Well, /pol?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Because I want to hunt Jews and leafs.

Personally i favor battle rifles, assault rifles are for suppressing people until artillery or airstrikes can kill them, battle rifles are for shooting people.

gun control is just another slippery slope, not unlike the globohomo agenda. bad idea user. sage.

>nobody pointed it out yet

wow pol is pathetic

That gun is more powerful than an ar15 idiot.

>556 can break protective glass
>556 can do damage to minor parts on tanks
>308 can do no such things

I see the game you're playing, Schlomostein.

>trade in your .22+P for a .308 for safety

Fuck off, leaf.

Attached: 1558475385113.png (884x728, 128K)

I thought i did a good job of pointing it out :^(

>standard semi auto
>full semi auto

Yeah why not, and while we are at it single shot RPG'S are much safer then full auto .22 rugers.

full semi automatic.

I mean, this is unironically true, an AR10 isn’t an assault rifle. I would take an m14 though

5.56 was designed to go through steel helmets I cannot say the same for .308

if you're going to flip shit over my gun anyway, i'd rather it be the one more satisfying to put in your skull


Ain't it the urbanites wanting to ban any scary military looking weapon while the so called "gun nuts" often shit on tacticool weapons.

m14 really? Do you hate keeping a zero on your battle rifle there grandpa?
AR10/G3/FAL end of story.

which part the "Full semi-automatic" or the fact that .308 is a larger bullet than 5.56?

5.56 is an unironically more effective and deadly round hence why the military uses it.

False. Speed kills, bruh.

fully semi automatic

No, it's lighter, and allows troops to carry more. There's a reason almost all designated marksman rifles and snipers use 7.62.

Them forty five cals have even thicker bullets that make them even more dangerous.

Attached: grandfather_of_assault_weapons.jpg (1809x1199, 347K)

Except .308 can put holes through Bl3 at a kilometer while 556 starts its fall off at 200 yards. There's is a reason .308 is the sniper rifle of choice.

we can't?

Attached: Capture2.png (957x191, 129K)

Pinning the enemy while another element flanks/ calls in indirect fire is why everyone uses intermediate cartridges now.

Jow Forums is a board of peace. Take your tiny penis and your guns over to Jow Forums

Within 200 yards. Literally cant punch ballistic lvl 3. Meanwhile, .308 is dropping niggers dead from a full kilometer.

God, she's perfect.

Attached: patroling the mojave.jpg (1024x742, 206K)

That is literally a more powerful bullet, you colossal, ignorant faggot.

I do have one of those

>standard semi automatic vs full semi automatic

mine is just standard semi automatic

I'm with you pal. This is absolutely disappointing. I think it's the summerfags who don't even know this is a slide thread.

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>no one fell for the bait
>"lol pol is so dumb"

>standard semi-automatic instead of full semi-automatic

That wood furniture is heavy, but she is pretty

instead of oak, a nice burled mahogany would be nice

>Turbo Encabulator
My man

Or people are ignoring you because you're a faggot. Gonna need some proofs that people are hidden or whatever.

I got mine in a violin case.

Attached: DCA9FE68-8D41-47E4-9D71-D55E651DC78D.jpg (3024x3024, 2.27M)


t. No Gunz

That the entire image is satire meant to bamboozle ignorant noguns normies? Why would anyone want to point that out?

IDK, I wasn't OP so I need other anons to test this.

Because guns aren't just for hunting you retard.

I'm planning to build one but they are a little more difficult and I want special snowflake build.
The florida man at ar15performance has built some good uppers and promised more, but now has moved project to a different company, I'm waiting for them to release something.

Sorry can't see your post user.

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I would gladly turn in my AR15 for a government mandated AR10 replacement
For the children of course

Don't underestimate ol' winnie. She does carry some kick in her step.


The best way to get the high score is to rent an assault sports car, and drive it into the Pride parade at 200mph.

And then they take away the AR-10.

If they want your firearms, make them come and take them.

Rifles are much safer in general than hand pistols.
Pistols are more accident prone and their bullets are more round which create shockwaves to the body.
Sharp rifle bullets are not meant to kill, but to fly through and disable the opponents (also make the medics busy).


I own both, and I honestly prefer the AR15. The 5.56 has little kick, is insanely accurate, and the weapon is lightweight.

The AR10 is heavier, the ammo is much more expensive, the kick is several times more, and just isnt fun to shoot.

If I need a 308 round, I can use my scoped rifle.

Not as deadly as my babykiller AR.

Attached: assault rifle.jpg (900x675, 149K)

Good troll leaf.


That said, the AR-18 was always superior to the AR-15.

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bill clinton is a rapist.


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Good meme


Cannot believe no one has pointed out "ASSAULT BULLET" yet.

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That's what they told us in the army anyway

I am a giant soi boi pussy who doesn't even lift.
Is your ar10 not scoped? is this "scoped" rifle a bolt action rifle?

Add to pic
>Also the bullets do less damage because 308 is smaller than 556

No way dude. 556 is bigger than (almost twice the diameter!!) 308, numbers don't lie chump.

>.308 more powerful round
>there's no such thing as a "fully" and "standard" semiautomatic
Liberals are retards



>1pid sage

What you said is true just awkwardly worded for english readers.
People are much more likely to injure themselves with a pistol. Pistol rounds rely on the hydrostatic shock/placement for kills.
Intermediate rounds were designed to injure men so two more soldiers would be out of the fight tending the wounded guy. That was early development thinking but newer heavier 5.56 witht he intent to kill replaced the lighter higher velocity rounds.


Handsome firearm

i rate 8/8

Attached: 1551511616885.jpg (720x960, 64K)

Is that a tactical muzzle loader?

Reminds of the old ak4 vs ak5 or 7.62x51 vs 5.56x45. The ak5 kicked like a mule while the ak5 vibrated a little :D

>assault bullet

Attached: 1550329686379.gif (320x240, 1.99M)

I understand what you are saying. You're talking about ballistic yaw, right?

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I'll be honest, I'd much rather have the battle rifle 308 instead. Slippery slope faggot

ar-10 and ar-15 are the same except the round that is chambered. they both use nato rounds. the ar-15 can carry more ammo, thus can be more effective in suppressing fire. ar-10 is more deadly, but you carry less rounds due to weight.

Lawl, ammo to expensive and noticeable recoil makes it less popular.

>full semi auto

I know this is a joke but they really say this..

semi auto is also more accurate, but that magazine size looks tiny as fuck, which shitlibs also want to restrict like they already have in commiefornia so no, go fuck yourself.

Up here in Canada a company started making a modern version of those with a aluminum lower. WK 180 by Kodiak Arms. Supposed to be a fantastic firearm.

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psh .338 lapua or .408

>This gun is safer than this other gun
How exactly? Guns are guns last time I checked, and they were only meant for one thing.

The "AK4" kicked like a mule, after 3 to 5 shots if not keeping it down with with my left arm it would point to the sky, the AK5 still just vibrates a little but does it's job very well, much better than the old AK4.

Attached: ak4_901h.jpg (900x314, 31K)

The idea is you take 3 guys out of the fight by injuring one, as his buddies will give him medical attention/medivac by dragging etc. Was the thinking when they switched to smaller high velocity rounds.

>full semi automatic
You fags are seriously going to bite the bait?

You have to full body lean until your falling to control 7.62x51 in full auto rifle. Same technique for mp5 on full auto.

t. no-gunz


>308 on left, AR-15 on right
I can confirm. The .308 won't shoot full semi auto.

Attached: DSCF9355.jpg (2048x1536, 778K)

Yepp but full auto 7.62x51 is fun, 5.56 is very effective but no fun at all :D here's pic of the ak5 5.56.

Attached: 801ak5.jpg (800x233, 75K)

Attached: a_salt_weapon.jpg (987x386, 106K)

Is this a troll? Because it’s pretty funny. I’ll take an ar10 any day.

>it’s much safer
I would love to see one of the gun grabbers test that theory and take a 308

Correct me if I'm wrong; but didn't the AR-10s have the bolt charger under the carry handle? That said, I did actually put in a request at my local shop for one of the brownell retro clones last weekend. Arrives this weekend, I got 1000 rounds and 10 assorted length magazines. I'm gonna have a fun sunday sighting it in. I'm still keeping my 15 though.

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Nordic guns get my dick so hard.
I want them all. Ak5, Finlands AK, I know france isn't but a famas would be killer. Also STG 57 would round out my collection nicely.

Yar it be, matey.

The originals did but the later remakes by other companies typically use the ar-15 style charging handle unless it's repo like the brownells.

I'm pretty sure that it one one of the guns leafs can have; but is mutts can't. Feels bad man.