Are serial killers born or made?
Nature vs Nurture
can be both, normal people snap sometimes, and not everyone who was raised in shitty conditions winds up being a shitty person.
Neither. They’re just narcissistic assholes.
they are born that way, the only one who was honest about it was Jeffrey Dahmer, he said if they claim porn or upbringing made them that way it's just an excuse
They're just televison. They don't really exist.
pic unreleted right? That guy killed a bunch of walking holes not a single human
Kill a few cunts or faggots dressed as a clown and the world labels you.
They are sensitive artists of death. Need more of the.
t. serial killer
Both. They are usually born psycho, but it can be brought from dormancy through experiences. Most serial killers have a fucked up childhoods, especially issues with their mothers.
Watch "conversations with a killer"
It includes hours worth of interviews with Ted Bundy and gives some interesting insights into his psyche.
Doesn't answer the question.
Were they born narcissistic, or made narcississtic?
It can be one or the other, or both. Nature and nurture both play a part in most cases, but its very possible to be born in a way where becoming a serial killer is inevitable or to mold an otherwise completely neurotypical person into a serial killer.
Go ahead and look up their surnames and who their parents and grandparents are related to. The serial killers are all faked. Not one of them exists.
Also, elaborating on this Throughout the documentary, Ted insists that he had a normal upbringing, but friends who were interviewed often said he didn't seem normal and didn't fit in.
At the end of it, it's also implied that Ted's mom was kind of kooky in one way or another, despite being "le innocent ol' catholic lady"
Jow Forums never digs deeper than the atrocity propaganda they can find from a web search or written on Wik.
>wikipedia doesn't have extensive information on literal whos
I do. I know. most anons do not tho
start here. study
nature over nurture. still, nurture only serves to bubble up the odd born killers who would otherwise invest their energy into more wholesome aggressive pursuits.
No, but there are clues that are crying out for follow-up research. The problem is people are confined in their research to what others deem important about a case/person/event. There is a serious deficit of curiosity here on the dark reaches of the clearnet, whether by fatigue or by design.
Everyone is a serial killer inside, the ones who become serial killers usually become so by a lack of guidance, a particularly turmoil-packed emotionally-scarred upbringing which causes them to lose their faith in the potential for good, and then they start to make more and more evil decisions because they don't believe that morality, right and wrong, god or the devil, exist anymore.
Serial killers are highly intelligent people with very big hearts that had 0 guidance and were stepped on repeatedly - mixed with drugs and pornography they spiral into absolute evil
>but there are clues that are crying out for follow-up research
Show me one.
What are you talking about? They're just normal people like you and I, except they like to strangle/stab women.
screencapped. the one in one million, a based leaf. well done
Both. Like fags. Most are made though. Like fags.
Probably a fetish in the case of men killing women with factors in both making them willing to act on it.
I watch a lot of documentaries about serial killers and literally every single one started out as a porn addict.
Why is it that domineering mothers produce serial killers? How is it different to the effects of a domineering father?
Ted Bundy, Boston Brahmin Bundys.
John Wayne Gacy, Process Church.
David Berkowitz, US Military.
Seriously, you need me to give you leads on further research because you're inherently cynical about the possibilities inherent in an encyclopedia? Holy fuck, I'm in retardland.
Both. They usually have some kind of brainerror with less activity in the frontal lobe. Which means they don't feel remorse or such.
But people like that don't need to be serial killers. However paired with a total shitty upbringing or traumas later in life they can become serial killers.
So... both
What a thrill
With darkness and silence through the night
What a thrill
I'm searching and I'll melt into you
What a fear in my heart
But you're so supreme!
I give my life
Not for honor, but for you (snake eater)
In my time there'll be no one else
Crime, it's the way I fly to you (snake eater)
I'm still in a dream, snake eater
Someday you go through the rain
Someday you feed on a tree frog
It's ordeal, the trial to survive
For the day we see new light
I give my life
Not for honor, but for you (snake eater)
In my time there'll be no one else
Crime, it's the way I fly to you (snake eater)
I'm still in a dream, snake eater
What percentage of men do you think are porn addicts? It’s almost everyone
Edmund kemper is the most weird serial killer i've watched an interview with.
He literally seems like a nice guy speaking about strangling women to death.....
That kind of manipulative character is insane
Genes are shit seeds. youve got a whole field of them inside you. Environment and your own Free Will determines which seeds get watered.
I would say theyre born with the potential and something sets the on the wrong course at some point in life. I think the arrogance part of a serial killers personality is what makes them feel invensible and do shit that most people would be afraid to physically undertake like fighting another human to the death
95% are made. Early childhood trauma creates them.
I want to have their mind without the impulse to kill. I don't want to kill anyone. I feel empathy. But I do lust for power and money. The psychopath truly is a model for success (if one can avoid criminal behavior)
True Crime is a silly genre that splits into either or paradigms of psychoanalytic explanations of courtroom documents for women to get hot and scared about rape, or sanitized personal and public histories written within the parlance of WASP morality so men can feel justified and triumphant about emboldening the system to crush caricatures of would-be better men. People still eat this shit up, fake as it is.
I feel like serial killer is where these legends were born.
Watch this edmund kemper inteview. It's insane how manipulative and rhetorically skilled he is.
Yeah sometimes it wouild sure be good to have no feelings one way or the other, blackpill and all.
Even the supposed counterculture is full of something like Hot Topic Punk rockers. There is hardly anyone worth having a conversation with on this site.
They're not born that way.
it is 100% from traumatic experiences as a child.
You give me vague, meaningless words without context and call me retarded?
I'm not unwilling to "believe" but you're giving me literally nothing.
Couldn't find any "Bundys" in the Boston Brahmin family, not sure what connection John Wayne Gacy has to some sect (or why it's important), and same with Berkowitz; how is it in any way significant that he was in the military?
I watched them all user. I know how psychopaths think. I've studied it extensively. Alas, I cannot be like them. I tried. My conscious holds me back.
You'd love Bundy, I think.
He seems like a genuinely likeable guy in his interviews.
>how manipulative and rhetorically skilled he is
THAT. I want that. I want to be able to play with people. Fuck with them without them even knowing it. Not anything violent. Nah, fuck that. More like, master level trolling hahahahaha lol
No it's not. Many show less activity in the frontal lobe = no remorse.
Yes, I just think msot of them are the same.
1. Lack activity in the frontal lobe = less feelings, no remorse.
2. Childtrauma. (sexualabuse, neglect etc)
That's it really.
>I'm smarter than everyone
>these sheeple aren't worth talking to
t. future serial killer
Yeah i've seen those. Basically seen all serial killer stuff. Especially the interview. The mind is an interestiong thing.
Most are born. Psychopathy is a specific disfunction of the brain. Some are created by extremely severe childhood traumata ( e.g extreme abuse by their mothers (typically) )
Bundy, Dahmer, and several others had absolutely no traumatic experiences as children
Look up epigenetics faggot
I think they get MK ultra'd, have read numerous books on serial killers, one trait they have in common is being in the military and being sent to some base in germany
Acording to them perhaps. But they did have problems later in life. Dahmer was an alchoholic for example and a supressed homosexual and in general a weird lonely guy.
Bundy was a porn addict acording to himself and was introduced to porn very young and had a very dysfunctional childhood with his relation to his uncle (if I remember correctly).
>1. Lack activity in the frontal lobe = less feelings, no remorse.
So this. This is the only thing I need to focus on. How to not feel feels kek
Horrible post.
as always in anything: both. What is left is to analyze how the mutative property of entropy unfolds differently on each case.
The iceman was legit the most based serial killer. Dude had a great personality
You should consider reading mind hunter.
It's a book about the "founding fathers" of criminal psychology, who interviewed dozens of iconic serial killers.
There's also a TV show based on the books.
This guy's Kemper is pretty spot on:
both you asshole
bang your head against the walll.
NPCs are all born narcissists they are like soulless animals, some get rabies and snap.
Okay, will have to check that. Lol I thought that impression was pretty bad desu. the real kemper is charcismatic and rhetorically skilled, this guy is like a plank in comparison, he acts more psycho than the actual kemper does.
But it was ok I guess
I had a domineering father and now I all but worship the guy. I hat everyone and would gleefully kill 'normal adults' if I could get away with it. There's no edge there-
I won't tho, cuz I can't and since I can't it would only empower you in your 'goodness'
People are a entitled, demanding, exploitative, manipulative morass of despair. The only thing humanity has to offer me is a woman's physical charm and the wellbeing of children and they fucked both those up royally.
And I Think - thas why my father was such a domineering asshole.
Domineering women are just worthless cunts.
Kemper isn't a psychopath. He's a weakling who gave in to others suicidal urges.
I think they didn't want to run the risk of making him too sympathetic.
The book also states that there's a drastic change in character when you address certain "touchy" subjects.
You'd be surprised how (hypothetically) easy it is to get away with murder.
Serial killers generally make one stupid mistake at some point though.
Ted Bundy got pulled over for speeding, I think.
Jersey produces some of the most interesting people.
They choose to be narcissistic. We are born. We are influenced by our environment. But in the end, we choose to be who we choose to be. We are not robots.
Hang out with serial killers much, do you?
Fucking leaf.
If you are verbally and physically abused during your formative years, it's hardly a choice.
Yes, you can choose not act on psychopathic tendencies, but these people are definitely "made" a lot of the time.
How do you explain the majority of people who are verbally and/or physically abused who do NOT become serial killers? Or the serial killers who were not abused?
Infant genital mutilation makes serial killers out of males:
>When people are sexually abused at very young ages, they will not remember the abuse consciously in their later life. Subconscious memories pose grave problems - they are not easier than conscious memories to fix. To the contrary, they are far more dangerous and their effect far more pervasive, because the bearer responds to them automatically, and thinks their behavior is normal and not worth of consideration.
>The standard hospital procedure for circumcision is to first stimulate the the baby's penis until it sticks up, so naturally all circumcised men have a very strong subconscious confusion between sex and violence. Even Ted Bundy mused on the question of why he would connect two such seemingly disparate things, and confirmed that his perversion was triggered long ago:
Ted Bundy speaking:
>This interest, for some unknown reason, becomes geared toward matters of a sexual nature that involves violence. I cannot emphasize enough the gradual development of this. It is not short term...
Both but it's also a case by case basis thing.
Im sure I solved the Zodiac.
Killings stop in lower 48.
This guy shows up in Alaska and kills degenerates.
They're made. Exposure to pornography at a young age is a contributing factor. Ted Bundy talks about it in his last interview.
Everybody shut the fuck up and watch this doc:
this is so fucked
What will that do?
saged leaf
Head injury is no joke.
I got clocked with a rock once...haven't felt the same since.
Ted lied about everything, he was as much a liar as he was a brunette. Who knows whether he was secretly abused or not, he couldn't tell the truth to save his own life literally
Nah I don't wanna do that. I just want to learn how to be a based chad douche bag. some rich fag jerk hahaha chads seem to be kinda psycho like
>as he was a brunette
>I can’t understand relationships
You sure are fuckin’ stupid.
>Spoonfeed me
Fuck yourself.
Ted Bundy was a psychopath, but I believe him when he said that his pornography addiction was the cause of his descent into perverse sadism.
Pornography makes sadists of all of us. Most of us simply aren't courageous or psychopathic enough to act on the things we masturbate to.
I'm glad I only watch vintage, solo and lesbian stuff now. I wack it once a week only.
they're addicted to killing. maybe them smart doctors can give them a brain salad surgery. or just a VR helmet.
Edgiest of faggots
Such pathetic lives
The perfect flag for that post too