, appetites of the soul and appetites of the flesh. There is a constant pull towards the will of God, it's how all people, in all places, in all ages come to be spiritual in the first place, to be aware of an non-present "ought" in the face of "what is".
>the first and foremost step to coming to know God.
yep, and I think that whether intentionally or not, western society does such a poor job at explaining the nature, form, and the very idea of God. They fail to make it a point to remind everyone that the light of god is in each person that is waiting, begging, the unfold itself and have that person act in accordance with divine law.
>The worldly duty of man is ultimately to put his fellow men in a position where he to can come to know God.
can you elaborate on this a bit?
What would this mean functionally?
>Non Muslims pay the jizya and live in Muslim states.
Sane people (non-Muslims) don't convert to Jizzlam. They are FORCED to pay the Jizzonya tax or they are put to death. Beheaded. This is not the way Muslims try to frame it. It is exttortion.
Mohammed figured out that he could get richer by forcing innocent, sane people to pay the Jizzonya tax so they could live, work, and keep paying that extortion.
Jizzlam is of the devil. No two ways about it. All religions have an element of humans adding their own traditions, beliefs, etc. into the religion but Jizzlam is pure bullshit of Mohammed making shit up as he copied Christian texts and teachings, then twisting them to suit and benefit himself. Pure bullshit. Or camel shit.
>he met some wicked people in Madinah
I didn't say this. You made it up.
>Arabia fell to darkness
You're so desperate that you make shit up I didn't say. Follow Mohammed's example and suck your own dick, cocksucker.
>if it was pure bullshit then it would have fallen apart and not fed the spiritual needs of people.
It's pure bullshit because Mohammed stole his ideas and much of his scripture from Christians and their texts and teachings. This is obvious in Jizzlam. He literally copied from Christians.
That's the only reason some stupid people actually believe in Jizzlam and what it teaches. Of course, Mohammed teaching that anyone that leaves Jizzlam should be put to death can't be discounted. It's an active threat.
Mohammed learned that if he threatened people with death (or extortion) if he didn't murder them, and they "joined" his fucked up religion, then he just had to threaten them with death if they wised up and ever left Jizzlam. Either way, he gained followers through murder, threats and extortion. Religion of peace, my ass!
Mohammed used what he knew of Christianity to provide a base to feed the spiritual needs of the people. The rest is pure violence and threats of violence.
You don't serve Allah. You serve Satan, Mohammed's best friend.