>"I'm Spanish"
>"My ancestors are from Madrid"
>"I speak Spain Spanish"
Why the fuck do all these frijoles try to pull this shit like we can't see they are clearly little mestizos?
>"I'm Spanish"
>"My ancestors are from Madrid"
>"I speak Spain Spanish"
Why the fuck do all these frijoles try to pull this shit like we can't see they are clearly little mestizos?
People will call me a shill or a cuck, but you can't have black hair and black eyes and call yourself white.
I know what you mean lmao I've had a 5'4, brown goblino tell me he was a Spainard lol I scoffed and and 180'd from the convo.
It's crazy. I know a woman from Puebla, Mexico. She looks Exactly like one of the Aztecs on the temples.. those long indigenous faces.
Her family paid $50,000 US $ to join the Sons of Spain or whatever the organization is called in Mexico.
She of course is "Spanish" now
She has some European/Spaniard features. She's about 25-30% white.
I’d say easily more like 50%. She still isn’t Spanish though.
Lol what the fuck? Los hijos de España more like Los goblinos de Las Americas.
WTF is happening in the Americas mygod.
Tell me more about the sons of Spain. Spaniards who still live in mexico interest me, heard they don't mix and keep it white.
How about you be more concise with that thought Juan Carlos and maybe we will know what the fuck you're getting at.
Mestizo, castizo, mongrel, even light-skinned mulattoes are still better than niggers.
Your ancestors esploded in those tight Azteca pussies and its been absolute carnage ever since.
What about black hair or black eyes?
I can speak from a bit of experience on this, I did meet a woman in college who was probably the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen, she was from Monterrey but was definitely Spanish 100 percent. They do live like the upper class there, the mestizos hate them for it, the natives want to kill them. But they are the real power. You can watch a documentary on netflix, it's about this guy named Luis Donaldo Colosio, kind of speaks to the ethnic power structure these countries have.
Well what I found out about Puebla is that when the Spanish were there the Indigenous had to leave the city at a certain time. If they were found inside the city, they were shot dead. So it's a big deal to say, "I'm Spanish" even up until today.
They will spend BIG bucks to get a Spanish passport because their great grandfather was 1/2 Spanish and everyone else was an Indian.
The club, you have to show your connection to Spain, but it's like calling your self a son of Hibernia because your great grandmother was 1/4 Irish.
You are bastardising the meaning of being a spaniard if it wasnt fucked enough already with the Hispanic shit , then you come up with this,wtf America
Why would you care this fucking much what some swede cuck thinks? You want his fucking approval or something?
Why would anybody claim to be spanish? What is there to gain from that?
Do they even understand nobody respects Spain and the country is completely irrelevant in every field?
Mestizo means mixed european spanish & indigenous.
Google 'new spain' you fucking illiterate moron dipshit faggot homosexual gaylord bumfuck dumbfuck.
Moroccans also do the same in europe with our nationality
I'm sorry mutt, but he is correct. White people dont have black hair or eyes
they think that because 70% comes from med shitskins and 30% from aztec apes that they're the same race as me germanic white
The only based response to them is "all right, then I'm English and so is this country. GET OUT."
>"The language I speak is my nationality"
>"O.K., then same with us therefore the U.S. is an English speaking language for Anglos, GET OUT"
The funniest thing about that is they only speak European languages.
Mestizos having an inferiority complex is nothing new.
Ultimately, it's the Spaniards' fault for gang banging the natives. From California to Tierra del Sol. Cortez kicked it off.
Aun triggerando
It's an organization in Mexico, can't you read you fucking eurobeaner?
Very triggered.
Lol get a load of this goyo, absolutely triggered aren't you Fransisco?
You have failed to comprehend my meaning. I'm asking if white people can have one only one (either black hair or black eyes) and still be white.
....are you fucking blind? Shes literally black lmao
Romans had dark eyes and they spent most of their time trying to civilize light eyed, light haired people. Go back to your hut sven.
DIOS MIO, hit a nerve, did we?
They aren't mestizo because that would imply being half white
They share a delusion. I call it Operation Flour Tortilla. They all believe if you wish to be white hard enough, the buzzard and lizard gods will anoint them magically white tonight in their sleep and tomorrow morning America, all white women and the graves of black Americans are theirs to dance upon. It also makes them "the next Italians", which to an Italian like me is fucking insulting as fuck. Delusional asstecs. Hans, melt them.
Suomi nigger with a lot of spunk. I like that. You can larp and white as well, I won't get mad.
It's natural that some Euro wannabe shitskins try to pass off as the "swarthy" Euros. And the dumb mutts and snowniggers often believe them. This is why they think Meds look like Arabs/spics, because they're literally meeting Arabs/spics who say they are Meds.
It is very sad, it's like they can't accept being rape descendant. Hernan took of his armor and gave a good thrusting to XOACHITIL and they can't accept this.
You're inferior to full blooded Criollos anyways. Stay in your mudshit lane.
They act like statues and paintings don't exist.
>then you come up with this,wtf America
you can thank you're great grandchildren, the goblinas, this is solely on them.
Black hair, no.
Black eyes, yes.
I was talking specifically about the combination of black eyes and black hair.
I don't even disagree with you.
>black eyes
Also as a goblino myself, I don't consider my self Spaniard, that disrespects Mayan heritage.
100% agree.
>Black hair, no.
There's plenty of irish that have jet-black hair and are white
No. Not half WHITE...half European. The bulk of Europeans ain't white by any stretch of the word.
I cant blame them for wanting to be Spanish instead of beaners
Pete Alonso is actually someone of Spanish descent. These spics from south America need to stop will the bullshit
I suggest you read some Suetonius and see just how many Roman emperors he described as being "dark of hair, dark of eye".
Then I got his meaning backwards. I thought he was saying black hair can still be white.
Italians ain't white Luigi
Cherrypicking so hard. I've never seen a single soul seriously call themselves 'Spanish', if anything: most reject their heritage.
What is white? Let's hear your definition
Who gives a fuck what you've seen Hector?
Only anglo white boy trolls make this shit up. I live in south florida, we have every type of hispanic plus actual spaniards and there is very little "race" bullshit brought up, everyone gets along. Just little jew and anglo saxon fags like OP that want to stir shit up.
>not 360ing
Getting raped by a bunch of mustachioed proto beaners isnt really a heritage lol
Spotted the mestizo.
That's just because Chileans are self hating, even a Bolivian would appreciate the 10% white DNA they have.
Germanic. Nords. Hyborians. That's it. Anything else is a mongrel.
dark =/= black
Brown hair and brown eyes are absolutely fine.
Black hair and black eyes are specifically non-european features.
she looks like a gypsi
>I live in south Florida
That's litterally jew central
t. spic
Don't even get me started on Bolivians, I fucked a Bolivian chick for a summer and her and her family where so fucking pompous and rude, fucking abhorrent people.
Dios mío…Espíritu del Señor. Espíritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, Santísima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada, ángeles, arcángeles y santos del paraíso, descended sobre mí. Fúndeme, Señor, lléname de ti. Expulsa de mi todas las fuerzas del mal, aniquílas, destrúyelas. Expulsa de mí los maleficos, la magia negra, el ogro de las tinieblas, el luz extinguido, el americano… Por favor, destruye la infestación diabólica; todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia; la enfermedad física, psíquica, moral, espiritual y diabólica… destruye al monstruo, a la creatura… Quema a este mal en el infierno, para que nunca más me toquen a mí ni a ningun ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente, en nombre de Jesucristo Salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espíritus inmundos, a inmediatamente, que me abandonen definitivamente y que se vayan al infierno eterno. El chupa-chupacabras no puede triunfar, el monstruo, el abominación… debe morir… Encadenado por San Miguel arcángel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado bajo el talón de la Virgen Santísima Inmaculada, aleja el aberración genetíca, al ogro de las Americas… Amén.
What about celtics?
Nice larp.
No they didn't
in my experience only niggers and whites dont know what an actual spaniard is. every latin american ive known has identified with their ancestral nationality. never spain. that said ive known a real deal white mexican. dude had green eyes and a coke habit.
Of course Romans had non European features you fuck they probably came from Troy which assuredly had migrants from the middle east in their populations as well. Sven, please stop you're not doing yourself any favors. We get it, you want to be proud of yourself
Yeah I don't follow all that spic shit about Mestizos and Castizos and Asstizos or whatever.
>Are your ancestors entirely from Spain?
Congratulations you are probably white
>Do you contain a drop of native blood?
Congratulations you are a spic
What it is, is they can't accept not being rape babies. Spaniards didn't fuck them at all. They sent for their white Spanish wives and brought them over, hence why there are white men and women who actually rule the brown rape babies that we call Mexico. Niggers in America have more legit white blood than Mexicans do. It's the real secret of why they hate niggers. Jealousy.
Yeah go on circlejerking about a distorted view of reality lol
Some of it was violent, most was peaceful coexisting. The real mixing came in semi-peaceful periods, when both worlds were already working together in a feudal-like system.
You know nothing.
Sure faggot
Stop slandering meds you jews and snow niggas brown eyes and black hair is half of all med countries and they are white .
>Some of it was violent, most was peaceful coexisting. The real mixing came in semi-peaceful periods, when both worlds were already working together in a feudal-like system.
So why hate your "heritage"?
>they probably came from Troy
>burger education
In literally every account of their founding, including the mythological ones where they claim to be descendants of Aeneas of Troy, they have some sort of connection to Troy. Romulus and Remus are sons of Trojans, Aeneas of Troy is the first Roman monarch etc. Tell me a single scholastic source that posits anything other than either their mythological founding or the possibility that they were the Etruscans who came from Lydia in asia minor.
yes I agree. you are definitely a faggot.
A faggot that can't read.
>"Romans didn't have dark features"
There are literal fucking fresco paintings and mosaics of dark eyed dark haired Romans, are you god damn blind?
You're all trying to resist the Castizo-pill as if that and genocide aren't your only options. Sure, low-caste niggers should be gassed, but think of it this way: I'm 12% "native American", if my kids are only 6% then the goblin blood is barely there, right?
You guys just need to give in to the Castizo-pill so we can gas nogs and fly into the future already.
Amén. New pasta for uppity gringos.
Plenty of Euro heritage, but Spain ranks low on pride, since we defeated them and their whole empire crumbled under their feeet. We had more French and English influence than Spanish for the last 2 centuries. Spain is just a distant memory.
Thing is: no one takes seriously a "full blooded euro", since we're all Latinos now. A new race.
Lost on all of these people is the fact that even blue eyed blonde haired Sven is a descendant of many mixed tribes who just happened to share the same features but who probably despised one another.
Bro, they ruled you for centuries, eventually winning is nothing to be proud of.
So that means Romans didn't have light eyes.
You know there are Swedes with Brown eyes right ?
In the frescoes do they post their birth certificates?
No one ever traveled to Rome right ?
No Egyptians, No Greeks, No one....
We have the eye and hair color of all the emperor's, but just stick to muh frescoes...
Could they have been slaves ?! NO?! What !?
I never said they didn't have bright eyed people in their society but why would the introduction of Gallic senators have caused such a fuss in the first place if all of the Romans looked as the Gauls did? Also
>"those frescoes are clearly all of slaves, every single one"
Cope more.
>"those frescoes are clearly all of slaves, every single one"
How's the straw men working out for you today ?
They didn't want Gauls as senators not because of their color but because they were...
Why do you dismiss all of Pliny's writings on the subject ?
>nothing to be proud of
*Stares in 460+ won battles*
Plenty of slaves depicted in laurel wreaths right faggot?
what do you mean with black eyes?
like asians?
Why do you dismiss the actual fucking art that illustrates that they had dark features? Rome was sacked by northerners right? And notherners have light features right? Then explain why there are still dark featured italians to this day? Could it be because the original people were the dark featured Romans? You answer that one queer.
My parents came from cuba in the 50s. This is what an actual white hispanic has in his blood. I have blue eyes btw
You beat an empire that had exhausted resources after it had ruled over you for hundreds of years. Yes, nothing to be proud of.
What color was his robe ? Brown as well.. or MAYBE they painted using Ochre...
but you big ass brain.. Go on call me faggot again you pleb.
Why are the flowers brown ? Brown flowers ?
I've had to explain to a number of Puerto Ricans that no, they are not "Spanish", that Spanish people are white.
Ok go on and tell us in each fresco what the medium was and what pigments where used...
Look all these people where green !
and the person pointing it out, is just like you!
Nobody fucking cares except schizos like you.