They speak Swedish in the video (including the victim)
And they speak with middle eastern accents.
Nice try, Abdul.
It is probably a BB or airsoft pistol.
>suck it, man
>[inaudible] can't you just (video cuts)
>chill out (probably coming from the blonde's friend who wants them to stop)
>kiss the "gat"/"pump" (nigger slang for gun)
>repeats it until he does
>dance better, man
>that's more like it
Here is the Webm
is this common to not help your friend and just standing around in Sweden?
seen many whitopypol doing this shit in those kinds of video, what's wrong with your kind?
>"Refugees" in Sweden force young native Swede to fortnight dance at gunpoint.
Good. Swedes chose this future. White Swedish men chose this future when they embraced 60 years of nonstop feminism and stood by doing nothing while their white male business class accrued enormous wealth at the cost of the future of their society. I hope America, Britain, and France are this bad sooner rather than later. Everyone made their choice in 1939. Everyone DESERVES what they are getting and NO, your shitskin false-prophet Jesus Christ IS NOT going to save you.
The link I gave was better and has audio here it is again
D0 you realize how many spics are in your nation right now????
Besides, it was the Jews who deceived the naive innocent swedes into destroying their nation
I bet the sandniggers did this because they are jealous of him being taller
Is this exploding in Swedish news now? Because this would probably be frontpage stuff for a week here in Norway.