He was right

He was right.

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Alex Jones is literally right half the time, it's just that people don't interpret him right.

he always is

he's right 70% of the time. the other 30% comes in a little late

Was he right?

Why else do you think (((they))) banned him

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Look at my sorry face goym, I have a jewish ex to pay. She needs way more than my radio shilling enterprise can afford, so - please- subscribe to my channel and funnel some shekel to this old little satan's helper.

Then buy my waterfilters, I sell two, at the price of three, to yours truly, only for today. Buy these water filters and then you''l be clearer in your goyish mind... You'll follow my shilling rants in a vapid state of water filtering, so you'll never grasp it's the jews.

He also said Trump was clean of all the pedo mess. I’m starting to believe this is the first retaliatory strike against the attempted soft coup. If I’m right than the next hit is going to be who was behind desegregation of classified materials between intergovernmental agencies. Essentially made it so everyone could see everything so that nobody could trace any leaks.

memeflaggot with useless opinions

Please help me by following new media pages on fb and commenting photos of dead bodies on every post that is all

>He was right.

You think being a mossad owned jewish married faggot jewmerican retard zog-phile zionist retard gatekeeping pig is "right"?

Oh ok.

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he's a
wait for it

he went against Q from the start you stormfag nigger

old skewl alex was based, bill hicks believers are cringe.

t.shill leaf so fuck you

Alex Jones is a true muthafuckin nigga OG dawgs

Alex Jones is basically a living embodiment of Jow Forums. The problem is it is hard to distinguish reality from the bullshit he made up.

>When you make up the most bullshit claims imaginable for shitposting and clickbait but are proven right anyways

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You have literally nothing to say about anything, limey.

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>omg da JOOish star such a funny FASHY maymay xD
go back to sleep little timmy

Spare me the B.S. Jones had CP in his server.

No I won't, slimeball jew

The eternal Anglo strikes again

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