You all thought I was crazy but I warned you

Obama 3d scanning pic was "organically" pushed to the front page of leddit this morning: Now there's a thread on the front page with a Jim Carrey (rabid TDS anti-trumper) deepfake of his face replacing Jack Nicholson in The Shining. Also a thread on the front page about how the Russians faked that Seth Rich leaked the DNC stuff.

All coincidentally a few days after Epstein is arrested and all the elite pedos are about to be exposed.

What they're doing is:
>promote the Obama 3d scan event all over social media to remind people "a 3d scan of Obama's head exists"
>promote deep fake articles etc so it's fresh in everyone's mind
>a week later the Epstein case reveals videos of Obama and other celebs/elites having "hot dog" parties
>shills & MSM spam the airwaves with "no it's not Obama, remember the 3d model & deepfakes you just got reminded about a week ago? our technology experts here at CNN have determined that this disturbing video is just the 3d Obama model's face on someone's body, probably an attack by the alt-right russian bots to frame him!"

That's stage 1, and everyone on the left wants to believe it even if it's a lie just like they now believe Trump and Epstein are BFFs despite any contrary evidence. Then stage 2 as the election approaches:
>240p deepfake video of Alec Baldwin (or whoever) with Trumps face fucking some kids is spammed
>"remember how Trump is Epstein's best friend and bragged about him fucking kids?? our experts have determined this is NOT a 3d model! Trump is a monster!"

this is unironically going to happen. watch for how much deepfake news gets promoted in the next few weeks. just a coincidence, goy?

Attached: deepfake_trump.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

Other urls found in this thread:


They’ve been prepping against this release.

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screencap my warning. they know they can’t prevent the vids from getting out now so they’re prepping ahead of time. when it happens you’ll see this exact narrative play out exactly as I’ve described.

yup. you’re gonna see articles and news stories and trending social media about deepfakes like crazy from now until those videos come out
>”no that’s not Hillary that’s just another Russian alt right deepfake don’t even watch it! hey look at this guy he thinks the video is real he doesn’t even know what deepfakes are listen you alt right deplorable Rachel Maddow explained it all last night!”

Michael B. Mukasey, Eighty-First Attorney General, 2007-2009 Department of Justice, appointed by George W. Bush.

In 2005, Alexander Acosta appointed as the U.S. Attorney for Southern District of Florida by George W. Bush.

In 2008 after cutting Epstein deal, Alexander Acosta was named 100 most influential individuals in business ethics.

Alexander Acosta nominated by Donald Trump 2017, to fill the position of United States Secretary of Labor.

Michael Mukasey is Rudy Giuliani’s former law partner.

Michael Mukasey also was the judge in the litigation between developer Larry Silverstein and several insurance companies arising from the destruction of the World Trade Center.

The DOJ & FBI operate under the EXECUTIVE; the "President" is the ultimate boss of them both, wink wink nod nod.

The President of the Mukasey, Acosta, Epstein deal?: George W. Bush.

"I only hire the best." KGB MOSSAD CIA handled Donald Trump..

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They are desperate using AI to hide victims and perps deep deep fakes.

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people are dumb enough to believe real evidence is deepfakes.... we might lose guys. nice being part of the cause, but deepfakes are the kryptonite of truth and might win in the end......

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I forgot about this one, I saw that the other day too. they’re pushing as hard as possible to fill normies heads with how these vids aren’t real the same as they’re pushing all the trump Epstein stuff. they can’t stop the vids from coming out but they can get people to not bother watching them or to believe they aren’t seeing what they’re seeing

Keep spreading the truth faggot
100th monkey effect is real

it’s their only play and it’ll work because it lets normies keep their heads in the sand and refuse to believe their heroes in Hollywood and the elite are depraved monsters.

it doesn’t even matter if they actually win all they need to do is muddy the waters with a gish gallop of doubt so people can dismiss the truth and promote the lie to keep their world view from shattering

News last week on BBC about deep fakes.
Guess they can't stop what's going to drop from dropping, so all of this "lol! look at the funny videos lol! computers, lol, you can fake anything!" bullshit is going on.

seeing isn't always believing

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>this is unironically going to happen.
yeah but we already know, so basically future elections will come down to who has the video with their hard dick deepest into a minor then they measure dicks and whoever had their dick the farthest into a child is the loser?

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They are pushing deepfakes now more than ever. Kamala Harris will have a tape of her in an orgy getting a money shot. As well as a Gillibrand tape. Archive this link and bring it up when it happens. They will literally bring up porno during the 2020 election and we will laugh.

Yup. Saved

How can the right compete with this? Faith?

And when the time stamps on the video are from prior to 2019 as well as being filmed on SD cameras that were the highest quality available to the time. What then huh huh huh. Also they don't need a 3d model of obnog to go with. He is one of the most photographed people in the world. Anyone could model a 3d animation of him if they wanted. Now the real question, if the video looks like him but has less wrinkles and he still has his black hair. Wat do kikeroonis?

>Remember folks that video is just frame rates of still pictures. Forensics can determine with 100% accuracy the difference between fake and authentic raw evidence.

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>How can the right compete with this?
by making people understand WHY deepfakes are being pushed right now. people have been talking about special effects for at least since the 70's, but only now it's getting big recognition as if it's something new

OMG you're trying too hard
Trump runs Pedogate now, in Trump's Hotels all around, Mossad monitors the ops and US gov provides logistics.
That business' purpose is to collect dirt then practice blackmail.
Informations are used to make the ZOG stronger and richer.
All US Presidents are part of it, without exception.

Yea and the audio recording of himmler admitting to the holocaust was just a voice actor. No really!

Epstein has been a mossad Deepfake all along , person never existed. There's no pics of him as a younger adult or a kid, no yearbook nothing. He's just a persona invented for kikes /glowniggers to invite high profile people to pedo island and blackmail them

t. French Jew.

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Just from the arrogance in your post, I can tell you don't speak a word of german.

I've been saying this for the last two months and its like talking to a brick wall. Imagine how difficult it will be for normies to get it.

i know you're all scared but there is nothing to worry about since the fakes can be easily identified.
hint: blood flow

They’re still going to get away with it user. Kikes run the world

You can tell all that but you couldn't tell the sarcasm? And did you miss the point that such a statement allows the doubters to be framed as holocaust deniers? Cognitive dissonance jujitsu. "Why would they just fake evidence like that for such serious crimes".

Of these videos do get published, will it be unironically illegal to watch them, compared to the “illegal” Wikileaks shit cnn tried to pull?

Except when they run out of places to run off to, and at this point their enemies are far more numerous than their ''allies'', if they can even be referred to as such given the traitorous attitude Yid have with their host nation, regardless of nationality.

Like who the fuck would accept them in at this point, when you're nearly insured to get stabbed in the back when they inevitably try again?

The tulsi gabbard pimple overlay was to prep for this as well

Sorry, i've read it as passive aggressive rather than sarcasm, my bad.

yup can you post the BBC story you saw? we’re collecting this all here we need to watch for this stuff the next few weeks

It actually won't be illegal to watch them because the historical importance of the video will outweigh the government interest in prohibiting snuff films

It's illegal to watch a snuff film, but it's legal to watch a surveillance camera video showing a person get murdered

An old example is filming battles in war (there are a bunch of films of people getting killed in WW2)

who gives a fuck

thx user this needs to be paid attention to. I thought I was crazy at first till I saw the Jim Carrey deepfake and Seth rich Russia stuff on the same day as the Obama scan. just a coincidence

user predicted this

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they wouldn’t actually use the model. the point is they’re crafting the elements needed to push a narrative. no normies knows how deepfakes or 3D models works. all they need is for your grandma to know “I heard about that they used those scan things on him and now the Russians are making fake videos with it! I saw it on CNN!”

Upscaling etc etc or reverse to fit camera models of the time, remove artefacts (or add them)or seamless video.
A reminder that the powers that be and the various no such agencies have tech at the minimum 20 years ahead of consumer and enterprise systems.

I couldn’t believe they spun the Epstein trump connection so well and so many people just ate it up without even comparing the flight logs of trump vs Clinton. they’re giving people what they WANT to believe to keep their world view from breaking. no normie wants to believe Obama throws a hot dog party it’s much easier to connect vague dots and believe the flimsy false narrative and go back to Netflix and twitter distractions

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But leddit is a lost cause. I fight and fight and fight on that website but keep getting censored and overwhelmed with negative backlash. I'm out of karma points!

this will be the opening salvo of the meme war that's just starting

Well for one deepfakes in video are actually poor quality and I've yet to see one that didn't have obvious artifacting. So long as the release's content isn't edited with crappy blend transitions (use frame cuts) and there are no obvious movement artifacts it will be easy to debunk or push burden of proof on the person claiming it's a deep fake. There's also some tech out there that can detect deep fakes. Worse case get someone to make a NN trained to detect deep fakes and get ahead of the new narrative with it.

it doesn’t have to be GOOD. just enough for a normie to glance or hear about it and believe it.

look at Charlottesville or the bike lock professor or the comet pizza shooter. there’s mountains of autistic evidence that prove the truth but it’s ignored and cast as a conspiracy. they just need to give people enough to believe the pretty lie and reject the ugly truth

Same. I got -99 karma then just deleted my account. I'm thinking about making a new one, but I now believe that a LARGE percentage of reddit users are fake (i.e., bots, or real people with many accounts pushing the same narrative)

the bad thing is that younger people probably believe what they read in the comments since they're impressionable and probably don't follow world news that much outside what they see on twitter and reddit

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To watch a video or picture can't and will ever be illegal. It's only the possession or distribution can be punished. Also how will they enforce that law? Impossible.

Ehh, least shitty conspiracy compared to many of the other ones being spammed. 6/10, do tell OP.

OP made me get up from bed to screenshot his post on PC

It won't make a difference kike, the tech is still buggy as shit.

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>There's also some tech out there that can detect deep fakes

You need nothing more than a program able to distinguish similar pictures from one another, which literally every single fucking computer that exist and that has graphic can do. That is how website like eyefinder and reverse image search works, they just juxtapose images until they get the image that fit it the most, it takes seconds to parse millions if not billions of picture due to how simple it is. You could easily code a program that look at the video and take note of the location of every single picture frame that were modified or has artifact present, since regardless of how it look to US, perfection is impossible and a computer can tell one pixel apart from another, so there will always be artifact and flaws, even if too small to see with the human eye.

Is there actually a way to tell deepfakes from the real deal?
We need to get a dedicated team on here, using our weaponized autism to counter this shit.

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It’s all planned anyway if your claims are true, it’s believable based on how fucking long this whole thing took, years.

Man, we're about to be living in some interesting times.

>believe what they read
Perhaps a section of the population yes and that section is the loudest. The normies don't take comments on plebbit at face value immediately. Despite the fact the younger generations have reduced MSM consumption and agree the media is manipulated, they still believe or want to believe when all the MSM pushes the same story; thats why it is so dangerous.

16 captchas.. wtf.

I dunno, feels like they fucked up big this time.

That's what we need to use.
Push the possibility, that 'just what if' (they) were using the deepfakes stuff to cover for themselves?
Let them answer the question themselves, once they arrive at the conclusion by themselves, their point of view will be deeply set.

Nice get out of jail free card, OP.

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shit is going to get insane. Creepy joe’s vids will be tame compared to what we’re all gonna be debating about and arguing over near election time

So, no one wants to talk about this?

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reminder that you can download the source code for Eulerian Video Magnification from MIT and run any video through the software to see if its a deepfake or not by checking bloodflow, micromovements, body and head respiration sync etc

Well CNN can do their own "analysis" but I'm pretty sure the SDNY is going to do digital forensics on these videos (if they haven't already) and they're not going to buy CNN's bullshit analysis. If the videos have been faked, they WILL be found out.

protip: do this with the assange interview that had all the weird glitches

Ya and then spread that evidence the same way all the evidence of Charlottesville, the bike lock prof, Seth rich, James alefantis, Clinton & Epstein etc has convinced normies?

It won’t matter if we can detect or prove a vid of trump fucking a 13yo is fake

So when an Epstein video showing Trump’s face comes out...

you know this world is fucked when you don't know what's real and what's not

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i want to untake this pill please

Fuck Yahoo. They're irrelevant and slowly going out of business. They're hoping that article brings them some thunder.

its too late friend

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Perhaps we should start responding to pics of Trump with Epstein, saying they are deepfakes... use their lame excuse against them?

Okay Q boomers, let's not get too crazy here.
Yes, elite pedos are a real thing, obviously.
And yes, the deepfakes hysteria is definitely a hedge against compromising videos of them potentially being released.
No surprise that Adam Schiff is sounding the alarm for it.
And no surprise that Nancy Pelosi's daughter is talking about her "faves" being caught up in the Epstein scandal.
Big news that Bill Clinton is issuing a statement about his relationship with Epstein (in which he lies, downplaying his closeness). Very, very big. Not the retirement that drug dealing globalist rapist had in mind.
And of course, if the Dems are so concerned about deepfakes then why the hell would Obama say "okay, I want to most accurate 3D model of my head as possible to exist"?
Obviously, it's a hedge. Obama and Big Bill, in their separate ways just these past few days. Wow.

HOWEVER, just because all of the above is fair analysis, that doesn't mean they're going to just dump all the info at once in the coming days and potentially turn the streets in to a bloodbath.
Don't hold your breath for that. These moves have to be made very slowly and Trump understands this.

What's significant though is that we're moving, bit by bit, toward a world where these topics are on the minds of ordinary people. Once you know what Jow Forums knows, you can't un-know it; you're either one of us now or you're prepared to defend pedos for perceived personal advantage. Very few will choose the latter. And more and more people know.

And this is all happening under and thanks to Trump's Presidency.
As always, Trump will weather the storm and face appalling allegations and - again like always - it'll turn out that he is being accused of things that his accusers are guilty of.

the deep fake conspiracy goes so deep they went back in time and faked pictures of trump Epstein and his madame from the 90's and 00s?

>you have jumped into the timeline where everyone on the planet is a conspiracy theorist.


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Video 2 and 3 seem interesting.

>Once you know what Jow Forums knows, you can't un-know it

normies dont come here. If it weren't for laddit, twatter and the huge Q thing, nobody would know what pol knows

We are all Infowarriors now

Sloppy job Putin. Dick

welcome to the next level kid

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Reddit does useful work in getting the word out even if it is cringe.
Qtards make us look bad.

Can anyone explain this

I’m surprised by it myself desu but it just hit me. the Epstein Pandora’s box is opening so they have to try disinformation and muddying the waters and it worked with the Epstein trump friendship shit. this is the best step for discrediting the vids

notice we haven’t heard fuck all about Russia in months after mueller report. Seth rich hasn’t come up in years. Now suddenly hey remember all the leaks are fake and Russians are faking fake stuff!!!

It pisses me off because we're actually fighting pedos, and all these Media Matters niggers are trying to shit up the board and stop us from getting real info.


RT or possibly Assange working with RT putting a weird message in, editing the video.
Someone knows what it means but not me.

this. the left is literally the party of Satan now. protecting pedophiles of all people just because they hate trump and their pedos have the right politics. it’s disgustinf

woah wtf

just like how Jussie smollett is going to prison? we’re about to enter a world of manipulation and double think that we can barely fathom

Oh COME ON with this horseshit. I believe these people are evil and fuck children and shit, but BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS? Cutting off someone's literal FACE?


we've seen this coming for 2 years now, just saying

>These moves have to be made very slowly and Trump understands this.
ya but that’s the point...the left is laying the groundwork now as much as possible while those slow moves execute so that by the time we get to the big names the groundwork is already there for normies to dismiss the evidence without even looking at it. same way normies won’t look into James alefantis’ Instagram or the podesta stuff etc

and of course the only truthful man has been deplatformed. they’re going to use the deplatforming they’ve been testing out to make sure that even if we can all prove the Obama vids are real or the trump vids are deepfakes etc that no one is able to reach an audience with it

never watch cartel videos, huh?

You'd be able to tell when a 3D scanned head is talking to you by just analyzing still frames. Modern 3D scanning tech/programs are fucking amazing, however, 3D isn't as good as they are implying it is.

t. 3D scanner who has used photogrammetry (which is what they are using to scan Onigger in the linked thread)

you must be new here

humans have not perfected computer generated imaging. yet.

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