He fucked kids. But that's alright as long as he keeps spics out as he promised.
He fucked kids. But that's alright as long as he keeps spics out as he promised
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>>So, everybody who flies to pedo island is a pedo?
From, The Trump is Not A Pedo LARP
Nice try shill.
all american presidents have fucked kids and keeping one promise is more than anyone else managed
this guy gets it
>Liking beautiful women and having your picture taken with Epstein makes you a pedo.
Media matters/shareblue plz go
I'll take the bait
Fuck off to discord.
Hey look another JIDF thread.
Day of the gas soon kike.
And again
Dont forget about the kikes in Hollywood that are shitting their pants.
This is abosule bullshit, what would be great if trump derangement causes them to open up pizzagate to try and pin it on him, and have it backfire on them.
>pedos always checkin with cc and bank credentials
wow he's not on the list, maybe he just owns a private plane who know
>backfire on them
unlike you cultists every other sane person has absolutely no problem with whoever pedo gets arrested
how did trump help?
>keeps spics out as he promised.
Well he seems to be fucking that up pretty badly, there are too many illegals and legal spics ruining this country.
Woops, meant to quote OP.
I thought so.
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>He fucked kids. But that's alright as long as he keeps spics out as he promised.
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>He fucked kids
I wouldn't put it past him, but I haven't seen any evidence yet.
>as he keeps spics out as he promised
I have some news for (You), mutt
Holy shit, drumpftards are sliding this hard
Trump cannot exclude Immigrants.
Because it violates the US Constitution.
He deceived a idiot voters by proclaiming impossible promises.
His only purpose in life is self pleasure.
wheres the proofs
That'd be a fair trade, if true.
Based japo gook
There wasn't any exclusion of immigrants, anywhere.
Amash jumped off the train just in time. Wonder if he got a tip off
No he’ did and does not so fuk off
>shills push muh russian collusion
>turns out it was everyone but trump that was colluding with the russians
>shills push trump is a pedo
>Trump flew to pedo island
not according to the singular time he is in the flight log
Bill Clinton, on the other hand.
>But that's alright as long as he keeps spics out as he promised.
but he never even did that
>Because it violates the US Constitution.
It most certainly does not.
.. you fuckers are persistent
>meme flag reveal
Bad day for those on shillfare.
Its okay kike, it will be all over for you soon. No amount of shilling in this place is going to change any of that.
Unronically this. Still stand 100% behind my president, what he does in his bedroom is no business of mine.
It’s true because the news said so REEEEEEEE
at least he got to enjoy some cunny from epstein
Well, he's not kept spics out, so guess he can hang right along with his kike pedo friends.
You do that shit too, faggot pedophile!
Kike hypocrisy much?
Yes it does. Why do you think the US was made of immigrants? Because it was a growing nation and was willing to take on those who wanted to seek new opportunity. Once again the old ass constitution you love so much rears it's ugly head because it doesn't keep up with the times.
>another communist
You still fuck kids as well. Faggot
protestants don't fuck kids, you know who does that
>Because it violates the US Constitution.
The Constitution is an inert piece of worthless paper that can do a damn thing about being violated.
you guys understand pedos will gladly fuck eachother over to cover their own asses, right?
Reported to the fbi.
Big lies need bigger proof kike.
Trump throws out all the hope of the white right wing to the trash in order to survive.
He stopped the trade war with China and surrendered.
Only thing the Constitution says about immigration is that it's the purview of congress.
Congress can do anything it wants regarding immigration law. The executive can do whatever is within it's scope to enforce those laws.
What's unconstitutional is individual states and cities thumbing their nose at federal law.
>meme flag
>no evidence
>never even flew in the direction
>knew what others did and stayed out of it
>proven attempted false flags
Fuck off commie
Meme flag. Read. No he didn't. (We are still kicking out illegals though) #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA
hes never been to pedo island
find a single piece of evidence that he did
Shill so hard, and got so far, but in the end it doesn't even matter.
Holocaust 2.0 gonna git you!
>how did trump help?
Told them about the time he fucked a 12 year old boy
no he didnt you dumb ass libshit
I wish the spics would start getting deported, I'm tired of the legal spics as well, they're like a festering infection on this country.
Read the fucking language, it doesn't even say immigration.
It relates to naturalization which is an up in arms debate.
Either way, people can flood into the US and seek citizenship whether you like it or not. It's constitutional.