/CHG/ - Christcuck Hate General

ITT we discuss how Christcuckery is destroying Europe and how we shall dispose of it

People are waking up.
They're starting to realize what a weak, self destructive, cucked beyond belief this cancerous ideology is.

They started to see it's Christcucks who are responsible for the import of millions of Africans and Muslims into the EU.

They started to see it's Christcucks who lost a hundred times to Muslim armies.

They started to see it's Christianity that is the root problem of Western culture.

And now they are starting to fix it, by tearing down this Jewish psyop invention that has nearly ruined Europe.

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wtf is wrong with Christians?

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>People are waking up
This is the most blatant Jew shill campaign ever experienced on Jow Forums

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It's almost like it is Abrahamic

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It's actually incredible anything pagan is left standing in Italy and Greece considering how rabid they are about defending their judaism.

>If you don't worship Jews, you're a Jew!
I understand why Israel considers you idiots (((strategic assets))). Nothing exists for you outside the Jewish theological paradigm.

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Chistcucks are so aggressive these days.

It is you who is the jew, LARPer.

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Go pick fruit in the "holy land" for your kike masters you pathetic fucking christmutt

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No more jew arse licking, Europe free from semitism

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>jew shill that hates jews
Christcucks are so stupid

based bong

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I have nothing to add. Quality post.

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You think there is something off about the world? Chances are there is a christcuck at the root of it.

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look how wet those boomers are, writhing around in ecstasy as their god flag is trotted out

It's usually brown people who have a vested interest in perpetuating this Jewish crap because it's their ticket into white lands and white pussy.

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Even the niggers are like "wtf".

>an Italian who isn't a braindead catholicuck
You exist? How?

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The Christians subverts. The Christian destroys.

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>Same flags in every thread
>constant shilling and kvetching over Christianity
>same stale reposted memes
What do you propose we do? What is the plan after you eliminate the "Christkike" problem? You never address anything besides posting memes of the pope licking refugee feet

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>meme flag
>shill latching onto meme shit
Yikes and cringepilled

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Because even niggers can cringe

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Jesus is King of the Jews. Do you think he would like to you?

He isn't your god. He came to save the Jewish people from Rome.

>b-but Christians were mean to this one Jew 2000 years ago therefore they hate us too that adopted his Judaism 2.0
why do Christians keep saying this?

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Notice my brothers those are niggers, CHRISTIAN NIGGERS. The eternal christfag thought it was a great idea to bring salvation to evil wild animals like niggers, spics, and native americans. They also tried to pollute the brains of Japanese people with this horseshit showing they are the original globalist lunatics on this planet.

Imagine being tricked by jewish fairy tales lmfao

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sure is a lot of Christianity hate today.

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Removal of jew culture in white nations, make it punishable by death to have a bible or Talmud or Torah of whatever.

Europe abandoned Christianity a long time ago. Their churches have been empty for decades. Nice try degenerate.

begone, spiritual semite

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Remind me again, what is that symbol on your flag, oh son of Odin

So I hate protestants and catholics for their universalist cuckery, yet the pagan communities in the west are nothing short of embarrassing. the only ones who are moderately presentable are the Zeus worshipers in Greece

>"Francis please get up, why do you keep doing this? It's getting embarrassing now.. people are staring.."

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so tidus could destroy the 2nd temple shortly after?

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The swastika is a pagan symbol.
>>Christcuck National Socialist are Larpers

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You christkikes seem to forget about Roman and Greek polytheism which is not the same uncivilized stuff as nordic or germanic.

Friendly reminder that Ethiopians were Christian before Germans. See: Acts 8:26.

>Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Go south to the road—the desert road—that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” So he started out, and on his way he met an Ethiopian eunuch, an important official in charge of all the treasury of the Kandake (which means “queen of the Ethiopians”). This man had gone to Jerusalem to worship, and on his way home was sitting in his chariot reading the Book of Isaiah the prophet. The Spirit told Philip, “Go to that chariot and stay near it.”...

That's who God thinks it's important to baptize, Ethiopian Jews without their full genitalia. Christianity sure is based and redpilled.

It was a cancer from the very fucking beginning

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Show your flag israhell yeshiva shill

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>What do you propose we do?
>"if you don't worship (((god))) who else would you worship!!!!1"
How are you not embarrassed by your own stupidity?

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Are they Orthodox ?

The people need something to believe in and they need God, but Christianity has become so utterly corrupt. It's rather hopeless

b-but they are BASED


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Outside amerimuttia ALL Christians hate jews , with the exception of protestant countries like amerimuttskaya who suck israel dick

Absolutely correct, Hitler thought christians were just utterly p a t h e t i c

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Shills gonna shill

To hell with it

Please Konstantinos. Stop pushing the meme of "based Orthodoxy", I left Orthodoxy in my own country because of how corrupt the church is.

Just look at all of those millions of good christian black boys.
>converted a continent of wild animals and cant see why we hate them

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>What is the plan after you eliminate the "Christkike" problem?
Revert to the religions of our ancestors before Semitism, or bare minimum Neoplatonism/Deism. All that matters is the race and the will to power. Nothing else. This idea that we have to stick to OBVIOUSLY self-destructive Christkike Jew LARP crap that is wholesale destroying our nations PERMANENTLY just because "Well goyim, that's just what we've been doing for a thousand years" is like an Aztec shilling for human heart removals on top of pyramids because "It may not be the perfect system but it's what we've got."

If your religion results in your people dying off, of what use is the religion?

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>christianity is European

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It's not just in America. muh based Orthodoxy is pushing open borders in Greece too.

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So the Jews had their own King executed because they must have loved him and his teachings so much, right? Makes a lot of sense. Biblical prophecy getting more relevant by the day.

Was big into Evola and occultism until I read the book on Magic, very Jewish

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Burn in hell kike faggot, were noit your run of the mill faggots , YOU are the faggot here.


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Us Catholics have always been persecuted, we have only grown stronger.
Bring it on you pagan larping faggot.We will fuck you up like Upsala.

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How do I get into paganism? I’m not currently religious because I just don’t have enough evidence to believe in a specific god, but the Norse and Greco-Roman gods seem pretty based.

This is counter-productive. Christianity may not be perfect, and may not be European in origin, but you cannot deny that for centuries it kept European societies traditional, moral, and that the decline of Christianity has coincided with the decline of western civilization. Why attack Christianity now, when not only is it already losing it’s influence, but when our cultures are under attack from the secular forces of cultural Marxism? Exactly what our enemies want is us to be divided on issues such as this.

>is a christcuck
A german

Don't worry Michael Estevez Johnson, my fellow "white" man, you can keep your mutt religion. Just don't bring it over here once it's gone here, alright?

That's because most "pagans" are unironic LARPers on the level of amerimutt wiccans and whatever the fuck they've got. The problem with paganism is that a large part of it is ancestral worship which would mean in modern terms that it's "racist".

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Evola at least isn't bad as Guenon who was a freemason, became a Mudslime, and married a shitskin.

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Speaking of Aztecs the christcuck felt sorry for those savages and converted them too, that seems to be a running theme with this traitorous scum they feel sorry for savages then convert them and support them killing them as well.

Did you also know that the RED CROSS is christfag organization you know that same one multiplying shitskins out of control around the globe?

Friendly reminder;

People who call themselves christians are the biggest supporters of international jewry on the planet.

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The Christian prevails , The Christian reigns supreme.

>reminder our prophecies see only Orthodoxy after ww3, no more lies, no more muslims, no more jews

Nordic and Germanic paganism is pointless because they never had a proper society built into them there is no consistency in them so you get horseshit like neopaganism. The only pagan faiths you can follow are either Greek or Roman.

I swear this memeflag kike makes 90% of all the Christian hate-threads on here.

Thanks for enhancing my Christian faith, shlomo

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A burger. lol. as if we'd listen to you

All day every day I see Christians and Pagans fighting. I'm not a Christian or a Pagan, I just wanna gas the bikes and get rid of the brownards for goodness sake.

Italians are cryptopagans with local saints and virgin maries (old pagan gods).

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Every missionary in Apefrica is christian. All of the cucks helping niggers in Africa ARE CHRISTIAN. Guess who also backstab whites in South Africa, yet the fucking christians.

Its weird how these threads always focus on people who very obviously follow religions beginning about 200-300 years ago, not 2000.

>but you cannot deny that for centuries it kept European societies traditional, moral
Europeans were that IN SPITE of cuckstianity you absolute potato nigger.
>Why attack Christianity now, when not only is it already losing it’s influence, but when our cultures are under attack from the secular forces of cultural Marxism?
cuckstianity has nothing to do with our cultures

the white in South Africa were Christians you fucking moron

There is no "we" with you, Puerto Rican mutt.

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> Denmark - culture

wew. your country is only known for Kierkegaard. Thats your only contribution to Europe and it wasnt even good

>the only ones who are moderately presentable are the Zeus worshipers in Greece
Boy we have so many saints in greece, we make as much in 1 decade as denmark did in a 1000 years ( if you even actually have ONE saint)
>but why?
Because in the eyes of the Lord you are jew-tiered, they havnt had a prophet in 2000 years either.

>Posting anglo church faggots
Ahahaha, the greatest friend to the jew are protestant rats.

Convert to Catholism and make europe great again, before you Lutherans weakened us.

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That can change. Religion is not static.

The True Religion of All Time is only now called Christianity...

I love it when LaRpagans write these incessant diatribes about how their innefectually small and historically distant tribal whataboutism totally didnt get annihilated by big dick Christianity.

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>because they never had a proper society built into them there is no consistency in them
I don't know what you're trying to say.

>local saints and virgin maries
>(old pagan gods)
So worship our old gods not a bunch of jews.

1 - 1 Post by this ID
3- Pol is a Christian board . Fuck off and die


They've tried to polish the turd that is Christianity, but in the end it is still Christianity.
Christians and Christianity is the same as it always was. Don't let the trad larpers fool you.

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Yes and the white ended Apartheid showing christcucks are race traitors who care more about looking like good people than logic and reason.

>Well they go the same church as us so those black people cant be bad dear just make sure he wears a condom if he fucks you ok?

tranny spits in mouthwash bottle and puts it back. Beware folks this shit is a new trend among retards

No More Brother Wars.

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Danes actually did a lot more than just Kierkegaard. Keep in mind that the northernmost part of Germany is basically Danish.

Holy shit that video, fuck this piece of shit timeline we're in

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The people who kept apartheid were Christians too though.

You mean except run around all over Europe during the early middle-ages? Yeah, sure man.

fuck off

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