Don't they just want to trade peacefully with the world? Some people claim that China is colonizing Australia, NZ and Canada but if that's true they brought it on themselves.
Yeah, they want to rule their own backyard and won't allow Uighurs to turn Xinjiang into East Turkestan but seriously, anyone who wants to fight WW3 over Vietnamese fishing rights needs his head checked.
China is building infrastructure all over the world and is spending lots of money on research because of their MadeInChina2025, how is that a bad thing? Why not just let them have Taiwan and Tibet? Does the world REALLY need East Turkestan? Does the principle of self-determination of peoples still fit in the 21st century?
Why does everyone say that China is the enemy?
Not necessarily the enemy. Just a threat to global dominance
Don't listen to bourgeois pigs
Nobody says that. We just say that it's a shithole filled with soulless bug people that should be wiped off the face of the earth. We don't say that they are enemies or anything. That would just be rude.
China is the enemy
The enemy of the jews
The jews control the media
The media will tell you China is your enemy
It's turning the only first world Asian country besides Japan into a shithole
also shitty propaganda
The Chinese pay their citizens to move to parts of Africa to begin mining the rich minerals and great natural resources of the final wild west
They are in Afghanistan as we speak doing the same while we fight 'ISIS, Assad, Kurds, etc.'
They are not to be trusted. The chinese are fucked over there man. Remember the social currency points that they have been using?
You lose points when you buy alcohol adn employers see these arbitrary numbers and they can decide not to hire you due to your societal habits and vices
They're determined to turn anyone even in close proximity into obedient bugmen. I'd rather not have their soul-crushing authoritarianism spread any farther than it needs to.
Nevar 4get that when Google agreed to build the Great Firewall of China was the moment when Internet freedom was doomed. Then western rulers looked at it and decided they wanted that kind of power for themselves. And so here we are today.
>Does the principle of self-determination...
Chinese don't self-determine shit.
>The enemy of the jews
That makes no sense. The Jews already got to them a long time ago.
>the final wild west
That's the Subarctic, not niggerland. Africa is overpopulated as shit while Canada and Siberia have woods where no human has ever stepped foot into and the largest amount of minerals, rare earth metals and gems in the world.
HK was only leased and if the Chinese are unhappy with how things are run in China it's up to them to fix it.
They engage in genetic tampering and ai reasearch and all non christians among them will be exterminated by Jesus like everywhere else
Let me put it simply me german freund, China is playing Civilization, and they're playing to win, all victories at once obviously, and thanks to the wests crippling issues of..non issues and trash modern leftist influence. they have the easiest difficulty too
>What's wrong with concentration camps?
>t. German from any century
>implying the chinks and the jews aren't working together
those poor muslims receiving free reeducation oh no
Because this is mostly American board and they are very insecure about China's success.
They developed their infrastructure enough to rise everyone's base level of living, now they are developing culturally. You can see now their games start to look really good and promising, movies start to look good and culturally intuitive for west people, they are promoting and making new inventions and original content, they lead in their efforts to have pollution solutions. They are based.
Reminder that every country stole and cheated and made high industry tariffs their way to success. The WTO and "free trade" treaties are specifically made to fuck over developing countries to make them mainly exporters of materials rather to be able to develop their industry.
My only contention with them is what they want to do with Hong Kong and Taiwan. Both on principles of self-determination.
user, you a POS, the main thrust of your OP was based on self-determination. Then you justify China fucking over the people of Hong Kong.
You're either retarded, or a shill of some kind.
You would not let Hawaii secede either
figures that OP is a braindead turknigger
Fuck China in the vagina.
what political orientation are you?
in the worst case scenario the world will look at the Chinese as "first people" thi is which would be unpleasant... Do you say that a possible third world war will be possible?
Whatcha doin, Xi?
you sure about that Moshi? show your flag, kike. you've been found out.
Canada and Siberia have nukes, you say?