This is what happens when you pander to the leftists. Their entire existence is just a ruthless free-for-all where everyone throws each other under the bus as soon as it makes them look better by comparison.
This idiot here tried to make it big this election cycle by trying to ride the (((progressive))) bandwagon like every Democrat this cycle, but he's now finding out that leftists are fucking ruthless and only tolerated him as an attack dog on their political enemies.
He humored a borderline retard progressive by the name of Hasan, a brosocialist who desperately needs eveyone to believe he is smarter than he actually is. What was Destiny thinking? Even he had to have known how retarded Hasan was.
David Murphy
maybe tiny isn't as smart as he plays out to be?
William Gonzalez
Hasan legitimately has a two digit IQ.
John Howard
Nick won.
Dylan Perry
Destiny made the mistake of being a capitalist while also championing lefty talking points. He isn't full left on every level, so now he is targeted by the left.
Kevin Perry
I had no idea it was that easy to purity spiral the left. "Jamal stamps your face in with a boot for not being dedicated enough"
Daniel Hall
Are lefties dogpiling on D*estiny, the child porn apoligist now? Where can I go to participate?
Eli Cooper
His first big break this election cycle was an interview with Yang, but Buzzfeed literally threw him under the bus by calling him a racist and a fascist.
I honestly think that was what finally clued him in on the people he was dealing with. He tried to keep sucking up to the TYT people, hoping for some insider access to Bernie Sanders on Twitch, but he likely knows it isn't happening. Now, his community is turning on him and Hasan has a bigger twitch audience than he does, so he's being thrown under the bus now that his usefulness is over.
John Morales
destiny should become a leftist
Dylan Hughes
Why is this guy important anyway? Ive always known him as a mediocre Starcraft 2 player and even worse at other games.
Daniel Mitchell
I hope the left eats him alive. He's a dishonest hack that deserves criticism and mockery
Evan Bell
weren't the fags friends thou? kek
John Flores
He can't become a leftists because he's got so many skeletons in his closet that it'd be like throwing chum into the water for leftist sharks to tear apart for easy virtue points.
Playing the 'centralist' gives him a layer of insulation, where he is treated as a 'progressive ally', which is just a fancy name for disposable attack dog.
I'm just surprised that he legitimately didn't seem to expect this to happen.
William Green
>cis male whiteoid who plays video games thinks he has a place in nu-left political discourse >the predictable happens
Tyler Murphy
When will white leftists, especially the white men, learn that they are still hated, no matter how much they try to fit in?
Brayden Morris
This guy looks angry all the time
Alexander Fisher
He's the kind of "let's debate shit for the sake of debating shit" philosophy student kind of debator Usually this puts him against the right since the right is more concerned about practicality than theoretical and semantical crap But when you start defending capitalism and CP then the left doesn't take it lightly
Destiny isn't a leftist at all. He's an opportunist that jumped on the establishment bandwagon for easy shekels, and as we should know by now that only lasts so long before the tumblrites rip you a new one for not being "woke" enough.
His actual beliefs are that of a teenage nihilist with some hatred against Boomer Conservatism which may make him look like a leftist to the untrained eye. But in reality he's still in the rebel against mommy and daddy phase (he openly shit talks his mom on Faceberg and brags about it to his fanbase).
You can tell Destiny really fucked up because he seems to have stacked his deck on Kamala Harris, aka the most establishment safe fake-progressive you can get without going with the obvious establishment pick Joe Biden.
What's really funny is that he seems to have completely failed to notice how Kamala threw Biden under the bus under the debates and made the stupid mistake of defending her against Hasan, who is to the left. Did he think this wouldn't make him a target like it did to Biden or did he really not realize how the game is played in leftist world?
Jackson Campbell
Amazin strikes back
Jackson Nelson
It was going to happen eventually, the gap only increases and not even he will keep up.
>debating shit for debating Leftoids forget this, but yet they use him as a political attack dog (going to start using that now) until his popularity over stays his welcome.
Cooper Perez
What the fuck now. Why should I give a single shit about this meat sack.
Kayden Adams
He thought they would overlook his honkyness by being one of the good ones. Idiot
William Hall
hes a good guy and i think people only get mad because he raises points that they themselves deep down agree with but are maybe afraid to say
>people only hate Destiny because they're too afraid to admit just how right he is all the time wew
Ethan Collins
how much have you donated to him in return for being your "friend"? be honest
Carson Gomez
>hes a good guy did you ever talk to his ex about his habits?
Adrian Hall
Top Kek user.
Blake Wright
Evan Flores
I mean he was shaking his head in disbelief when Hassan said "profit is theft" in that big debate Sargon and Fuentes were in. He must've known how retarded Hassan is.
Angel Smith
look the fucks i give
Jacob Fisher
Well Destiny is basically just an oldschool colonialist, he's perfectly fine with the 3rd world being exploited and workers in our own country suffering as long as he gets a cheaper iphone. He has quite literally said this.
Carter Russell
His mother is a cuban expat too, and he told her he dislikes Catholicism and was sympathetic to communism.
Fuckin asshole.
Nolan Richardson
>218982453 is clear that he's a giant selfish douchebag
Nathaniel Campbell
desu Destiny is a pretty bad attack dog and a pretty poor debater from what ive seen of him online. I tend to avoid the debates etc conducted by people like Destiny but by God do i avoid him like a nigger to a honest living.
Hasan literally advocates for political violence. He thinks the "structural" violence of having police, markets, and freedom, needs thugs in antifa masks to commit acts of property theft and murder until the revolution is done. He's the kind of tard who thinks he understands Marx because he skimmed the Manifesto.
Structural violence is inherent to capitalism. What do you think the military and police are?
Try to run away to the woods? Oh sorry goy we sent FBI snipers to blow your wife’s head off. Remember only the state can exercise violence because we’re so moral :)
Aaron Ward
Structural violence is inherent to bloated and overgrown tyrannical governments.
>desperately needs everyone to believe he is smarter than he actually is
Sounds just like Destiny. Watching Twitch streamers for politics or any kind of serious insight is beyond pathetic. While his peers were in University, Destiny was getting destroyed by teenagers with half his playtime in Starcraft and it only got more pathetic when he moved to League of Legends.
Wyatt Johnson
>Destiny refuses to acknowledge that he has empathy for animals. He said he would not hit a squirrel with his car. When asked why, he said it was because the squirrel might damage his car >"heh, its not cool to love animals. Nothin personell"
This is like the most basic bitch stance of a teenage edgelord. DesTINY really is a manchild
Brody Torres
>Hasan literally advocates for political violence
Destiny also believes political violence is justified including political violence against American conservatives.
Benjamin Rodriguez
It really is the only thing you need to know about him. Once you do all of his other actions make sense.
James Brown
The Knife.
Jaxson Johnson
destiny is a neoliberal. sorta like a corporate democrat that mimes social lefty position, but behaves like an economic sociopath. anything for a cheaper iphone.
Tyler Flores
>openly shit talks his mom on Faceberg and brags about it to his fanbase how do you know this if you're not following him?
Gabriel Russell
>hoping for some insider access to Bernie Sanders
He must be retarded. Destiny has so many skeletons in his closet he obviously isn't going to get access to any candidates or any mainstream media coverage.
Colton Young
If I didn't follow him at least briefly then how would I be able to formulate an informed opinion on him? I'm not going to just regurgitate what other people say on him.
The destiny i knew was you typical edgelord. He would call koreans that beat him "Gooks" in a rage and im pretty sure he got booted from a team for saying nigger. Yet all that shit gets thrown out the window if you obey the holy tenants of progressive leftism and you get inducted as a saint to own the chuds xD
His friendship with Hasan was never going to last. Envious manlets simply can't be friends with Chads. Their jealous rage inevitably can't be contained.
This literally is NOT what many people think who don't like him. He's a double standard faggot who only debates low level political types. The fact he spazzes in debates or talks should be a clear sign that this man is not a man and that his kid will grew up being fucked up.
Colton Phillips
>giving him even that much rent free headspace and attention he's a literally who, and social media isn't real
You make this point by showing us soul crushing authentic tears? I don't get it
Bentley Morris
Destiny will grow from this. He shall steel himself and grow ever more powerful and seig heil dab on that oaf.
Daniel Green
the better question is why the fuck you need to have an informed opinion on him in the first place
he's a twitch streamer playing at being a dollar store ben shapiro for twitch donations to live off of. he says dumb shit to schandfreude addicted teenagers to drum up controversy for money. you have nothing to learn from him or any other e-grifter. read a book.
Samuel Hernandez
>tfw have 1 leddit account for calling destiny a neolib and another leddit acount to call hasan a low iq commie Strike the iron while its hot boys
Carson Wood
can I just get a tl;dr
I read most of this thread and even lurked his sub reddit for a bit but I can't quite gleam what this is all exactly about
destiny backed kamala and now the people in Hasan's wheelhouse hate him?
Lucas Sullivan
Destiny's 20 year old girlfriend which he's in an open relationship with said she wanted to have sex with Hasan and then Destiny posted some insanely jealous rant in his Twitch chat and started shitting on Hasan. It's just some manlet insecurity that will be forgotten in a few days. Maybe something good comes out of it and they both get banned off Twitch.
Hasan is streaming on twitch ranting about Destiny right now. Other than that I have no clue what is going on.
Benjamin Murphy
What happened to him?
Asher Thompson
The whole story is worse. Destiny moved to LA for clout and left his son in Nebraska. After doing nothing but play League of Legends badly for a few months, he met a girl from New Zealand who was in an open relationship with some guy named Max. He then came out as bi-sexual and traveled to New Zealand to have sex with both of them. After that, Melina decided to come to the US with Destiny and use him to get American citizenship. They got married in Hawaii but Melina still insists on an open relationship and has approached a few people (Hasan included) romantically. They're now in Sweden so Melina can see her family, Max and a few of her old "friends."
The entire thing is incredibly degenerate.
Jordan Hughes
How does living in LA give you clout? More likely to just give you aids.
Michael Bell
i'm honestly happy that that cuck destiny had this happen to him
Julian Lewis
Holy fuck. I almost feel bad for that faggot. Thanks for summarize.
Nathan Scott
i don't think he'd wish for anyone to live his life, he has growth hormone deficiency, he'll never grow big even if he works out, his body is trapped in a prepubescent shape.
imagine being genetically cucked.
James Fisher
>social media isn’t real Yeah just like the tens of thousands of dollars people rake in just by being popular
Matthew Diaz
Basically it gives him better access to do things with other popular streamers. The problem is that Destiny is like 10 years older than most of these people and only a few of them find him tolerable enough to be around. They're also much more marketable than him and having him around is generally bad for their brand. It reminds me of 30 year olds that still hang out at clubs and don't realize their time in this scene has passed.
Ryan Nelson
Agreed 100%. He's just faggot who decided to fill a demand. There was a large demand for debators on the left that didn't sound batshit insane or completely retarded so he did it for money. I seriously doubt he actually believes half the shit he says.
Luis Anderson
Dominic King
Most of left wing youtube have skeletons in their closets. Hbomberguy, for instance, used to be associated with Metokur and apparently got his kicks off of bullying autistic people.
Christopher Baker
haha he is such a beta boi
Liam Martin
Coah Red Pill was right about DesTINY Dudes gonna off himself before 50
Jack Richardson
can we bring back 2010-2012 destiny please? the deezer/combatex grudge matches were top tier content. it's a shame SC2 had to die
Jaxon Harris
I'd unironically give him 5 years. Melina is going to accuse him of violence or rape 3-6 months down the line and his life will go south real fast.
Grayson Gonzalez
do you think conservatives will ever be smart enough to go toe-to-toe with a video game streamer in a debate?
Eli Cook
He was on an NPR that featured him and ContraPoints. Moving up in the world