Why do leftists hate cars?

Why do leftists hate cars?
>biggest shills of self driving cars
>biggest proponents of neverending vehicle and gas tax increases

The more leftist a nation is, the shittier it is for vehicle freedoms (such as european countries with skyhigh gas taxes, diesel bans, future ICE bans, mod bans, traffic cameras everywhere, etc).

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I for one welcome retards and poor people being taken off the road


they literally hate fun, pic related is a prime example. all they care about is their fuckin phones and internet status, and how righteous they can appear to others.

What the fuck I hate cars now

>using twitter for anything other than contacting escorts


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leftists are literal bugmen. anything that poses the slightest danger they want banned

This cunt probably plays phone games. Finds watching colourful pixels controlled by a microchip move around a screen fun, a literal adult baby NPC.

every fucking time

Ironically the more car friendly a nation is, the worse it is for overall freedom of movement.

>hurr public transport is a waste of money
>hurr ban bicycles outside of town limits
>hurr war on cyclists best of my life
>hurr ban horses on public roads
>noooo you mustn't walk on that country road shoulder
>hurr driving driving driving driving

This logic is literally the same as the retarded commie logic and is just as retarded

Good. Public transport is fucking garbage and cyclists are the scum of the earth, and I'm not even American.

Public transport literally is a waste of money, bicyclists are subhumans who should be shot, and horses belong on pastures. You're probably European though and your fake country is small enough that you can ride a toy (like a bicycle) across it.

the irony is lost on you

This, fuck poorfags.

>t. seething obese boomer upset that some people can propel their own bodyweight with their muscles

>durr my country is large therefore we must cover all distances, starting at a quarter mile, by car

Don't you have some peacful immigrant cock to suck?


I do in fact want to kiss myself when I see my healthy cyclist body in the mirror.

Take their guns too

I knew an arguably lefty guy who tried to get into motorcycling - Goes for the cheap and shitty chinese bike, wipes out several times, then just gives up and abandons it when he moved cities. I would propose that it's because they lack the skills or sense to drive and just want to drag everybody down to their level.

>not doing mountain cycling

pleb, enjoy not being one with nature

I'll live a long and fruitful life thanks to my lean cyclist body. You will die of a heart attack aged 62 fat cunt


This. Some people shouldn't be driving. The more old farts in self driving cars, the better.

you say this but think how much they'll spend on shit not to look poor when they're not spending it car fuel tires oil and insurance and how cocky they'll fucking act because of it. fuck leftists for wanting to enable their pet niggers



why do leftists speak like cartoon characters?

>this upset about people exercising
>people should be shot because I can't manage my time well
Peak amerigoblin post

When did I say I wasn't doing off road cycling? Frankly I'd avoid roads entirely if it were possible because riding among cagers is blight.

It's a comical world.

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go to the gym or exercise at home

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>muh public transport
Don't care. Feels good not to be assraped by gas and vehicle taxes Yuroserf.

>spend time commuting and then spend more time exercising, it's the adult thing to do, don't ever combine the two

eurofag here. Public transport is full of niggers. Even in a tram equipped college town I always took the cab because of the aforementioned.

There is no reason to cycle in the city

yes, either use the bike lanes or go mudding with it where you don't impede others.
Cyclists are the vegans of the locomotive world.

I concur, but it's hard to find touring routes that don't involve a significant portion of road riding. Maybe there are places in the world that have dozens of miles of uninterrupted gravel roads and trails, but not where I live.

>Cyclists are the vegans of the locomotive world.

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>bike lanes
>implying the gubbermint should spend money to accommodate those subhumans

>the gubmint is evil and taxes are theft but it's okay when they spent on driving

I love how this tweet triggers cagers. Ban ICE and non-autonomous cars from being allowed to operate on the road.

because people need cars to go to work you stupid cuck

Well, they wouldn't if everything wasn't designed around cars.

>The more leftist a nation is, the shittier it is for all freedoms

fixed that for you

well that'd be possible if the whole world had a fucking california climate but it doesnt and even with a perfect climate those cucks are the biggest proponents of car culture

>>The more leftist a nation is, the shittier it is

Cyclist here and /n/ faggit

If you ride a bicycle anywhere near automobile traffic you are basically taking your life into your own hands

bike paths were made for a reason

this also, fuck Communism

and fuck california

We're being raided by Jow Forumstards

Go back to your containment board you insufferable shitlords

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Fuck commies and fuck poor "people"


You have to go back

>complaining about trolls on Jow Forums

fuck you

also this

Gb2 discord tranny

/o/ is Jow Forums.
>leftists still can't meme

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no, most of this board's userbase sinply isn't a redditor

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that's how they acted on tumblr before they colonized the surface internet. the weird unnatural diction is something they lifted from goons and forum moderators

>manuevering a behemoth of metal that screams like an enraged hellbeast and moves faster than any known creature
>not fun as fuck
I dont get this post

>If you ride a bicycle anywhere near automobile traffic you are basically taking your life into your own hands
Actually if you ride a bicycle anywhere near automobile traffic you are putting your life in someone elses hands.

But all those things make perfect sense.

They just explained why I like driving




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yes, (((them)))

t. radical centrist cuck

light rail service and bicycle lanes are a waste of resources i don't give a fuck what you think about it


Not like it matters to this melodramatic transfaggot. It's on it's way to suicide anyway.

nah, most weebs are right wingers

ruin cities

Do we need to have this thread every week?

I wish I was dead anyway.

t. commie

It's because they hate unregulated individual travel and self expression through modification. They are control freaks.

It's so irritating too, I right downhill bikes now and BMX when I was a kid, and those guys make us all look like faggots. I don't even have cars stop so I can cross the street, just go when it's clear. Staying out of cars way on a bicycle isn't hard and if you're not athletic enough to do it, you should be exercising at home where you're not endangering yourself.

Thank you for reminding me of the importance of voting Trump next year

Imagine, in the 21st century, celebrating literally dependent on the state for transportation, or having to pedal yourself around like a Cambodian peasant

I, however, can just pick a direction and go that way for 5 or 6 hours. Where will I end up? I have no idea, but there'll be something for me to discover there.

>being a slave to the train track/bus route is freedom of movement
>being limited to the speed and range of your own muscles' ability to propel you (when it's sunny out) is freedom of movement


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>>this upset about people exercising

You're fucking right I'm upset, when those people having their leisurely exercise are blocking traffic while they do it. Those of us who have managed to advance to even the last century's standard of technology are trying to get from A to B, to do stuff. Get the fuck off the road.


it's summed up in 'low testosterone'

>people having different opinions than mine are a raid


>Imagine, in the 21st century, celebrating literally dependent on the state for transportation
Yeah, like every driver is, unless you're somehow overlanding to work and to the shops.
>or having to pedal yourself around like a Cambodian peasant
t. hamplanet

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Maybe B wouldn't so far away from A if EVERYTHING WASN'T FUCKING BUILT AROUND CARS.

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The more leftist a nation is the shitter it is for all freedoms, user. It's called the nanny state for a reason.

Mass transit is a waste of taxpayer money. And building cities so dense that you need it for space reasons is just dumb in this day and age.

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how photoshopped is that pic?

>comparing road maintenance to the operation of trains and buses

lmao dat elementary school level of cognition. Roads already exist and require minimal upkeep, which can be performed by the state, or by any interested party. You can drive on them right now and go basically anywhere you like. Trains and buses have to be operated, every single day. If the train/bus operator decides they're not going to Area X, a public transport serf can't get there. I can drive anywhere I want over roads that haven't seen a road crew in years.

>bawwwwwwww everything was better before the industrial revolution ;_;

If everything was built around foot/pedal power, the inefficiency would be obscene. Instead of large grocery stores serving thousands of people, every city would need a little store every few blocks. The waste of real estate and employee hours just for groceries stagger the mind -- and prices would rise to reflect that.

And god forbid you want something more specialized or exotic than what your neighborhood shop can profitably sell, because he's only got a hundred customers to spread his costs over.

Not. Photoshop didn't exist 35 years ago

>and require minimal upkeep
American roads are crumbling, so clearly upkeep can't be as minimal as people expect it to be.

>Instead of large grocery stores serving thousands of people, every city would need a little store every few blocks.
And instead of thousands of people driving ten miles each to the store, they could just walk around the corner to pop into the shop. But of course that would be inefficient communism.

>And god forbid you want something more specialized or exotic than what your neighborhood shop can profitably sell, because he's only got a hundred customers to spread his costs over.
And how often is that? Why is it that you demand to find odd specialty items at the same place as everyday groceries?

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I have worked with lots of lefties, most cannot drive. It is because they have or act like they have many mental problems due to lack of father or just them being fucked in the head. Literally that simple.

>And instead of thousands of people driving ten miles each to the store, they could just walk around the corner to pop into the shop. But of course that would be inefficient communism.

Yes, it would be. Try and think about it for a second. In a 21st-century country, one grocery store can serve thousands of car-driving people over a radius of miles. It can be staffed by a relatively low number of people, and can make big orders of a variety of stuff, benefiting from economies of scale, because it has a large customer base to spread those costs over.

For people on foot, you'd need ten stores. Those ten stores would require staff. The store has a comparatively tiny customer base, since it'd just be everyone within walking distance of it, so each store would have a higher cost per customer ratio than the others, since they have to pay staff, and bills, and the lease on the place, out of the profit they can make off those smaller people. It could not make massive orders (which would still be delivered by truck, just in smaller loads, increasing transport costs per mile). And God help you if you want something that only 1% of customers buy -- at a big grocery store, that's still a few dozen people. For your corner shop, you might be the only one who wants it. The store owner would lose money ordering it, so you're not getting it.

Wal-Mart is so big because it is the literal embodiment of this principle, operated inversely. More choices, lower prices. Going to a 19th-century retail model would mean a vastly restricted range of choices at vastly higher prices. No thank you.

>Why is it that you demand to find odd specialty items at the same place as everyday groceries?
>well I don't want that so why should anyone else have it

Top communism right there. Why do you demand everyone's life be made objectively worse, and more expensive, because you can't afford a car?

fucking subhuman shitskins weebs
weebs need to be culled after the kikes
fucking worthless rat parasitical retards
>muh triggered by anime
go drink your own cum you incest loving pedophile faggots

This faggot just perfectly described why people love driving

I’m 18 and I want to purchase a car and learn how to drive as soon as possible. The idea of sharing a bus with niggers scares me. I also don’t want my parents driving me either because they’re fucking annoying.

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How can anyone possibly look at something so wonderful and not instantly love it and desire it?

Fuck leftist kids.

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Because they're legitimately manchildren

It gets better -- just as a bulldozer is better at moving earth than a bunch of peasants with shovels, driving a car to the grocery store means my purchases are not limited by how many pounds of stuff I can carry home at a time. I can therefore do all my weekly grocery shopping in one trip, once a week. On foot I'd have to be walking down to that store every goddamn day to buy stuff. Bulldozer, shovel.

>moves faster than any known creature

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