NY Times "journalist" Alice Hines vows to bring down Jow Forums and all "toxic males who can't get laid"

Feminist "journalist" from Brooklyn vows to bring down Jow Forums, eliminate all toxic white men, and forcibly "castrate" all conservatives. She's coming for you, Jow Forums. Her team of NY Times fact-checkers and lawyers will log your IPs!

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lol ok

Countdown until this inbred rich girl stabs somebody starts...now.

holy shit those fucking arms and hands.


She said she was expelled from Exeter back in 2006 for partying, but it was really for plagiarizing and making a false rape claim.


Woman? Where? On the right?

She writes about fashion and incels hoping to get them to an hero. She's a sociopath and a liar, but gets a lot of money to write for lots of different papers.

Hilarious. The only metric she can understand is the one that she knows deep down is her only worth, her cunt.

T. Married with kids and counting the seconds until the day of the rope.

literally who?

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I wonder how many 4Chaners there are that have a death wish, and are impatiently waiting for one of these Leftist fags to show up on their door step.

Post the video.

Freakishly long arms, almost all the way to her knees wtf

big if true.
OP is a faggot for not posting a source.

S to spit on german subhumans


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>implying that people on 4chin aren't NEETs and would even answer the door
It will be like the tumblr "invasion" all over again kek.

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i have not arguments

>toxic males who can't get laid

Typical roastie response

Can't find any article about that, no link or archive from OP.
Is OP a faggot?

You think that's nasty? Check out her feet.

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Her and that fem cunt Sarah Jeong probably take long lunch breaks together.

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You know what to do boys
Send her some pasta and make her "contact the FBI"

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She looks like a vegan that has lost her period and sex drive. She is channeling her irrational vegancel’d rage at Jow Forums. The vegan mental illness cult doesn’t have enough B12 amongst all of them to form a coherent thought.

tldr the Jews are holocausting themselves with veganism.

Her instagram stories.

Please do baby. Mmmmmmmmm castrate me while you get railed by some big buff nigger

(im trying to get on lefts good side)
yeah you go girl! girl power!

Read her incel article, frog.

She does have that look, with a healthy dose of sociopathy.

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She can't make up false rape claims if none of us are having sex. Checkmate.

she should eat before doing anything

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Burn the witch!

She has hope for you!

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right next to a onions boy

Her older photos show a healthier weight, but the face still says psychopath. She's been steadily wasting away I guess.

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what if... the only reason she gets paid to write... is because it stirs up drama with people who hate her type and draws attention? What if, it got so old and boring that nobody cared about this kind of journalist anymore? then what would happen...

find and kill him then

> bringing down Jow Forums

Wow that's never been tried before.

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kek, looks like narkoman

Charleston, SC user dropped some bombs on her.

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they are constantly trying. Not a lot of success. bad.

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This reeks of glownigger faggotry.
nypa, find someone else to give you a story, Alice

She talked about in her story, burger. She has a lot of power.

That girl clearly has a mental illness. I'm becoming better at spotting mentally ill people since i've been lurking here.

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Log this, bitch

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When do they learn?

Who gives a shit?
>no even providing relevant social media posting of literal who threatening Jow Forums
Fuck off with your garbage, no effort thread faggot.

Where did I put that "arguing with holes" copy pasta...

Jesus, that's a hard 40.

She recently threatened to "make public" everything one of her recent Bumble dates said to her, because "everything was on the record." She is trying to get someone fired for disagreeing with her about Obama because it made her "feel unsafe" and it was "basically violence."


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i am vomit

Why is she so angry?

She'll be 31 on 22 July. Alice K Hines. DOB: 7/22/88.

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>think she's fucking hot and want to impregnate her with quintuplets
>Jow Forums makes fun of her appearance
Why can't we ever agree?

>high IQ city people

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too much skeleton even for my taste

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Alice is a tranny. Nice red shoes.

Heard this threat before. Would love to see it happen and Alice bankrupt the New Yorker from all the privacy lawsuits. Do it you freemason faggot.

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The whole leg is nasty

Put how revolting I think she is in the cap!
> nigger faggot tranny kike


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Thanks Ms. Skeletal

you know you would hit that. Stop lying

WTF I love the New York Times Now.

I can see her balls in this one

>she does have that look
This is what happens when you have bulimia and your entire diet consists of wine and antidepressant pills.

I still don't understand the "incel" persecution. Why the fuck do you need to further ostracize and punish people who are already lonely outcasts?

>Oh you can't get layed. You shouldn't be allowed to have a job or anything. You need to be lined up against a wall and shot.

MFW? Is it really such a thot crime to stop playing a game absolutely everyone including the person writing the article openly state that you have zero chance of winning? That is sadistically fucked up and I doubt the roasty that is bitching about it has either the compassion or the self awareness to realize it.

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That’s the face of a woman whose uterus gave up on her a few year earlier.


yeah I'm sure that's going to work out real well

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>fact-checkers and lawyers will log your IPs!

English doesn't even have a word for her nastynes, but using my languages word, she is "csoffadt" af. Which translates when a plant is dying because of thirst and it's leafs start get wrinkles, also it's stem get's weak and you may even be able to see through it.
Seriusly what the hell

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>toxic males who can't get laid
Will she fuck us all?

She's got something going on down there

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Literally morphing into bug skeletons

Looks like a "before" pic to me.

even whores have their limits

She's looks 50

> have sex

Rotten uterus vs her worst nightmare pic related

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why was the photo deleted?


A skeleton and a fridge at the same time

That's a perfect word for it

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>Take my advice, ladies

>She writes about fashion
Why, just why do all of those leftie feminist bloggers who write about fashion wear the most fucked up clothes available?
Every fucking time

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Does she have AIDS or something? Jesus Christ.

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>roastie looks for attention
News at 8

Image deleted?

>Every fucking time

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ayy lmao

I don't know who that is.

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>wondering if AIDS Alice would fuck you

Is there even a cure for the mental virus called feminism?

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I might give it to her, I've got a thing for redheads.

>OP is a faggot for not posting a source.

There is no source because this is fake; you're being trolled.

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