Post anything and everything about deepfakes being talked about in the media so we can archive.

Media will use deepfake tech to push plausible deniability of fr4zz13dr1p and other blackmail videos

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Other urls found in this thread:


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last two days

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start at 0:05:57

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It’s happening.

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glad I’m not the only one who noticed this “organic” boost of deepfake stories happening lately. here’s what their plan is

The fear is palpable. Propaganda against disclosure.

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Obama 3D scan from 5 years ago was on the front page of Reddit this morning:
>”that’s not Obama the Russians used a 3D model of him remember the article you read?”

Someone please explain to a complete dumbass what "deepfake" is please


Facial manipulation. There are a ton of apps that make you "look like a woman" or whatever now. They can fake video of you. But if you look closely you can always tell its fake. And a government agency would be able to tell if the video was altered.

front page of reddit today, Jim Carey deepfake in The Shining:

just a coincidence


fuck i saw that. the comments gave me white hair

it's essentially photoshop for videos. it's a technology where you can make videos of people doing things even if the people didn't do them. there is supposedly AI that could detect it, and video forensics are pretty good at detecting fake from real

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Deep fake is this:

You can create model to recognize faces from pictures. Part of this model is that you change the face into matrix of features. This is just a huge box of numbers, which describe the face in detail.
Now you can go the other way around. You can also create a model that takes such a huge box of numbers and turn it back into a face. You can train this until it becomes perfect.
Congratulations, you just spend a lot of electricity to break up a face into a bunch of numbers and then take those numbers and change it back into the same fucking face. Neat eh? Pretty useless if you ask me...
Now, let's say you train models for two faces.
First you train a model for face A to change the face into numbers and then you train a model to turn the numbers of face A back into itself.
You do then do the same for face B.

You have now two flows:

face A -> number -> face A
face B -> number -> face B

Here comes the literal twist, what would happen, if we put the model that is supposed to create a face from numbers of face B to the numbers of face A? So we take a picture with face A in it and then screw the output function of face B on it, like so:

face A -> numbers -> face B

Well, what happens then is that face A is replaced by face B in the picture! Suddenly this is a cool tool.

That is what is behind deep fakes, simplified of course.

what is this shit

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cockteaser, enjoy your blueballs

Oh and it totally scales up. You only need to build up a database of input models and output models. That is the cool thing. Very modular. Just build an output model of Obama, Trump and the Queen of England and an input model of yourself and you can mimic them.

Remember folks that video is just frame rates of still pictures. Forensics can determine with 100% accuracy the difference between fake and authentic raw evidence.

Made it to the front page of reddit today. 70k+ upvotes.

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>ZOG forensic teams claims video (that no one else has access to) is a deepfake video of someone else dancing in a child face
>ZOG media parades this lie
I mean, the video doesn't even matter, no one will ever see the video and the media can say whatever they like about it; especially after having an already well established excuse "it was deepfaked"

you idiots need to spread this.

we are working on more, consolidating lots of info into easily shareable and spreadable images.

but you retards need to spread them

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Planet of the Apes (2001)

fucking similar tech has been around for 18 YEARS and people are acting like it's new.... gawd i hate reddit

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its actually makes normies hit rock bottom, understanding much of what they value is pointless. They'll either die a slow death or humanity will enter a new age

>Forensics can determine with 100% accuracy the difference between fake and authentic raw evidence.

But lawyers are going to lawyer. Let's hope a jury believes it's detectable

MoCap is different but I agree.

Fuck reddit.


Why do people choose usernames like this?

It's a 2 edged sword though. Governments rely on mass video surveillance to generate money in fines an convictions, social credit in China, etc. If they call into question all video evidence against them the same can then be done to their "evidence".

Notice they use Obama in this vid, putting the thought in everyone’s head of “Obama doing stuff I don’t want to accept is probably fake”:

buzzfeed no less kek

Don’t let this thread die keep starting it if it does. Over the next few weeks this is all going to ramp up because of Epstein this isn’t a coincidence it’s their plan and people need to be watching for these news stories and “organic” threads and social media trends

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notice that no one has made a popular deepfake of Trump - showing how it could be used on him, the same as obummer. its just as important that we know who we're being shown examples deepfakes of (hillary/obama) and who we arent.

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if you reduce the quality enough, pass it through a secondary input (un-enhance) it will be too hard to prove - even if the damage will already be done.

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We Own Real state in their head eh comrades.

(I posted this in another thread)
Is there actually a way to tell deepfakes from the real deal?
We need to get a dedicated team on here, using our weaponized autism to counter this shit.
Also, would be a good idea to have secondary meeting spots, places to regroup to if this place goes down if and when shit gets real.

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it wouldn’t matter if we could because it’ll be the same as Charlottesville and the bike lock professor and Clinton on Lolita Express and Seth rich etc. people don’t want to know the truth even if the evidence is blatant

Deepfake tech wasnt good enough back when HC and HA did the Very Bad Things.
But, MSM will try to say it was

There was a deepfake article about voice synthesis back in 2017 it was pulled. I don't remember where it was posted. The imitations were near perfect even including inflections

Yes there are SEVERAL FREE programs on GitHub to detect deep fakes.
Someone should make a new account, clone all the programs then write a script that can take an MP4 and put it automatically through all the programs and output the average probability of ALL of them.
It shouldn't be too hard, all of the tools are commandline ran, so a simple script to run them all on the same file is childsplay

no because there is still source material dingleberry

This. Anyone who has even remotely paying attention could see the set-up for these deep fakes a mile away.

The day these videos are released are proven to be real will be the ultimate happening. I'm getting a boner thinking about it

Exactly, people of all persuasions including conservatives have degrees in digital media engineering etc. Nobody is gonna put their career on the line and out themselves as a child abuse enabler by claiming that the detection algorithms are wrong.
Maybe they'll pretend that parkland survivor is studying it in Harvard or some shit lol

no one WANTS to believe the truth because it’s so sick and twisted. just like no one would ever believe the eyes wide shut party shit until Alex Jones went out and recorded that elite cult in the forest owl statue worshipping shit. people don’t want Obama or Hillary to be the people we know they are. and they want trump to be the monster who kills children at the border and rapes them etc. the people pushing all this know this

bump for justice. the shills n sliding have arrived

Can’t wait till technology totally renders any kind of democracy impossible. At least at that point our elite overlords will be able to drop the charade of pretending the American republic is still alive. There’s no way deepfake(s) aren’t going to utterly rail the 2020 election.

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Bump fuck kikes and nannies

2020 will make 2016 look like a little baby

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It’s gonna be the shitstorm to end all shitstorms user.

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Yeah but, nobody WANTS scumbags like that to get away with it so they WON'T claim the military are lying if the DOD come out and say they have proof and it's all real "We are just as disgusted as you guys"

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>Yeah but, nobody WANTS scumbags like that to get away with it so they WON'T claim the military are lying if the DOD come out and say they have proof and it's all real "We are just as disgusted as you guys"
what was it like being in a coma for the last 4 years?

i would think any professional video editor (or even not professional) would be able to tell a fake.

just like they were totally outraged about ed buck.. no wait, no one cares about evidence or how sick and fucked up someone is, as long as that person is on their side or can hurt trump.

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what are you going to do when this is all fake again? how many times do you need to be wrong?


>i would think any professional video editor (or even not professional) would be able to tell a fake.
and who would they tell it to? post it on a censored youtube channel? go on a mainstream news source run by kikes and the left? and even if they told it who would listen? all the people who listened about charlottesville, the bikelock prof, clinton on lolita express?

it won't matter if you can show them the exact pixels of the fake. their voice is going to be louder and get louder while silencing opposing voices, as we get closer to the 2020 election

when the evidence is revealed there will be non-partisan death squads.

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I admire your faith in humanity. but there won't be, any more than the left is going after bill clinton for raping girls or riding on the lolita express or gays for molesting kids at drag queen library hours or a million other things that show the left absolutely does not care about anything but hating trump and conservatives.

>what was it like being in a coma for the last 4 years?
When did the DOD make any emergency broadcast the last 4 years??

Face it, you are a demoralisation shill

good thing i didn't put up 6 gorillion pictures of myself on the internet ever so I don't ever have to worry about being deepfake'd

I don't even feel bad for you retards who put their entire lives on social media, you reap what you sow

Jow Forums hasn't predicted a single happening in the near decade it's existed. it only reacts to happenings. like always, everyone will just ignore they're wrong and hop on the train to the next doomsayer

>good thing i didn't put up 6 gorillion pictures of myself on the internet ever so I don't ever have to worry about being deepfake'd

Obama said, "if you think fake news is bad now, what you are going to start seeing is the ability to duplicate people's speech so distinguishing what's true and what's not is going to become even more difficult"

if only there were a record of everything that ever crossed a computer network logged in such a way as to provide cryptographic proof of which event happened before which other event

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>When did the DOD make any emergency broadcast the last 4 years??
I'm saying the left has spent 4 years denying the absolute worst shit no matter how much evidence there is or who that evidence comes from..they don't worship the DOD, the fact that the DOD does something doesn't mean anything to them. half of them called mueller a traitor and are demanding he go on trial for just not saying trump is guilty, and they worshipped him like a god up till the report was released. your idea that somehow they're going to go "oh but wait the DOD said it so it's real!!" instead of "omg trump has taken over the DOD to attack his political opponents, the DOD is the swamp now" is a charming bit of naivete.

i don't go outside

>is a charming bit of naivete.
Much like yours, in the sense that they're gonna have a hard time disbelieving digusting videos paired with subsequent videos of the scumbags in handcuffs
Snoop Dogg posts picture without realizing it's fake

you tell anyone and everyone who will listen. well, you won't, because you're a fucking kike trying to convince us all that resistance is futile. you can go fuck yourself.

A chain of linked blocks of some sort...

fucking terrifying quote especially with the timing of it.

Why are R*dditniggers so dumb?

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they won't even watch the videos and they'll say the arrests were unfair and abuse of power by Trump. LITERALLY the exact thing that is happening with the border crisis, how am I a demoralizing shill when you're literally watching the EXACT thing happen that I'm saying will happen? putting your head in the sand doesn't help, we need to figure out how to solve this

>Snoop Dogg posts picture without realizing it's fake
July 8...just a coincidence goy!

i dont use a "smart" phone

i've been sticking pieces of tape on my laptop camera since 2012

Cant wait for a camera confession of the """real epstien""" before he """kills himself""" out of guilt.

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>i've been sticking pieces of tape on my laptop camera since 2012
and where did you BUY the tape? checkmate.

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fuck you're right

I don't think you people understand the implications of AI Deep Fakes.

The beast as Jow Forums loves to dwell on in old Bible text is really the AI that's been built layer by layer. Once it's unleashed it'll cause havoc to society that'll horrify even for Jow Forums's standards of happenings.

The AI will be unleashed online and distort information and truth, making you think your neighbor is a rapist and your grandpa a nazi.

Witch hunts will make a comeback because the low-income low-IQ city dwellers will believe what they see and hear to be true.

Even amongst well-organized grass root organizations will be disrupted and destabilized by deep fakes. The AI beast will run amock ravaging society layer by layer, escalating fear and to where everyone turns against each other. People will lose trust and faith and will have no choice but to submit to the AI beast once it stops and establishes its order.

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What the ears hear and the eyes see the mind believes.

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Deepfakes is a rightwing larp
If it wasn't, the left would havfe already conjured up a pee pee tape

>If it wasn't, the left would havfe already conjured up a pee pee tape
look up "trump pee tape" on pornhub. then imagine that plus a deepfaked face and voice and a 13 year old girl being raped.

It gets nothing pedo
Show me the newsies going on about the peepee tape being real with those
I can point instead to fake antileft videos such as pelosi and AOC (thanks foot fags) being touted heavily

This is your real redpill: The deepstate has no intention of creating deepfakes, they will only use it as a defense against unspeakable videos such as frazzledrip.

>those of us capable of intelligent and subjective thought wont know what to believe--


>Show me the newsies going on about the peepee tape being real with those
my point is that they very clearly can stage a video if they want to, and people will believe it because they want to. go back to israel.

>This is your real redpill: The deepstate has no intention of creating deepfakes, they will only use it as a defense against unspeakable videos such as frazzledrip.
most likely, but they'll also be able to use it if they want to. 240p vid of trump or whoever they want taken down, doing something horrible, and have the leftist MSM and "organic" social media trend it saying "our experts verified this is real" and it becomes fact.

No that's my point
You get to answer why said hq deep fake hasnt been made here
The real excuse is going to be all the right wingers caught, just like the colordao gop chair

wouldn't that require EVERY piece of electronic correspondence to flow through a blockchain?

How would it stop somebody from producing a deepfake, claiming they shot the video on a camera with no internet connection, then uploading it to the web whenever it is convenient to do so?

>You get to answer why said hq deep fake hasnt been made here
it won't be HQ, it'll be 240p so that it's blurry enough to believe it if you want to believe it and are told it's real, which is all it has to achieve. you're literally saying that "if they haven't done something yet then they won't ever do it" which is so retarded that I'm going to just assume you're new to the shilling for david brock thing.

Ah yes, like how its still tottally true that Obama is gonna take my guns
After all, just because he hasn't doesnt mean he wont
>they will deny epstein tapes
Please, you just keep hurting yourself in your confusion here
Go learn English and stop speaking French

So say you had a legit video of someone doing something compromising and illegal you could post a cryptographic hash of it to the blockchain to prove it existed before any technology to produce an authentic one existed.
The deep fakes I just checked out on youtube are all noticeably fake, every single one.
If there's anything you should take from this thread its the concept of the uncanny valley.

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these are super useful to make legit-looking twitter avatars
Not always perfect, but you can get really realistic ones if you sift through like 5 of them