Convince me

I am a Dutch/European/white nationalist who, like many of you, wants to safe the caucasian/white race from invasions and extinction.

I've always wanted to start a big white/European family, but the last couple of years I strongly doubt if I still want this.

I've basically given up on white women, first only the ones from western-Europe and the USA and Canada, but lately also on women from Eastern-Europe. The whole 'traditional loyal women' image has disappeared.

To me western-European and American women are feminist leftists with non-white fetishes, Eastern-European women look like instagram thots to me who will follow the same fate like western-European ones.

So only Australia and perhabs Argentina/Chili/Southern Brazil remain, but I don't know much about them but I don't get my hopes up.

So why should I get children with women like this? And it will only get worse. Or am I way off and do I have a wrong picture of Eastern-European women?

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How about kys? There are enough traditional white women, but not for every White male. Finding them is a skill.

Congratulations on discovering that most women are trash.

But how do I know she is sincere? And how about in 20 years? I'm just pretty pessimistic about the future.

But even if I find one that's still sane, I will have to live in some rural area without internet or telivision in order not to get my children ruined by the media and society.

Women are almost always conformists that let themselves be influenced by their environment. And in court they have all the power to take everything you own.

True, men should give the good example but I don't see that happening soon.

Yes there are too many crazies in the city.
Go out and look in a small town for a wife.

Look for a girl that grew up in a farming setting.

I chose an Asian wife. It's bliss, lad. I'm pretty much to the point that the only people defending white women are sexless cucks that would drink Taylor Swift's toilet water.

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wtf are those top 2 things?

Mate, why? You want hapa children? I either take a white wife or no wife. The whole reason for reproducing is to keep my race existing. By the way, if you don't go for European white women, then go for Middle Eastern ones, they are caucasian atleast.

But that will just slow down our fate with a couple decades. Believe me, now that the internet is available almost everywhere, these girls will be ruined as well.

Enjoy your manlet kids

Stop soiling tors hammare with your amerigeasy bullshit.
I wish you would KYS.

Pic related are based and tradpilled Argentinian women. Brazil is even worse.
Eastern Europe is not too bad. Russia is the only developed country where the average breeding age for women is under 25.

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Nice try Chaim but Asian roasties are hyperliberal and don't get married until after they hit the wall. Asian mothers are the oldest in the world.

I meant white Brazilians, I don't know about Eastern-European women, heard some disturbing things about them.

Hate to break it to you but these are what "white Latinas" are classified as. Mestizos are Abo-like goblins.

Also, if a white men takes a Asian women, he is basically a nigger. You steal women away from their Asian men and roots.

>But that will just slow down our fate with a couple decades.

Well who knows what's going to develop?
Maybe two decades is what we need.

Find rather a bunch of skinheads, post your adress (no worry due Antifa, because of skinheads) and receive money from all the nationalists all over the world. Repeat until you have enough money saved to own a whole city. Stop craving for women. Men can have children everytime.

I know, but my definition is quite different. I mean women from full European or maybe Middle Eastern ethnicity to some extant.

Let's hope so. I will be preparing, I hope the majority of white men do as well.

Not a big loss, there's 4 bugs for every white in the world. Asian incels push the nigger meme hard but whites don't obsess over niggers and don't get extensive plastic surgery to look like niggers the way Asians do with whites.
Bang Asians all you want just bring your own condoms (they poke holes into theirs when they have a chance to fuck a white guy) and don't forget to wrap it up and throw it away yourself, you don't want to be alimony-raped for some ugly Hapa.

I want sane children with working brains. The same goes for my women.

How old are you?
this guy gets it

You are not truly redpilled if you can't recognize the difference between modern thot woman and honest traditional woman. It's not shame some people needs years of learning. Some will never be fully redpilled. Once you are prepared you have to start family and it will be success.

She will come automatically, if youre doing the right thing. See my comment before.

No thanks pal, and if I would do it, what im concirned Asian men are allowed to stab me to death. Stick to your own race, at all times.

You guys know this is psyops right?
and of course

You're a normiespacing slidethread, who, if serious, would know that you can not expect to find a decent woman at some degenerate rally as implied with pic and the last paragraph, if you could call it that.

Perhabs in the Czech Republic. I just don't know if they are sincere. Also, I know there are some traditional loyal women out there, but that can change within a decade or so.

No, I just said l think white men should reproduce, but I can't with modern women. I encourage you to do so, but that's your call.

The picture shows tha state of mind of the modern west.

Funny how all the women are gross again. Kek. It's the same anywhere with feminists


They're not convinced of what they believe. Find a decent woman who hasn't been too ideologically pozzed up and still has her instincts intact. Even if she regurgitates trash, she's doing so because she thinks she is supposed to. It's the raw material/instincts she has that define her most. If there's good raw material, a good man can mold her into a wife. Ideally virgin or has had one relationship, but not somebody who has done the hook up thing.

Most importantly, it's on you to be the man a woman will accept leadership from. That really just means having your shit together and not being a mentally ill sperg. Someone she can look up to in some ways.

Dutch girls are fine asf don't give up hope Hitler turned things around

So what? I stopped watching television years ago. Internet would suck a little bit, but I would give it up for a nice rural community.

Theres white women that feel the same way you do about how western society is headed, and every day there are more and more because the left keeps overplaying their hand

I know, but they are feminist as hell. It's fucking anoying. It would be most ideal to find a Dutch wife ofcourse, but that's not going to happen im afraid.

I know, but your children will have acces to all that, even in rural area's.

Thanks for the advise burgerbro, but I heard virgin girls get sexually curious and have a bigger change of cheating on you. I don't know if that makes sence or if it is just straight bullshit.

It's not even that they have to be right wing, just as long as they have stayed away from non whites, are loyal and virgin, or at most 2 realtionships or something.

EE women are trash , smelly and look retarded.

I can wrap my head around that argument but lowest divorce marriages are with virgin women. 90+% success rate

They look good like other white women in my book. It's the slutty stuf that scares me off.

>They look good like other white women in my book. It's the slutty stuf that scares me off.

EE women can't pass as locals in nordic countries and england or netherlands. Thus non-white admixture.
they have r1a south asian haplogroup, not white.

That's promosing. I'm curious though how many women are still virgin at the age of 20+/- or so. Ofcourse that will also depend on the country or area.

Not as far as I know, last time I checked Russians had 99,8% European DNA. The same goes for Southern Europeans, yet they have close to 100% white DNA.

>had 99,8% European DNA.
lol, not true at all.

they are 60-70% european only. They mixed with asians.

It's tough dude, I am not going to tell you it's something you can do easily. But what I will tell you is that it is definitely worth it. I had my second little girl 3 months ago with my wife. She is Russian, came here for studies, we met and fell in love almost a decade ago. Good women are out there and they so so worth it. I understand where you are coming from, wading through all the roasties is a genuinely disheartening experience, but persevere. What is the point of having lived if you don't live descendants for who you are proud of?

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They didn't as far as I know, I tried to look it up once, wasn't any proof of that.

Thanks brother, congrats by the way. True, but i'm not going to find it is western Europe i'm afraid. How are Greek women?

>I've basically given up on white women, first only the ones from western-Europe and the USA and Canada, but lately also on women from Eastern-Europe. The whole 'traditional loyal women' image has disappeared.
we are all the same boat
ive kind of given up the idea of eventually marrying and becoming a father

>So only Australia and perhabs Argentina/Chili/Southern Brazil remain, but I don't know much about them but I don't get my hopes up.
dont, women here are exactly the same, instagram princesses, tattood feminists with high standards

Western Europe is pretty bad, no lie. It was bad when I did my Masters in the UK about 13 years ago, can't imagine how much worse it has become. We see it from the tourists we get, even when they are middle or higher class people, the behaviour and mannerisms of so many is appalling.

Greek women are ok, nothing special to be frank. Not too feminist, which is nice, the reason we don't have babies as a people is economical not social. Most Greek women do want a family and to take care of their husbands and children. Most of them look pretty good too, not too many fatties among the young ones.

literally white nigger-tier monkeys

meant this

there is, everywhere, on every genetic test.

Not many but actually probably more than you suspect. A lot of the nonsense is a projection. I found a girl who fit, although she was a child of immigrants from the Balkans. We're genetically not too far off though, as it's ideal staying within your general ethnicity.

i wonder how many girls at virgin at 16, 10%?

>she was a child of immigrants from the Balkans
>genetically not too far off though


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Think of the future user bite the bullet and fuck a bitch

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They don't know where R1a's origin lies really. But I will look it up again then, but im pretty sertain they aren't part Asian, not nameworthy atleast.

Jesus that would fucking suck

>So why should I get children with women like this?
why do all these incel retards act like they HAVE to marry stacy twelvedicks? fucking shop around and pick the good one retard

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The essential problem is that I can almost smell the reek of desperation itt and threads like this.

The idea that "Argentinians" are especially bad is fairly stupid. Every country has these movements with exceptions being Iran and North Korea. After all you date/marry or whatever an individual. If you aren't willing to say "my way or the high way" they will notice it and disrespect you for it. If they weren't already pozzed by their degeneracy even most of the active feminists are in fact demure and submissive by nature if they are in a situation that elicts that behavior

Dude, how are they not white??

>R1a's origin
it lies in india or north pakistan, obviously. They are intruders in europe, basically gypsies.

They pull to close to türks.

Indeed, it would be most ideal to have a western European wife, but otherwise, southern or eastern European is fine as well, my children would be white atleast and we indeed would fit together in a ethnical way.

I don't want that to be my child. If I would know we still had some fighting spirit left and would revolt against the invaders and traitors I would happely marry and have children. But I don't know that, and im quite pessimistic really.

user, take of that UN flag so we can see the stars and stripes. The way you are posting and your arbitrary little circle on those genetic clusters point you out as a Burger, no need to be embarrassed.

They are not, don't listen to him. What he is talking about is the average, which is like saying that the average American is 56% European because the country itself is 56% European. There are a lot of Asiatics in Russia, but they are easy to point out and are mostly separate from the European ones.

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No, they migrated towards northern India later on, hence the Aryan language came to India.

>and are mostly separate from the European ones.
there are no europeans left in russasia, everyone is an asiatic mutt, just like your pseudo-turkish people, go pay your debts Türk.

oldest r1a is from india. They are gypsy mutts, hahaha.

Why the whole thread then? Being indecisive, desperate and non-dominant sure as hell would make you look bad even if you were Brad Pitt in his prime.

>So only Australia and perhabs Argentina/Chili/Southern Brazil remain, but I don't know much about them but I don't get my hopes up.
Lmao dont even bother bro, women here are the same scum as everywhere else, I'd say more degenerate than (current) European women even
YOu want a quick fuck? Literally just tell them you are from USA or Europe and they jump right onto your dick, then they will marry you to get citizenship. Pieces of shit they are

Women are slaves to peer pressure. Manipulate societies expectations and women follow.
You already understand this so you should understand that things aren't hopeless.

The west is dead. Greek women are nice indeed, the whole 'muh greeks and italians are niggers and arabs' is bullshit. I don't mind marying another white European women if I can't find one from western Europe. But I don't know what the future holds and how long the eastern and southern countries will stay traditional and almost negro free like they are now.


> I am a Dutch/European/white nationalist who, like many of you, wants to safe the caucasian/white race from invasions and extinction.

> I've always wanted to start a big white/European family, but the last couple of years I strongly doubt if I still want this.

> I've basically given up on white women, first only the ones from western-Europe and the USA and Canada, but lately also on women from Eastern-Europe. The whole 'traditional loyal women' image has disappeared.

> To me western-European and American women are feminist leftists with non-white fetishes, Eastern-European women look like instagram thots to me who will follow the same fate like western-European ones.

> So only Australia and perhabs Argentina/Chili/Southern Brazil remain, but I don't know much about them but I don't get my hopes up.

> So why should I get children with women like this? And it will only get worse. Or am I way off and do I have a wrong picture of Eastern-European women?

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Who says im indecisive and non-dominant? I just believe we have to take action, otherwise im only producing tyrones new playmate.

I'm Italian and have relatives with green eyes, she's Albanian and has relatives with blue eyes. We're fine, Cleetus. Even if we're not descended from inbred Prussian serfs

Sounds like Eastern European women. Very said.

Indeed, but we as their men should do something to change it, and we don't really do that.

Who do they think they're talking to?
Reasonable men understand that no means no.
Unreasonable men don't care what they say.
> wants to safe the caucasian/white race from invasions and extinction.
Well the damage is already done. The current situation is going to exist for centuries.
You could help most by spreading your genes.far and wide.

Retarded and unhistorical opinion on both the Russians and the Greeks from someone that calls the Anatolian mutts of today Turkic. You are showing you true colours to the point I will go one step further and call you a Jew and not just a Burger.

Yeah, that user is obviously here to push his cancerous agenda. I am not going to suggest that the European ethnicities should mix, I actually would like we all stay seperate and friendly, but like I did, I don't think mixing between Europeans is a big issue unless it happens in alrge numbers. You are only one person mate, mixing with with another Euro is perfectly fine, don't even worry about it.

As for our countries, who knows. We can only do the best we can and hope that our children will continue after our example.

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Thanks for the usefull reply. Don't you like us being nationalist? Should we be a bunch of negro loving commies then?

from living 16 years in the netherlands, I can tell you you should be glad that things there are not as bad as here in spain.

virtually every woman here of my generation has abandoned motherhood for carrers. Add to that how incredibly pretentious, meterialistic and self-bloating they are, and you've got a lost generation. I'm not surprised spain's birthrate is amongst the lowest in europe.

Dutch women, for at least as I've observed, are still for a fair amount submissive to men. You just need to find yourself one that isn't a disgusting whore, which is probably the hardest part.

Geef nooit op, sta op voor je principes, en veel suc6 gabber.

We have to on the micro individual level with our own wife, then we have to seize control of society to prevent this from happening - as was attempted before. But we do it smarter this time and learn from the past

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>call you a Jew
>everyone I disagree with is a jew

not surprised, rich coming from a gayreek turknigger like you.
also, who's that jewess in your pic?

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>not to get my children ruined by the media and society.

dude, you can't shelter your children from everything in the world, sometimes even the best parents and upbringings result in degenerate children, it's the unfortunate dice we all have to roll in this world.

I fully agree with you. Even though inter European relationships aren't that bad for our ethnicities, but it shouldnt happen on large scale.

>I am a Dutch/European/white nationalist who, like many of you, wants to safe the caucasian/white race from invasions and extinction.

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I'll answer when you show your flag Isaiah. Also just to let you know this is and has been a phenotype of Southern Europe for about 3 millennia. Nothing to do with Turkic tribes or Arabs,

>Caring about your people is bad

>Nothing to do with Turkic tribes or Arabs,
you underestimated, it has also to do with north african tribes and some sub saharans (east africa) somalians.

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That's a said future for Spain then, that's messed up. That's true, not even the most are coalburners here or anything, it's just the overly leftist feminist bullshit that anoys me quite a lot.

Komt goed gap, jij ook he!

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If you are trying to pass that as the average DNA I guess I will change my description of you to troll or falseflagger because no one would be mentally damaged enough to take it seriously. Northern Africa and West Asia would make sense since we had colonised these areas for thousands of years but East and West Africa? That is some ridiculous nonsense.