Is it genetics?
Is it religion?
Is it culture?
Is it eternal butthurt from countries they attempted to subvert?
Are they control by evil reptilians or satanic demons?
Is it genetics?
Is it religion?
Is it culture?
Is it eternal butthurt from countries they attempted to subvert?
Are they control by evil reptilians or satanic demons?
I’d be happy if they’d just stop raping and trafficking white children
overall culture and tribal mindset of being a group without a nation (historically) that seeks to promote each other once in positions of power.
God chose a Prophet from a rival tribe, ending their false claim if superiority similar to when God told Lucifer to prostate to Adam. Arrogance, Jealousy, and a long line of greed. They edit scriptures in attempt to remain "blissfully ignorant". From their perception this will ensure that God forgives them for their ignorance because you can't really fault someone if they were never aware of it in the first place. God knows best
Because Jews are the true master race
it has to do with niggers I think
tf did I just read
Thinking they are god's chosen people makes them do some crazy stuff.
what about:
D) All of the above.
Nigger genes makes them evil, but they also have white genes, so they can get away with it and hide, while pure niggers are too impulse oriented and can't hide.
Some user says they’re direct descendants of cannibal neanderthals
You say evil, i say superior.
Pipipoopoo we have more guns and money than you.
when they do the circumsizion they perform a rital called metzitza b'peh.
this is where the mohel inserts the freshly circumsized baby penis in his mouth and sucks blood out of it "to draw in the [evil] spirit".
jews believe nothing of the Torah and only those who accept there is no Father without Jesus as his son. They do not believe in the same God as we christians. They are blasphermers who will reference their god in a feminine or masculine manner as suits them and they worship Lucifer.
They only tell us all the Torah is "most important" to them as that is the book they have used to subvert whites.
Probably centuries of lying and passive aggressiveness. They don't know or care about the truth and beauty as long as others are deceived and demoralized too. They're our evil nature incarnate and we're responsible for it.
People don't like the idea of someone or a group of people with higher abilities, such as higher intelligence, higher knowledge, higher resources.
This type of person can enslave you, knows your desires, can fulfill them with ease.
We'll be nice and refrain from bulldozing your home.
You can join your family in the gas chambers.
i know im moshe and all but this is kind of genious
gonna share it to my repilian friends
Is that the granddaughter of Mussolini?
Because they worship evil.
God tested the Jews and they failed, now they can't say they were ignorant of his commands.
>Gods chosen
Dangerous ideology
>Even more dangerous foundation myth with the holocaust
Then just add schizophrenia and male genitle mutation to the mix
They are a cult.
They do not worship God.
They worship themselves.
So, so close.
They have an insatiable need to destroy what they resent or look down upon, which are the real white people. They can’t be as beautiful, or as homogenous or establish a nation state and must rely on countless host nations to bleed dry. They resent this scenario and lash out to destroy what they psychologically wish they could be.
They’re a tormented race of humans which originated from the middle east, likely have corrupted their genes through centuries of inbreeding and generally smell awful. Seriously, they have a smell to them and makes my mouth water. Yuck
Peepee poopoo
We gave all your cash to you
I'd say it's mostly genetic. Look at the story of Jacob and Esau. Jacob of course is the patriarch of the Jewish people while Esau in the Jewish tradition is associated with the West and Christendom. The feud of these two people and nations they would sire was foreshadowed from their very birth with Jacob grabbing Esau by the ankle. This is a metaphor for Jacob's subversion as Esau was the rightful firstborn but would yet again grab Esau by the ankle. What does Jacob do when Esau returns hungry after the hunt and asks for some lentil stew? Why, the first thing that comes to Jacob's mind is not to help his brother but Jew him out of his birthright. What do we always hear? "The immigrants have better food!" Then Jacob Jews Esau out of the blessing by putting on animal skins to be hairy like Esau to trick their father Isaac. This is the microcosm of the assimilated Jew, the Jew who says, "I'm a Jewish-American, I'm a German-Jew!" Esau, when finding this out is furious and asks Isaac if there is still a blessing left for him. Isaac tells Esau that his brother would put a yoke around his neck and that you would serve Jacob until you get restless and throw the yoke off. This is the election of Trump and the rising tide of right-wing populism--the yoke of course being cultural Marxism and Jewish cynically screaming "anti-Semitism."
Through their oral traditions they lost their purpose and direction, and their corrupt leaders misled them.
This is why Jesus said they worship the covenant of man, not the covenant of God. The entire reason Christ came was because they need to be reformed.
Then John hyrcanus converted edom and added them to judea. Every Jew is edom now.
Jews are genetically predisposed to hate everything that is beautiful in this world. They are the destroyers. They hate beauty, nature, order and happiness. They are the destroyers of worlds.
You have lost God's covenant forever. You are not his chosen.
More psychopaths than average host populations.
It must be cultural. The Jews in South America do not demonstrate the same obsession with demography, ethnicity, Nazism, anti-Semitism that American Jews seem to have. The American Zionists even tried to make the Jews of South America aware of the importance of the State of Israel, since they were not at all committed to this project (ie, they did not send money).
They are natural parasites. That's why.
Genetic behaviour
Low genetic empathy, or zero empathy
Jow Forums needs to stop using this nonsense argument/buzzword
Where does culture come from? Culture is just another word for the manifestation of genetic behaviour