One of you autists must have the photo of Bill Clinton and Epstein.
Or have they seriously fucked with the matrix
Someone post the photo
One of you autists must have the photo of Bill Clinton and Epstein.
Or have they seriously fucked with the matrix
Someone post the photo
Other urls found in this thread:
We switched timelines.
I don't remember a pic of Clinton and Epstein.
I remember seeing this too. What the fuck, where did it go.
I vaguely do
Trump appointed acosta, as his labour secretary. He let epstein off with a slap on the wrist.. coincidence
Yes, I saw them too, multiple
I saw them, not lieing totally legit
okay, what was in the photo? what was the setting? were they in suits or wearing casual clothing? were they sitting or standing? how close?
I remember.
take your meds schizo
this is the one
it was almost identical to the Trump one, in terms of demeanour and attire?
I think
Google scrubbed all photos of Clinton and Epstein together.
Anthony Weiner was also in that photo too
you... you think Melania and Baron are, you know? if trump filmed it he could make a lot of money
totally doctored
I saw them as well.
They were in a line with one to three other people.
Dressed business-casual to formal.
Very similar to this one.
let's restore it
there's the one of Ghislaine Maxwell at the Chelsea Clinton wedding
There's this photo of the flight log.
They did this back in 2017, by removing google search queries when you type Clinton Epstein. it would draw blank results.
I'm, sure Jow Forumsacks all have copies of these photos, so they'll pop up here from time to time, there's one in this thread.
But factually they don't matter, we know Clinton traveled to Pedo Island at least 4 to 5 times, and flew on the Lolita Express around 26 times, so he definitely spent time with Epstein, that's not in question.
Interesting that Jewgle is redirecting searches away from these pics, though.
There was never a pic of Epstein and Clinton together. Stop doing your spooky MKULTRA experiments on Jow Forums, glowie.
>someone married chelsea clinton
jesus the horror
Everyone should start grabbing these images, too.
Guy to Clinton's right is Epstein
Everything gets memoryholed.
>currently editing Wikipedia's Epstein page to remove Democrats while leaving Trump
>Awan cyberattack on the House
>Wasserman-Schultz rigging the primary against Snaders
>Leland Yee's arms smuggling to North African terrorists
>Democrat staffer who hacked Senate computers to dox Republicans over Kavanaugh
>Trump-Russia fell flat and they're all simply moving on
>all the false rape accusations against Trump that were quietly retracted or dropped
It's the media, you fucking faggots. Mercilessly attack the activist journos like Media Matters and Far Right Watch and their people's credibility.
Nope. I've seen the full size version of that image and Epstein isn't here. Stop this retarded shit. I'm sure there is a pic of those two out there, but it's never been posted on Jow Forums or anywhere else online as far as I know.
I remember the Clinton's with Weinstein, but not Epstein.
For someone who flew so much with Epstein and who worked with him on the Clinton Global Initiative, I actually find the lack of photos of Clinton and Epstein more interesting than if there were a ton of them. Imagine how careful they had to be to never be photographed together. Why?
there are a few possibilities:
1. such photos never existed
2. someone has the technology to remove all of the photos of Epstein and Clinton from every search engine, including foreign ones (I have tried almost all of them) and from every computer that had the image(s) stored.
3. We exist in a three dimensional projection of a two dimensional surface, everything is just data, and those who know how can manipulate reality at will.
Is this the Mandela effect?
Wait, I take it back.
That guy is Mueller's star witness against Trump, George Nader, who was kicked out of the Trump administration and charged with kiddie porn.
All Jews look alike to me.
who cares i’m tired lets go to bed anons
getting memory hole'd is getting light trapped, resist light traps by staying ontop of your own consciousness
>We exist in a three dimensional projection of a two dimensional surface, everything is just data, and those who know how can manipulate reality at will
>Is this the Mandela effect?
These two things are significantly related, anyone here for 2016 knows how they are.
>it existed, I swear!
I don't claim to know if the photo(s) of Epstein and Clinton exist. I have no specific recollection of one. That does not mean, however, that it never existed. If it did exist, though, there has to be an explanation for how it has been completely scrubbed from teh interwebs and everyone's PCs, phones, tablets, etc.
Something feels different now. I wonder if another shift happened
There never was one.
Me too, I could swear I saw a picture of him and Bill, fuck is this some sort of a Mandela effect thing
>it has been completely scrubbed from teh interwebs and everyone's PCs, phones, tablets, etc.
The skynet isn't that powerful yet
No you didn't. I have an extensive pizzagate and conspiracy folder, there is no picture of Epstein and Clinton together. It's disinfo to make the right look retarded
fuck you that's your timeline, im posting mine
I don't remember any pictures of them together. Surely someone would have the pictures saved.
this one comes up a lot, but this is a composite of two separate photos
>Trump supporters practice shooting and fucking their wives instead
>New Baby Boom
>Trump still wins!
The way things are going for Soros... this is more likely
>There never was one.
Yes there was, and photos of him with many other notable people, as well.
Here's the kicker...google "Epstein" and the only two notable pics you'll find are him with Trump and him with Prince Andrew.
Now, with all the dinner and cocktail parties that guy attends in NYC and elsewhere, with all the photographers present at those things, how is it you can't find pics of him with virtually everyone else that goes to those parties to make connections?
What's google up to?
We know google hates Trump, but why did they leave the links to Epstein and Prince Andrew?
Quite a huge manipulation, and an obvious one.
im assuming JE, GM is epstein and maxwell
Vanity Fair. NYT. Slate. lol
Its weird you can find photos of them at the same event but none of them together. Anyways here is the photo of one of the young girls Bill raped. She was about 11 when the relationship began and he met her from time to time thereafter. In the photo you will also see her when she was older.
Is that a Weeping Angel in the background?!
(((GOOGLE))) scrubbed it last night
AI wiped it from the internet.
The Clintons have access to that shit.
They're like their own little family intelligence agency.
The politicians that they put into power get their pasts wiped with those tools.
You know One Piece? There's a pretty eerie message coming across in that anime. The powerful families of this world have more power than everyone realizes.
This alone is worth Civil War wake the fuck UP
I believe one of the witnesses said those were the initials of underaged girls. Can't remember where I saw that.
Not only that but trump/epstein photos are being tagged as clinton/epstein show they show up in the search.
The Clintons and Jews as a whole killed my boy Etika. They're going to pay hard.
For all of you saying there was a picture of them together, can you describe the picture in detail
If you reverse search it, it's still on google and twitter.
It's still there. Calm down.
Does it matter? Slick Willie's already in panic mode over this. Does it matter if there's a photo when everyone on the planet already knows he's associated with Epstein? We don't NEED a photo.
thats podesta
It had clinton and epstein in what looked to be a plane together smiling for a photo if I remember correctly. I may be wrong.
why are they looking in different directions?
yeah I remember there was a pic of them both on a private jet
There was a pic of him and rachael chandler, not epstein.
you guys don't even know their "scrubbing" capabilities
lol get a load of this kike
these fucking rats
whew lad digits live
Epstein isn't in that picture. I haven't actually seen any concrete evidence that that is Epstein's island in the background either.
The Daily Mail had an article about the relationship between Clinton and Epstein three years ago.
you keep saying "I" but in reality nobody cares how you feel. self important homo begone
You're a bit of a cunt eh
I swear Epstein has already done time and was a known pedo... how is this new... how has this not been a "repeat offender" type thing... this happened 10 years ago!
Yeah it's now to normies and newfags. Investigations and lawsuits started in 2005, and he was first charged in 2008.
*new to
Thanks for the clarification, i legit thought they fired up the LHC and did the thing again.
unironically this
He was in a bullshit white collar prison/country club where he was allowed to leave for 12 hours every day. The whole thing including the Epstein Clinton connection was barely covered by MSN at the time. Maybe National Enquirer. And then people forgot and are now using it against Trump.
i'm just a thinking man
everyone has heard about his island for years but there has never been any proofs til now
Thanks to the goog they're just that fast.
I saw it though... it was zoomed out more
Epstein was to the left.
Alphabet agency nigger detected.
Guess I'll leave this here. Might be nothing.
found it
Is this going to be the new alien picture? Im sick of these timeline shifts I just want to go back to 2011