What do black people in traditionally white European countries think about their history?
Do they try to play up their "African" identity like in America, and do they give weird "African" sounding names to their children (Kawhi, LeBron, Jamal..etc)?
What do black people in traditionally white European countries think about their history?
Do they try to play up their "African" identity like in America, and do they give weird "African" sounding names to their children (Kawhi, LeBron, Jamal..etc)?
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Yes we do. Now stop obessing over us you culturless snownigger caveape
why do niggers only think about chicken and rape?
Cool. Do you know which country you are from? Do you feel like the British owe your people something?
Hope you have a license for that TV nigger
Are blacks aware that they have contributed nothing to the advancement of mankind or is their IQ so slow that there are completely unaware of their utter insignificance and hindrance of the human race?
I'm African and proud.
what is the answer?
What do you think about your relatives literally fucking the ground?
>Nowhere near egypt
They blame whitey for everything and demand gibs.
Are whites aware they are a rapidly dying race? So What are you going to do... shit post again and complain while you die off or are you going to man up and stop being a incel and fix it?
Yes bose unironically
Nah they don't I like Brits desu. The only whites I don't like are boers and American whites.
I'm taking that its a yes.
Whites don't need to be the race with the highest population. The smartest ones are the ones who will always be around to control the less evolved lower primates. Niggers are our entertainment.
Fuck you White power forlife
Literally not my relatives Sans are actually oldest and most distinction human populations in the world. Infact they are probably the direct ancestors of the first proto homo sapiens.
Honestly can you guys even go one day without saying the n word? JFC...
He looks like he's about to cry
Ok goyim. Remember you aren't Jews coping is unhealthy and dangerous especially at this stage.
Blacks with 99% sub saharan and 1% nordic will larp all day about their viking ancestry
Here look at the Great Zimbabwe the pinnacle of South African civil engineering. Stop larping as a civilizedperson by speakingEnglish and revertback to your primal click language.
>You are monsters
>That's why we should hack you into pieces as well as burn you alive.
What do you suggest we do to fix it, nibberbro?
wow literally chimpanzees with a prefontal cortex
>You'll Never Guess My Ancestry
Why don’t you just kill your self fucking nigger? We don’t need apes and ape supporters on this planet.
I believe you may want to save this one, bro.
And this too.
What a vibrant culture kek
We're all equal, bro, idk what you are insinuating. One race - the human race.
>what is ancient Egypt
nigga we was making stone pyramids 100 foot tall while your ancestors were sodomizing each other
You don’t actually believe that right
Uhm excuse me sweaty, African isn't defined by race.
>Are whites aware they are a rapidly dying race?
>So What are you going to do... shit post again and complain while you die off or are you going to man up and stop being a incel and fix it?
The Elites will survive and prosper, while your descendants suffer as slaves
>ooga booga
>me in umbumbu bilt dem permids
>hundid feetz tall
>maf n sheeit
The Great Pyramid of Giza is around 430 feet tall. Niigers can't into history or basic facts.
yes egpyt itself is black like 70% of the country are slightly lighter skinned sudanese or ethoipian stop taking away our culture just stay mad white boi
>Why don’t you just kill your self fucking nigger? We don’t need apes and ape supporters on this planet.