How are you Western cuckolds enjoying sharing Jamal's used vagina today? I cannot imagine owning anything less than 4 untouched virgins, and fully-automatic weapons. I shall now laugh as I rest my feet on wife #3, as wife #4 pours my tea with two squirts of breastmilk creamer. As Allah has commanded.
Surah An-Nisa [4:34] Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.
user you cannot expect to just jump into random threads and spam these images and then when everyone ignores you, assume they "failed the test" What do you expect to happen? Every single person in the thread reply to your post and disregard the OP? Please get a grip fren
I'm halfway to converting. Glorious German Genes plus Alpha religion. But I somehow hesitate. What has in your opinion led to the divide between Islam and Christianity? In old Catholic sources you read a lot about "making a cult of lust and virility", which I don't really see that much of a problem with, whereas Protestants seem to be more ambivalent by and large. What is your take on it?
Jackson Foster
Moshe, tell the Mossad that trying to divert attention away from your asset Epstein and onto Muzzies ain't going to work. Not this time.
I prefer straight-up barbarism without all that religious nonsense.
Jason Taylor
i have a theory deep down feminist wants a manly figure to dominate them, the modern cucked western standard of women liberation has created a dysfunction amongst women which makes them adopt feminism in an attempt to attract attention like a petulant child playing dumb to get a reaction out of his parent hence why they're inviting uncivilized shitskins, it's because subconsciously they want a society where they're to be treated roughly by men
tldr not beating women in check is the cause of western fall
James Jones
Pretty sure the image was just directed at the OP.
It doesn't matter. Lets say the OP is a bot, a script. Whatever. Does that mean discussion of what is posted should no longer occur simply because there is no real "OP"? Lets face it the end goal here is the hope that entire threads can be shutdown because the OP did not reply to the image, and he only posts the image in threads he considers "bad" You don't see him posting it in every thread. Only the ones he deems "bad" It is all so tiresome
Brody Reed
That is in fact what's happening. Ask around and you'll find that "rape" is kink Nr 1 for bitches. Make no mistake: Giving them rights was never going to have any positive implications. Now we pay the price for the pathetic thirst of our ancestors' contemporaries. Kill a leftist on your way home tomorrow.
Ryan Williams
Yes it does mean that the discussion shouldn't take place. Of course we can't know the motives of the people behind such things, but I'd prefer to talk about the things they don't want us to discuss than the things they so. Especially on Jow Forums where the most popular discussions 404 the least popular ones.
Muhammed married a six year old girl and raped her when she was nine. The age of Aisha at marriage is well attested to by contemporary and near-contemporary sources. Not one of Muhammed's followers followed him in performing child marriage.
Only believers in Allah, are humans. You Western cuckolds have an abomination of lies about Prophet Isa (PBUH). He never turned the other cheek. He will return in the end, a great sword in hand, and smite all evil, including you for creating images of Prophet Isa (PBUH) Mashallah. I think we know who changed other religions scriptures to make followers more docile. The Quran is Allah's own words. It's not to be infringed, and remains unchanged. Islam does not turn the other cheek to evil. These two factors protect it from corruption. In this case, beware of the Sunnah, written by humans. Only the Quran, Allah's words, should be your guide. Women do not want. They have no inner thought. They only do what they are told, and copy the men around them. If men lack values, so shall they. Yet Muslims are in charge of women more than any other people.
i hate shit like hallal slaughtering, that shit is just pure evil, circumsision also is inflicting physical and emotional damage on baby boys, islam is degenerate
Isaac Flores
I could have gone my entire life without knowing this existed.
Holy fucking shit
Bentley Sanders
Can you imagine being told by your own girlfriend that you're not rapist enough? I knew since the onset of puberty, man.
I mean that -is- kind of extreme. But then we would today be looking at his followers more than the man himself.
I don't know if you have heard of a German poet by the nickname of "Klabund". He once wrote what he titled "Mohammed - the novel of a prophet". In it Mohammed is portrayed as someone in pursuit of meaning, blessed by God but all the more despairing of the fact that most his tribe still worship different godheads. The other day I read that tale and couldn't help but sympathise with how Mohammed was represented in the book. I'll get me a Quran and read it, then decide.
Anthony Garcia
i left islam because i didn't want to pray 5 times a day
Lucas Turner
>look at the number of registered numbers it's less than r/femdom