What a fucking retard! Maybe some willing anons can send this douche some redpills and fuck his world up

What a fucking retard! Maybe some willing anons can send this douche some redpills and fuck his world up.


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Other urls found in this thread:


WTF is this raging retard going to do.

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they are really pushing this shit in case people "react negatively" to their little extortion scheme, aren't they?

His time is over

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OK. I've had it with Slipknot since '98.

slipknot is the capeshit of music.
if you are over 13 and listen to it, you need to be sterilized.

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Meet my enthusiastic Ukrainian waifu

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I push my fingers into my eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyes

Why would they build swimmin pools if they was just gonna wack em?


Lmao i like slipknots music a lot but goddamn it must be embarassing to be in a band with such a loudmouthed prick like corey taylor.

Hes always going on, OMG GUISE THIS NEW ALBUM IS SO DIFFERENT, SO NEW and you just fucking know all those other antisocial fucks in that band are just rolling their eyes at him. Too bad he didnt succeed in his suicide attempts.

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Not your personal army.

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Well if Slipknot says it's real it must be true.

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>and the rain will kill us all
>i just blew out my left ball


Shut your whore mouth.

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I wanna hang the people who used this word on the day of the rope

The excuse they give is that they are for the guards. I've never heard of a non-swimming related job where they allow you to swim in a pool specifically built for you while you're on the clock. Who the fuck is guarding the heebs if all the guards are fucking swimming on the job.

he's got a point...

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lol who denies slavery?


Isnt he a hardcore athiest??? Lmao

Don't apply for disability benefits you fag.

There's a false flag going around where glow-in-the-darks twist the fact that Jews were involved in the slave trade into this retarded claim that they owned all the slaves in America

>i am starting to become irrelevant
>noone buys my music becuase it does not target the right demographic
>I am old and cannot evolve and adapt to the times
Yea boy, MSM give me attention so that the goys can buy my music that targets no demographic.

Well, if only you would have targeted the right demographic you would have had continued to be relevant - when LP chaged their music they basically lost 90% of their audience - you have to know what the audience wants and give it to them, crying about imaginary people does not selll shit - even Anita lost her feminist frequences....

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I was a high school student when their self-titled album came out and it was the shit. It was trippy and fast and angry and different.

It would seem so strange for a person from '99 to be transported to '19 and see the lead singer of slipknot raging against holohoax truthers

>I was a high school student when their self-titled album came out and it was the shit. It was trippy and fast and angry and different.
oh god come on it wasn't any of this, it was just edgy kids making juggalo-shit but with guitars
the bass player might have been atleast good though

he doesn't need redpills...he knows all about the Jews because he is another blackmailed/bought entertainment industry tool.

what a pussy

he's always been a massive faggot. he constantly yelled about bush on stage when I saw them live long time back

Yes, this is the cycle.

I knew taylor swift's career was about to hit the shitter the second she became political.


Too bad Pig died 9 years ago.

But what does corey taylor think about this?

From new song unsainted
>you gotta lie if wanna believe, but your bibles dont work on me

Little hypocritical if you ask me.

how the fuck does this even come up in conversation?

Friendship ended with Corey, now Trump is my best friend

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Trolls can't read off tpoics or no shillings that are 4 to a bit or to shillings for a half bit and two bits to a sheckle . This make him read that typing my goodness it 1900th English

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That doesn't even make any sense. Holy shit.

Think his band is on tour with the Polish band Behemoth so maybe they brought it up

to be fair i heard it's for the high rank ss dude with family that had a mansion. seems plausible because why not having a swimming pool if your family has to live also there. there are better facts about the holocauster to laugh about.

Well there’s yur problem.

he singed with the jew

that's all people need to understand

Hahaha based poles.

You do know its like a gang war for the top spot and singers are throwing up a Jew wise man gang sign when the make the pyramid shape.

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I get that reference, senpai.

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Oh vey. Our goyim fans aren't buying the holohoax anymore. They will trust me since I am a moral guy who obviously is not jewish. Rubs hands. The ever present Hollyjew has spoken

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Just because you dont believe that white genocide is real, doesnt mean that it isnt real...

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Well of course jews didn't own ALL the slaves in America.
Blacks owned some too.


>tfw his tinder profile says he's 6'0"

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Is that what passes for an argument nowadays? Just because you believe in something, it doesn't mean its real either.

This level of argument is all evidence you need that the person is a literal retard and you disregard anything he says from now on.

>What a fucking retard! Maybe some willing anons can send this douche some redpills and fuck his world up.

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insane clown posse is officially way cooler than slipknot. today.


now that we see slipknot cucking, is korn more based as a result?

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Blonde dude next to gryffindor fag might actually release the gas.

He's just another jewish kid(self identified) that masked his kikery in metal/goth persona.

In reality he's just one of those satanist faggot betas from highschool that thought they were edgy.


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Leftists are Constitutional Revisionists and America Deniers.

>place supposedly created specifically so soldiers can work to genocide people
>we're gonna put a recreational pool there
even if it was for high ranking officials, thats a pretty retarded idea

Slipknot and Lamb of God killed metal. Makes sense

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This is why (((Russia))) hates the Ukraine

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I've felt the nose curl up on me
Kneel down and worship all the heebs
Don't wonder why they had chlorine
But chose to use some Zyklon B
I've felt the nose curl up on me
Kneel down and worship all the heebs
Don't think about it anymore
Don't ask about the wooden doors
I rub my hands together, my shekel is brighter this time
Everything non kosher is blasphemy
My noses is big and hooked, my sidelocks curl on the side
This is always the way goys picture me
I can't control my lies, how the hell did I get here?
Something about this, so very right
I have to swindle goys, I wish I didn't like this
Is it a dream or a memory?
I've felt the nose curl up on me
Kneel down and worship all the heebs
For a rabbi I'll be a bitch
a shabbos goy to flip their switch
Inside my shell I work for heebs

>corey taylor

Slipknot was absolute CRINGE and a complete fucking overrated meme-band. I'm so glad they're all killing themselves or quitting.

tldr: fuck slipknot

The faggot's always played second fiddle to Jon Davis.

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so many impregnable cuties in that picture.. ugh, and i'm old enough to be their dad

my first thought exactly

Only took two months to become a little bitch

That's the point.. build the strawman, include it in the same breath about something people actually do deny (because it didn't actually happen), and it gives you leverage over your opposition by creating a sticky argument.

>He's just another jewish kid(self identified) that masked his kikery in metal/goth persona.
>In reality he's just one of those satanist faggot betas from highschool that thought they were edgy.

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Not even close.
you sound like you never even listened to their debut album.

None of their other albums sound like their first. You're going off every other album they made because you're retarded



Here comes the JEW

Show me what you wanna JEW
I can handle anything
Even if I can't handle JEW

Either way it better be
Don't you fuckin' pity me
Get up, SHALOM

What the hell am I kvetching'?
I don't know about malevolent
Sure as hell decadent
I want somebody to step up, mozeltov
my left balls!

Let me fall! kike you all!
Get a grip, don't let me slip
'til I drop the dreidel.

Fuck this shit, I'm sick of it
You're goin' down, this is a larp.

Who the fuck am I to criticize your twisted state of mind?
You're leavin' me suspect, I'm leavin' you grotesque
Feels like a burn from which you never learn
Cause and effect, you judas
Press your face against the gas - aushwitz.

Fuck this shit, I'm sick of it
shut it down, this is a war!

I've just begun
It's about that time
Gotta get mine

You can't jew me
'Cause I'm already inside jew.

In other news a Principal at a school in Miami, FL has been reassigned after saying he can not confirm nor deny that the holocaust occurred.


you'd figure the artist with the ability to render a photograph like that would actually get a fucking uniform correct.

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>Its disrespectful to the people who fought for the holocaust
Am I reading this right?

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The nazzies were just that cuh-razay.

You make a decent point sir..

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Man, seems weird to bring up slavery and the holocaust.. Like they both involve a certain group of people..

Slipknot unironically ruined metal.


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Criminally underrated


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>NuMetal faggot has retarded leftist opinion
WEW LAD, this is news!

Is this a thing now? Christ you lefties need to go back to the drawing board with this one.

overdose on them

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hmm germans swimming how nice


Plausible, but bullshit when you consider that there are books written by Auschwitz prisoners talking about swimming in the pool there.