Good economy meme. It only benefits the Jew while regular working class people are faced with more work hours traffic and higher prices.
Jace Taylor
Deustchebank is simply restructuring to go back to being more of a commercial bank. Most of these jobs were investment bankers. Yes, we are heading towards a recession, but with a 10 year bull market a slowdown or recession is expected.
Aiden Howard
Prepare your bunkers. It's Happening.
Christian Garcia
When it all crashes we have to scramble to rebuild it how we want it
I remember these threads 3 years ago. What makes it so certain this time?
Andrew Walker
because the undead vampire zombie jew might or might not be collapsing.
Easton Richardson
>this time same collapse user it takes time for a collapse of this magnitude, all the tricks are being pulled and all the scams are being tried to prop things up because the elites are terrified
Wyatt Ward
Nothing makes it different people like posting Happening threads for memetic purposes.
Christopher Stewart
It's collapsing everyone's going to die who isn't in the bunkers. Quickly supply food water plumbing and oxygen to your underground bunkers.
Liam Robinson
What exactly is this "rate of profit"? Is it the profit margin? I assume that profit margin has never been lower overall but companies get much more money now than before thanks to mass consumption.