Trump absolutely BTFO and humiliated
It's over
>1 post by this ID
>Terrific guy
CAC can do what he wants and have people ejected by law. Just like the don't taz me bro guy. We are mob politics sad to say it is Greek in origin but the people aren't of Greek or Euro decent anymore. That is the sad part.
Try harder
fucking kek
>it's never a dull day when you worship a chaos god
Now 2 posts by this id
Hell Trump took that crown away from that one pageant winner because she got in trouble. He is a straight fucking arrow and people keep trying to bend him. Stay strong everyone.
is this the face of a man who would fuck 13 year olds?
oh no they found the publicly available photos
Sick burn nigger. Now go out and vote instead of staying at home and collecting welfare next November. What's that? You won't? Okay then shut your goddamn dumb dirty nigger lips monkey.
Trump is German, the birthplace of modern day degeneracy.
Looks like biden in that picture
Nice cope. Your president is a pedo
Sage all slide threads.
free real estate!
dude upgrade from paintshop pro 2.0
he's also sold his soul to kikes
Shills will deny it, but this looks way worse for Trump than anyone outside of Epstein himself
It's the American way
Absolutely based and redpilled protestor
Maybe an 18 year old! but not a 13 year old.
Trump's "was that a man or a woman, i couldnt tell" shows balatant HOMOPHOBIA, TRANSPHOBIA AND BIGOTRY
but more importantly, a lack of wit
Just as bad as collusion was made out to be
Just as bad as the mueller report was gonna be
But everybody was in denial back then too
>it’s bad
So y'all are really going all in with this narrative huh?
I bet you don't even get paid, you probably think you're ironic or trolling. In reality you're just a useful idiot, you do it for free.
I’ve never seen shills so mad lol
I guess this whole Epstein thing triggered some
It’s a good time to be alive
Stay mad Obama fags
someone lock those ptg redditors back into their cage
i laughed, jumped around, and did sperg hands when he said that
>all this boomer Trumpkin damage control
Who even cares about Blumpf at this point?
You are so fucking knew that you have no clue that your ID ppst count only exists in a single thread.
Lurk another year.
Who watches national media, again?
I watch his rallies from the net, I don't bother with ANY of the network tv crap, that's for my grandfather.
look at all those bootlicking pedo defenders pointing at the guy with the picture, what a time
yeah you're another 1 post by this ID fag, how about browsing for more than a day before posting in the big boy thread
fuck off kike, bullshit news stories will soon all you have left, in some local desert paper
Oh, look.
A butt-fucking, aids-riddled, libtarded fag-pervert doesn't like Trump.
who could have possibly foreseen that?
>Spotted the boomer
>is this the face of a man who would fuck 13 year olds?
You lefties are retarded.
Have you seen his wife?
How could you ever get bored of that.
Calm down old man, your cardiologist said it's not good for your health.
Everything will be revealed fren... in due time
He got bored with all his wives.
Oh look, Trump proudly supports the LGBTQP community and assorted degenerates. Face it pedophiles are natural conservatives who will help implement the MAGA agenda. Just trust the plan and don't question Zion Don.
Even if I had a bad heart, I'd still outlive your aids-tainted, pockmarked body.
>Boomers still bitching about a guy that hasn't been president for 19 years..
>confuses politics with reality
Sweet summer child...
Glad to you took time away from molesting your kid to type that.
What a pussy LOL he couldnt even handle a fucking picture being held up
Thats our bAsTiOn Of FrEeZe PeAcH
He fucked Stormy Daniels. He's got zero standards
Face it, Trump is the biggest snowflake of them all.
this thread has gone full summer
>just politics
You're right Trump was just celebrating pedo-pride and supporting the LGBTQP community on his buddies island and plane. That's not illegal child diddling - just politics.
My moms convinced that hes very, very goncerned about our first amendment and refuses to believe otherwise, meanwhile shit like this and his lolcow-tier litigious past go on unnoticed. i hate that i might actually have to vote democrat
You mean full boomer cope?
You have me mistaken for Bill Clinton.
>Time passed with no dues paid goyim
>All is forgiven!
Double trips
This is what you pushed it to faggots, no one is playing around with you twats anymore. War is war, and I’m glad Trump is finally getting mean, we’re done.
Nice blog post. Maybe be a big boy and move out of mommy's house and you won't have to be berated by your mother's wisdom.
Have you lost your mind posting tripe? Please stop embarrassing yourself nigger.
He was never on that island, and he hitched a ride with Epstein's son once, from FLA to NY.
You are the epitome of what Hitler said about arguing with Jews.
>Leftists try to spin one of their own going down as a pedo to pull Trump down too
>act surprised when he refuses to play around anymore and gets mad.
Any decent man would.
going off to a top college in the fall, nice to see that the other half still believes that man gives half a shit about anything other than setting himself up for life post-presidency
kekd and chekd
Trump has a long history of consorting with known sexual predators. And he didn't distance himself from it. Face it, if you can't handle the truth get back to you circlejerk at the_zognald.
My 401k says otherwise, child.
But you cant appreciate that.
That is the face of the man who will hang them all after a speedy but fair trial. Trump is my hero! #WWG1WGA
>Bread about kike president colluding with a kike pedo
>Proceed to post kike actor gif
You mutilated burgers sure love your kike overlords, don't You
And when was she president?
...aand another kike actor gif
Smh, kys
the fuck does having a retirement plan have anything to do with a boomer chugging koolaid faster than gender studies majors
Fucking hilarious
I was addressing his argument.
You however, suck at debate.
Follow along.
>muh kikes
Trump has sucked more Jew cock than Anne Frank, Pedro.
pelosi needs to fucking start the impeachment NOW
After mulller testifies next next, she needs to go through the impeachment process now.
oh god ed oh no
never, thanks to every god ever, but she was secretary of state you fucking cabbage.
Why American networks have such retarded writings? Don't You feel insulted by Reading such low level shit on national television?
>Pic related
Americans are retarded, so no they don't feel insulted
was he /our/guy?
yeah this isnt made up russia gate
he was with epstein and some girls we know that
the questions is if they were lolis or not
they really are pushing this arent they. funny, the msm is blacking out clinon connections now, shills