I feel like UBI is a policy many libertarians could get behind he just needs to cut out the SJW crap and he could win a good chunk of the working class.
Would Yang do better running as a Republican?
he'd do better running as a white man with halfway decent ideas and a modicum of charm
What, like Eric SMALwel?
He's the only Asian running. It's perfect for him as he stands from the rest.
He would do better in the Chinese Communist Party.
Fake and gay. Die Yin-Kin
fake and gay
Nice way to bite the hand that feeds you. Gigantic moron.
Room temperature iq post
As soon as UBI gets implemented, a social credit system will sure follow. Even if Y*ng implements the Freedom Dividend just like you Y*ngtards believe it will be, then the next democrat president will say something like "Isn't it common sense that people who are X shouldn't get as much money?". Think about it. His policies will get watered down and vetoed just like those of Trump and you'll be pissed off even more.
>posts fake tweet
>immediately goes to speculating
Then explain how Y*ng's vision won't turn to shit sooner or later. Remember how the founding fathers intended the federal state to be as small as possible and taxes being low? Worked out well, huh? I don't care if the tweet is fake, at least I got the 5 brain cells of those 3 who cared to reply activated.
We'll see about that AFTER he gets elected, boomer.
In the meantime, my only concern is to secure that motherfucking bag.
You need to go back to work. Get a regular blue collar job. You've spent too much time in a boardroom.
>I feel like UBI is a policy many libertarians could get behind
you really don't understand libertarianism, do you?
>1 post
>meme flag
makes sense, y'all niggas posting in a slide thread
Do you like
That argument can apply to ANY fucking policy for a candidate that is running. Whether you're on the Left or Right.
The goal is to implement it and then watch it unfold, goyboy.
>drumpf wont give you a wall
>but this chink will akshually give everyone $1000 a month
kill yourself chink
>He's the only Asian running.
bugmen get out
>not listening to the asian man who is good at math
>not listening to the stereotype
I see the goyim has you by the balls.
ah yes now only 13% of welfare will go to blacks instead of 40%
oh wait this is Jow Forums and you’re in the wrong fuckin place