It's really cool how this is just the world we live in

It's really cool how this is just the world we live in.

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Yeah. Given that Trump is our current President, his connection to Epstein is more important than Clinton's. This Thread proves that you are mentally deficient.
you are pathetic.

The Goyim don't know yet.

It hurts that this is reality and you exist and I just have to watch it happen. :(

Tfw it's real

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3 shekels have been added to your account, mr goldberg

Maybe they will disable it tomorrow to gaslight people and act like it never happened.

Im serious. You think its acceptable to have a sitting president with close ties to a pedophile? A president that publicly defended said pedophile?

I would like to focus on Google's censorship in this thread and would appreciate if you stopped trying to pivot. Thank you user.

the whataboutism shtick is getting stale. you are now defending a pedo because others are pedos too?

I just can't believe how blatant it is at this point. They are clearly invested heavily in whatever fucked up things are going on

>bill clinton ped
>check google suggestions drop-down
then do it for duckduckgo
then do it the full search on google of
>bill clinton pedophile
and look at the 1st result

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Hi, welcome to my thread. I would really like to keep the topic focused on Google's censorship. Thank you.

so who is the big enchilada. epstein feeds the tapes back to israel, soros is a the money man for degeneracy world wide, netanyahu merely a poster boy for evil, who is the Big daddy?

That is my point. It isn't censorship. I know that the lefts focus on Trump and ignoring Clintons connection upsets you, but The POTUS being implicated is a HUGE problem and overshadows the Clinton connection. So people are willing to ignore Clinton in favor of dealing with the bigger issue. I think Clinton should be investigated, but not take the spotlight off Trump.

when are we going to admit that everyone in government is part of the problem

Again, I would really like to focus on Google's result and suggestion filtering and nothing else. Thank you user.


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>It's really cool how this is just the world we live in.

White men should have invested into building and owning and controlling tech companies instead of giving their labor away for free like retards under the Open Source movement. Why do you feel like you deserve to control something you didn't build because you were lazy, stupid, shortsighted and risk-averse? The tech revolution start a full 70 years ago and only now you dumbshits are finally realizing you should have gotten involved. That isn't the Jews fault or Googles

...You should stop posting and worry about your shitty blue collar trades jobs.

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>The POTUS being implicated is a HUGE problem and overshadows the Clinton connection.
I addressed the filtering, brainlet. the amount of people searching Trump-Epstein VASTLY outnumbers the people searching Clinton-Epstein Because TRUMP IS THE FUCKING POTUS RETARD.
maybe people dont want a pedophile as PRESIDENT.

those results are based on what people are searching, and it is a fact that far more people are searching for trump epstein than clinton epstein

Doesn't google come up with results based on your own individual searches?

They are both kid diddlers that were good buds with Epstein, but OP says that he wanted to stick to the google searches, so stick to that guys.

Glow more

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I'm not white and I work for Netflix. I don't use Jow Forums often, but nowhere else will let me talk about this.

Thank you for your interest in my thread, user. However, I am trying to keep it on topic. Please keep the topic of your replies focused on Google's censorship and results filtering.

This happens when you are logged out (no history used) -- and you get results for clinton up until you type out the FULL name, at which point the suggestions disappear completely. It's deliberate.

lol, if (((Netflix))) gave you stock you better sell it now, you fags are bleeding content left and right

I just work on the data pipelines user, I'm not worried because there will always be a need for big data handling in this industry. Besides, entertainment you might not personally like isn't as immoral as what Google is doing here.

haha LOL.
>An American Citizen couldn't possibly be concerned with Trumps connection to Epstein.
>he must be a fed or a shill.
You guys are retarded and I won't mourn your marginalization because you dont even fight it.

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you're going to die very soon


unfathomable pain in your near future


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user what do you think of Google deliberately hiding auto-suggestions for the phrase "Epstein Clinton"?

>I'm not white
That explains why you are so fucking stupid.

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user I would appreciate if you would refrain from racism. I've read the rules and it seems that's not allowed.

Hmm, you sus...bigly...
Second an third line was a give away.

Lmao all those normie fags are whining about the office leaving,

Are you the "yossi cohen" poster?
that guy doesn't GAF

it's not about whether I "personally like" Netflix (((entertainment))) and more about whether it's degenerate and subversive, which it is

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really made me think

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I would like to keep this thread focused on Google's censorship. You can make your own Netflix thread if you'd like and I will continue this discussion there. Thank you user.

Dude, I have experienced so much racism towards my race on Jow Forums. quit being a bitch.

user what do you think of Google deliberately hiding auto-suggestions for the phrase "Epstein Clinton"?

Can you go talk about trump somewhere else? People haven't stopped talking about him since he won.

You didn't answer my question here
Can you please do so?

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I hear you buddy, I'm just advising you to sell your stock because you're about to hemorrhage subscribers come 2020. Last thing I'll say about Netflix.

My image is to illustrate that these phrases are close enough in popularity that it is clear as day that Google is manually disabling auto-complete for only one of them.

>the internet
>world we live in

kek go outside and get a job, faggot.

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I appreciate your concern, but I am independently wealthy and only work for the experience and passion.

>complaining about race on pol
Oi vey

Hi, what jobs don't use the internet?

I didn't tell you to quit, I told you to sell your stock!

I know you're suggesting that something is being censored here. What do you think is being censored?

you tell me, you unemployed boomer.

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I'm trying my very best not to comment on Netflix stock user, please understand.

You glow

Google is deliberately hiding auto-suggestions for the phrase "Epstein Clinton". You get auto-suggestions all the way up until you actually spell the name out.

>be me
>open Jow Forums
>see thread
>OP writes like a fed
>close Jow Forums
>go to youtube
>first suggestion FBI on Jow Forums
>close yt
>laugh at idiocy of american sistem
>go to sleep

But you already typed in "Epstein Trump", so there's no way google would suggest "Epstein Clinton."

I haven't had a good day in years.

I'm sorry, I'm not from here. I usually stay on Digg. However, most talk of this sort of thing is banned there.

I think you misunderstand, user. But I do appreciate your interest in my thread. Thank you.

>Censorship: the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security.
They are intentionally making information about somebody more difficult to find than others for political reasons. This is in fact the exact definition of censorship.

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I think I'm missing something as well. Can you help me figure it out though?

I work in the system and just watch it rot people and brainwash them with 24/7 feeds of content algorithmically designed to incite their base emotions for clicks and ad revenue. Over a decade of having people glued to "feeds" from their friends best-facing lives and the political opinions of celebrities they admire. It's radicalized everybody that uses it, right and left. And I can't do anything but watch and feed into it because it's how I make my living.

No I don't think I can, I'm sorry. I doubt your sincerity and think you are being disingenuous as a means to confuse the topic of the thread.
If you are being genuine I am sorry, but I doubt you will be a valuable participant in this discussion.

For what it's worth....

>When I type in "epstein"
Neither Clinton nor Trump come up as suggestions.

>When I type in "epstein c"
"epstein clinton pardon" comes up as a suggestion.

>When I type in "epstein t"
"epstein trump twitter" and "epstein trump melania" come up as suggestions.

That doesn't seem particularly censorious to me.

type in "Epstein Clinton". The whole thing. When you begin typing, you start getting results. But when you start to complete the actual name more, the results simply disappear.

This is not the case for Trump. When you type, auto-suggestions appear all the way throughout the process, even when the name is fully typed in.

This indicates that when Google cannot correctly guess your search, it still populates auto-results. But when it's relatively sure you're searching for that key "epstein clinton" phrase, it shuts itself up.

It seems deliberate. Because, like you said, when you type in less specific things you still get the suggestions.

But not when you type in "Epstein Clinton".

>That doesn't seem particularly censorious to me.
Words have definitions and mean things. That word was made to relay exactly the actions that are taking place here. It is not a matter of opinion.

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jesus fucking chirst i ain't been on here in 5 years and english is my 2nd language and even to me it looks crazy how scripted you sound

Hmm yeah you're right. Once I get to "epstein clint" everything disappears. And it doesn't happen at any stage of trump's name.

Yeah, when I wrote that comment I was skeptical that google was interfering at all. But this guy seems to have demonstrated something significant.

user, I would appreciate if you stuck to the topic at hand. Thank you.

They are going to keep getting away with things like this. No one will stop them and I'm pretty sure it's not even illegal. All we can do is sit here and kind of pout, really. Still nice to be able to talk about it without getting banned somewhere though.

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