Working with blacks

Talk about your experiences working with blacks.

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I've worked with 4 black people in my life. 3 got fired within a month and the other one is fucking awesome and works his ass off to provide for his family

i don't work in fast food

Niggers are prone to raping and stealing from my experience

Rather hear about experiences with non-working blacks. Working ones are normal people.

They call me "Nilla".

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They stink.
They are lazy.
They are stupid.

may be bias racism but I have noticed they don't quite put the same effort as other people and try to take shortcuts to get out of doing work.

I even see this at the gym, spend a lot of time wasting around doing nothing.

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My uncle employed a nigger from Senegal. Nigger was so thankful he named his daughter after my aunt.

Tbh I've had far worse experiences with gypsies or menas than niggers.

We had one, he worked there only a week, because he was too dumb and lazy for mechanics.

I have never worked with a non-white person.

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I worked at a (((Starbucks))) some years ago for a little while. Had to hire blacks everyone so often for “diversity” reasons. I’ve had to fire about 85% of them for one reason or another, usually theft.

Only time I've worked with black people was in the army. They were quality people and had great family values.

After years of being out, I have not met a single black person like them, so I'm glad I haven't worked with any of them out here.

Fortunately I went into STEM and there aren't any there.


>Working with a black dude named Mr. Brown(Not joking)
>Going from school to school to clean them up(Summer job for the schools)
>He stops at his house to go to the bathroom
>comes out to the car
>I can barely breathe with the amount of weed I smell off his clothes
>His wife has been smoking
>It's only 9 o'clock
>Tell him and he runs back in and puts on a fuckton of body spray
>Smells like shit, but no more weed smell
>Makes me and the Hispanic girl in the car swear not to tell anyone

worked with some really lazy ones, most of them. Goes for all migrants i've worked with. And a few good ones who worked a lot.

I don't even have niggers in my country :D

Forgot to say, this happened this morning.

>Be me.
>Work with black guy.
>Iffy work ethics, but seems like an ok guy.
>Find out he's a flat earther,
>believes NASA is fake,
>buys all the "snake oils"

I'm not even racist.. but this guy is dumb as fuck. Still an alright guy, just dumb as nails.

lol good one sven. I work for a swedish company (bank. well you have only one so it's obvious)

>Swedish employees : oh its 4pm time to go home ...
>non-swedes stuck there until 7pm.
>Swedes muh kid sick better take the whole fucking day off and post shit on FB all day long.

>Swedes, tomorrow is a public holiday, better take today off as well.

You people are allergic to work.

lol good one sven. I work for a swedish company (bank. well you have only one so it's obvious)

>Swedish employees : oh its 4pm time to go home ...
>non-swedes stuck there until 7pm.
>Swedes muh kid sick better take the whole fucking day off and post shit on FB all day long.

>Swedes, tomorrow is a public holiday, better take today off as well.

You people are allergic to work.

I work with some blacks of all ages. Generally nice(deep south), but lazy and very stulsy. Very hard to have a conversation with due to low IQ. I honestly can't understand a word coming out of their mouths half of the time


>Talk about your experiences working with black
Legit thought that said sexual experience. *sigh* one day /pol will come around

I worked with a black woman from Montreal. She was pretty cool. Chatty, good humor. Another was an accountant. Quiet, kinda nerdy. No complaints. Black are okay. Fatties I cannot abide. All they talk about is food and TV.

I manage software testers. The young ones are weebs, the older ones are entitled, lazy, stupid, and think they're the greatest because they make $50k a year working an entry-level job for 12 years.

The customers tend to be vets who don't know enough about the tech they're in charge of, but are arrogant.

Nice digits noisy and violent

Worked with 3 niggers in a warehouse 2 whites and 2 spics. Spics did their jobs. blacks stayed out of trouble but talked wayyy too fucking much. 1 of the whites behaved like a nigger constantly showed up late and would leave without notice constantly the other white man was like the spics he did his thing. Everyone should be judged individually but niggers as a whole are detrimental to society. Life is full of choices edd-boii

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> low IQ
> stulsy


nigros are scare of my, never have a problem

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I worked at walmart at one point and probably one of my best work buddies was a black guy. I haven't seen him since I quit that job and I hope he's doing okay now. Honestly the biggest problem at walmart was just the women, white, brown, and black. They were always pregnant and asking people to do their work for them.

I also worked delivering papers and we had one black guy who worked with us. It was a shit job but desu that guy made it a lot better. He was hilarious. He was a bad employee(often showed up late, took too long to do his route, etc.) but a nice guy who made my time there more bearable.

Now I work a corporate job and we only have two black guys in our whole department. There used to be a third one but he moved on to another role in the company. I talked to him semi frequently and he was a really great guy who had really gone far in the company. Guy basically worked his way out of rural poverty into a nice office job and now the company is paying for his CPA.

I guess what I'm saying is that I've never really had a bad experience working with black people.

I worked in a warehouse full of niggers as the only white guy.
It was the most poorly managed thing that I've ever been a part of.
The only guy I was friends with was a fifty something year old ex postman who was a spitting image of the dad from Sanford and Son.
We would talk about how ridiculous all the young niggers were and other race issues and shit, it was pretty cool.
I have so many stories I don't even know where to begin.

I don't work with them, but my job is in downtown so I have to walk past them every day on my way to work. Its not fun

Be FUCKING honest with me right now user. Did you notice that they smell different?

>Normal people
user, i dont know what to say.

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The niggers straight from africa that I've met have been decent and grateful people.
They were all stupid as shit though.

A nigger up at 9 o'clock? Fake as fuck.


one of two types:

> hard working and never talk about race
> entitled, lazy, and never shut up about race relations

guess which one I can tolerate

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Aside from their skin that's the second most obvious thing when you meet a black person.
I noticed that shit when I was like 8 years old.
They have an offensive musk to them like sulfur and corn chips.


Guy was a malcom x derived muslim. He had working class mannerisms and spoke poor english. He showed respect to those he worked with and got on well with the whites and mexicans. I enjoyed working with him because he got shit done without saying much.

>tfw no 50 year old black guy friend

Strange kind of feel honestly.

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I worked with a hard working one who would never shut up about race.
He was pretty cool.

>and the other one is fucking awesome and works his ass off to provide for his family
Unironically heartwarming
> inb4 fag

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>black mountain
>no blacks

worked with a bunch in the restuarant industry..
all were drug dealers.
9 out of 10 were totally worthless and lazy
the only black person that was a hard worker was actually from africa who was sending money back to his family.
dont work in a restaurant in the south.

Nasa is fake though

He's an immigrant from the Caribbean. Really good dude

Nigs are always on the phone while sitting at the machine I want to use to work out

>Working with niggers
I've managed to avoid the groid in every workplace I've been for 25 years now, and don't plan on ever actually dealing with them.
Closest I came to it was having meetings with my old UPS rep who was Ethiopian, but she was actually straight from the motherland so she wasn't an American feral porch monkey and was civilized.

I miss the guy.
He had all these funny catch phrases.
He used to call me Payne and call out shit like "Chicken and Gravy" while me and him loaded up freight trucks.

Their breath and bo smell like motor oil. When they lay on cocobutter it’s nice.

It's honestly a wash. About half I've worked with are your stereotypical lazy no good stealing from their employer types, and the other try to hustle to prove the stereotype wrong...but most of them are still kinda slow witted.

Many experiences. All non 11/18/35 series MOS blacks have been total system playing shit bags. Worked with a couple different older 50+ black dudes in a couple different civilian occupations. They were really good dudes with really good work ethic. A really super dumb black lady, like super dumb. And a super dumb 20 year old black kid. The dummies did nothing but fuck up everything they did, even after multiple days of training.

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most blacks i have worked with are of below average intelligence.
some i have met that i can say are intelligent
the only black that I ever met with an IQ of above 140 for sure, at the very least, was a mulatto black
dude is currently a college professor and can speak five languages, behaves like a white person and has and immense knowledge of history, humanities, literature, etc...
miss hanging out with him sometimes.

they are usually lower iq, eat weird food, use weird words im not familiar with, loud probably the same as you and any stereo types you may have heard I imagine.

Was the last black an African that recently came to the US? I have same experiences, the second generation refugees actually end up causing violence and rape, the first generation that have seen shit going on in their home country actually tend to be more hard working.
Wondering if it 's same experience here since African Americans are the worst ooga boogas on the planet, literally they're far worser than actual Africans.

So, I had a job at one point where near all of my colleagues were black. (Like, only two of them were white, and the rest of the five were latinx/hispanic) Overall, they were a respectable, bright bunch, for reasons that would give away what the job was. A lot of them were cool, and often were sociable. But I did have one standout moment.

So, one of the female colleagues offered me a drive to the super market to take care of some groceries, save me the foot path as they saw me walking the street. Being the good Samaritan they were, who was I to say no?

They ran stops, they ran reds, they sometimes didn't even have their hands on the wheel. No signal lights, and general ignorance of the road around them.

Okay, I'm not gonna just copy the Jow Forums meme and say it's all blacks, but fucking hell, I've never been more scared in my life. I don't know how they got a driver's license.

Had to do community service for a DUI charge. 8 hours working with black girl, 22, in charge of grounds maintenance of local municipal buildings. She was on the phone the entire time. I got to take a lot of breaks and smoke cigarettes. We stopped on the seventh hour of my eight hour workday. We got more landscaping done that day than she probably has ever done. Asked by manager to come back--Sorry lady I only have to do eight hours.

I tend to differentiate between blacks and niggers.
There's also a world of a difference between African blacks and African American blacks.


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Have an absolute bro tier guy I work with that was a former prison guard. He joked about how he used to Fuck with the trans prisoners by calling them Sir

same situation here actually.


Pretty useless. He got a programming job through a friend in the company so he wasn't vetted properly and turned out to be super useless. Guy didn't know the difference between an integer and a float.

Worked for a big corp in professional services, hadn't really thought about it but my department was 150+ people and didn't have a single black guy in it, which is odd given how "diverse" big corps say they are these days. A lot of women in my department though, I was the only guy in my immediate team of 10 or so people. Also hadn't thought much about it, but I was probably the shortest guy there and I'm 6ft 1in.

Only times I've seen black guys working at a big company is when you walk past the HQs of big banks and they have those 7ft 5in tall black guys as greeters, or sometimes they're working the reception and take your coat in other professional services places (guess banks also fall under this umbrella but whatever).

Are all big companies like this?

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brown vs the boreds in education

They are loyal regular customers
Working in a prison sucks BTW

When i worked shit jobs, most blacks just sucked. (Not All)
Sometimes they were a complete negative to the business.
The ones who gave a C minus effort were promoted (oh diversity) and eventually fired because they couldn't do their job.

How many months do you have to work to receive government gibs (3 or 6 months?).
It always seemed ,like clockwork, they would lose their job after that point.

I haven't worked with an African but went to college with some Nigerians. They mostly disliked American blacks

Before I took up a trade working with black dudes was pretty cool actually.

Then I started in the trades, and realized they aren't as retarded as pajeets, mexicans and pols.

Based woke nigger

It's the same here. The actual Africans from my experience want to aim higher and not ooga booga welfare bix noods. They dislike the second generation immigrants here since they tend to be the gangster spoiled wannabe faggots.

African Americans are the worst though, I don't know how a cancerous African American culture became so large, it's literally built on bix noods.

they call me tony hawk

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Worked with a fat sheboon from commiefornia. She hated white people with a passion, and had to inject her culture Marxism into everything. Example, our company was in the research game, and this nig kept on harming on that the very concept of science was racist.

As for work drama, she would go out of her way to get people fired for daring to disagree with her, etc. After about 7 months of this shit, a few of us went to management and told them ether she goes or we all quit on the spot. She was let go on some bullshit excuse 3 weeks later. I will never work with them again, and I certainly won’t hire them.

They are good rappers and stole ur dream of being the next eminem kek

They call me Pineapple Man.

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shitty thread,
is that what you are hoping to look like after your sex-change, shill?

>your experiences working with blacks

Exotic car dealer
Got assistant, dindu
Simply did not follow any direction, ever
Goes up to GM, tells him "I'll have your job in 2 years"
Actually thinks he's the best employee
Fridays was casual day, but everyone wore jeans/collared shirts
Dindu comes in Friday, fucking pajama pants
Hide him in back for the day from owner, explicitly tell him to just dress like everyone else, Friday is not wear whatever in the fuck you want day
Month goes by
Another friday, comes to work in a fucking t shirt and sneakers with spikes
Send him home
Equipment breaks, he takes it to get fixed in a loaner car
Getting late, call him, he says "don't worry I'll bring it back late"
Next day my boss asks me, "hey user, did dindu tell you he was taking the loaner home?" I say no, boss "thats what I thought"
To preface this if you wanted to take a loaner home if your car was getting repaired or you needed it for a night, they were really cool with it, you just had to ask
Boss reprimands dindu, tells him don't do it again
Dindu starts doing weird shit, goes to office of whichever salesman is off that day and kicks feet up on their desk
Starts blasting hipster music in the back, tell him repeatedly fucking stop, doesn't, changed password on computer in back so he can't, only way to top it
Dindu keeps getting weirder, does not comprehend if you're done with your work for the day don't fucking wander around
Starts showing up really early to work, think nothing of it
Starts leaving really late, thinking dindu is equating time spent at work with how good of an employee you are.
Boss pulls me aside, asks if I've seen him drive off in a 120k cabrio
Turns out dindu was staying late so he could drive used cars home
Fire him
He calls me "I kno i duns fucked up, but I broughts it back so it wusnt stealin, yall can jus move me to a different department"
He put 900 miles between 2 100k+ cabrios, checked the ecu, drove over 130mph
Never relax

I've worked in a mostly black company for 5 years.

They all have good drug connections and are very insecure to any sort of insults. Most of them will try to fight you over any sort of perceived disrespect at the drop of a hat. A smaller percentage carry unregistered guns and they're the ones to watch out for. Few of them have training In combat and the ones that do are respectable 9 out of 10 times.

They have a decent work ethic but loathe being told to do anything by whitey and will collaborate against people to undercut their job performance by crying "racist"

They're easily misdirected by talking about making money

Most of them are scared of white people lol

People still post shitty Sam Hyde memes in 2019? Wasn't he exposed for molesting one of his underage fans?

>Working "with"
Well that's a rough start.

#1 would spend all of his fast food money on strip clubs. He had 5 kids. He was buff and old white women who came to buy salads were scared of him. We got along well.
#2 was a spastic teenager who could never get orders right. He would complain to customers about how much he hated the job.
#3 was the only person in a retail hellscape who was vocal about disliking it. I hated working retail too so we became friends.

My sisters cute little dachshund hates black people, barks at them anytime they get within 10 meters of him. I think it is because he finds their smell strange

Idk I'm black and everyone loves me at work. Everyone's always liked me tho. Theres been very few people who didnt like me throughout my whole life. Then again I actually go outside so I dont see a lot of you incels

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She hadn't gone to sleep yet.

They always play the race card.

Even IT professionals.
You fucking interview them,
Pass interviews, personable,
Dine them to get to know them first before hire,
give them the job,
they work a little,
then stop working,
give them chance after chance,
still fail to work,
give them a few warnings,
still fail to follow through,
then you formally reprimand them,
they yell racism, (does not matter you gave them a job, gave them chances, suddenly you are racist)
HR investigation, (investigates how you are racist and how you could have behaved differently with minority employees)
nigger does still does not work,
the tries but massively fucks up which could cost me my job, (whites do not get this far or that many chances)
Finally able to fire them.

Isn't diversity and considering minorities equally to whites great. Fuck this shit.

Stay butthurt, /leftypol/, we wouldn't have it any other way.

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You don't work with them. You work around them.

black women look me. don't know why

why did you post a tranny, datamining OP?

Used to roll dough for little ceasars, while I was in college. Big ass sheboon, with like three teeth, would go on and on about her favorite films (big mama franchise), all the while letting thick spit jump out through her missing tooth gaps -effectively spraying the dough. She was completely unaware of this fact -or didnt care.

Worked with a Nigger.
>He was sent to clean a building...
>Walks straight to a back room.
>Curls up on the couch and goes right to sleep.
>nothing happens, no one complains, no one does anything about it.
>nigger continues to do this for over 10 years
>nigger complains he won’t get a promotion
>eventually finds a new job to go be a nigger at

African niggers are fine, they will do anything to not have to go back

>I'm black and everyone loves me at work
We all know you don't work if you're black, please stop pretending, you're on an anonymous board, you don't have to lie to us.

I am sure you could walk your way to the Social Security office blindfolded, though. Seems to be a valuable skill to niggers, they could literally Birdbox their way to cash a check with no eyesight, I think they find it by scent with those mammoth nostrils.

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