What kind of earthquake's drop thousands of bee's out of the sky? Bee's aren't sensitive to tectonic shakes, they are sensitive to wireless and electromagnetic radiation. DEW confirmed.
Earthquakes can't kill bees in the sky
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Bees shaking on the ground is what caused the earthquakes.
lmao i just spit my drink
Death to all bees! We have to kill them all so that humans go extinct. It's the only way to beat the Jews once and for all.
Was there another contributor to dizziness other than the shaking itself?
back 2 reddit you soï faggot
>What kind of earthquake's drop thousands of bee's out of the sky? Bee's aren't sensitive to tectonic shakes, they are sensitive to wireless and electromagnetic radiation. DEW confirmed.
bees vibrate their body to "fly"
they levitate and use their wings to push themselves around.
exoskeleton is made of hexagonal tubes that have smaller hex tubes inside and smaller hex tubes inside those.
they vibrate these tubes and create a negative lift achieving "flight"
earthquake could vibrate the right way and resonate with the bees and kill them.
like an opera singer breaking a glass.
>to wireless and electromagnetic radiation
EQs generate a large EM wave due to all the crushed quartz
Learn to use apostrophes.
Ahh, yes, I've heard of this, the bee-terfly effect.
Is earth wagging the bees or are bees wagging the earth
Or is it actually just Jews
Bees are bros. This makes me sad. Trump doesn't care and neither do most Americans, I suspect. When the bees go, we aren't far behind.
> (OP)
>Bees shaking on the ground is what caused the earthquakes.
buzz buzz nigga
i live in California and noticed an abnormal amount of dead bees that day
didn't feel the quakes but saw enough to wonder what was going on
Sounds possible
Probably scalar/electrogravitic energy. Probably from the Russians. Probably directed at the Navy base at China Lake. Probably in revenge for zapping their doomsday sub with underwater drone-mounted microwave weapons.
this is very interesting.
Kalil ( black guy) took video.
Fucking niggers Gang Stang those poor Bees.
You have to be 18 to post here.
Nothing new.
Thats the first thing I thought too.. huge piezoelectric effect.
Probably just stung everything in sight, including each other and the ground and then died.
Beekeeper here. Have bees in Ontario CA. Bee population decimated within last month. It’s sad and frustrating. I dont know what is going on. Sometimes we would have a colony get weak over time, or leave despite no new queen cells. But this just happened out of nowhere. Same with a fellow beekeeper out in the high desert
False. Bees dont die with they sting just anything. Only when they sting animals with skin like ours where the barb penetrates but the fatty skin, barb gets gets stuck.
Please be more specific, herr lightbringer
Viktor Stepanovich Grebennikov?
I’m having a flashback right now to some fucking nature documentary where A colony of Bees all go hitachi vibrator mode on a wasp and cook the wasp alive.
That is happening in a lot of places in the World including to a certain extent here in Portugal. Some say it's pesticides, others say general pollution, others say some invasive species that is affecting the eco-system closely related to bees...all kinds of theories but nobody has yet figured it out.
Let's hope this doesn't get worst, without regular bees we are fucked.
the fucking comments on this article
ugliest post I've ever seen.
Methane would be my guess. Enough to kill bees but not people.
It's all a hoax. This bee shit is a hoax.
Looks QAnon-tier desu. Isn't it common for dry man made items to burn while living shrubs nearby are too wet to catch alight?
Ding ding ding
It’s been a problem for a while. My dad has been keeping bees for decades and he’s noticed the decline in bees, gradually. But the bees have been fucked like no other time I or my dad remember. Something weird is going in.
By the way I meant Ontario California, which is like 50miles east of Los Angeles. Not Ontario Canada
So are the shills now saying the problem with bees is a hoax as well. Well it fucken isnt you retard.
Source: Me
junebugs subjected to 13hz sound from cheap logitech sub for one hour and they died. could be similar
You at Amy's? Where else in Ontario has bees? Where can I buy your local honey?
>trying to figure out who I am
No thanks
I remember 99chan used to have a whole board for that.
>Where else in Ontario has bees?
is beekeeping this much of a rarity in america? or are you just a citytard
Don’t worry the military industrial complex will provide small robotic bees as emergency pollinators. They will be spying on you too as well though.
Little shits should have stayed in the air, it’s the safest place to be in an earthquake I’d imagine. They didn’t fly to good
Apparently I'm just a citytard, though this is a suburban area. No clue. Have been driving 50 miles to get "local" honey when apparently it exists 5 miles away.
Yes it is quite rare, here in urban california. You can go a lifetime without seeing a stack of frames/boxes down here. Have literally never seen one myself, outside of my own colonies.
But hes probably trying to figure out who I am. Probably googled “farm ontario california” as that is the first entry on google.
>Earthquakes can't kill bees in the sky
and jet fuel can't melt steel memes
This, the bee shake effect is a real thing
No, legit live in Rancho, was just interested in where to buy actual local honey.
what about jet fuel-fueled earthquakes
If not shill, make sure honey isnt boiled. Fucks up all the nutrients and it’s pretty much just sugar devoid of any health benefits.
The crust is full of magnetic material. Shake a magnet you get an electromagnetic field.
get fucked, CIAnigger
>he doesn't know the Jews and bees work together
Honey's golden for a reason.
Can you tell from looking at it? I buy stuff that says "raw" from the Riverside farmers market when they have it, that's the closest I can find. It definitely doesn't have random bee bits in it like the stuff I used to get years ago though.
If you're the epicenter of degeneracy and anti-god while waving a rainbow flag in God's face perhaps he might give you a little flick from time to time.
Iran must used the earthquake as a cover to launch a BDR (bee disintegrator ray)
what the fuck
Buzzed and honey pilled
If it doesnt have random legs, wings and shit like that, there is a chance it was heated enough to make it run easily, so it can go through a filter. Also, if it doesnt start crystallizing at all after a few weeks, you can bet it’s boiled or mixed with syrup.
Theres no sure way to be sure tho. A lot of these people at farmers markets buy honey and syrup mixtures and sell it as local.
It happens a lot of places near or on areas where neonicinatoid pesticides are used.
He doesn't mean cooked to 100 degrees Celsius
google translate says
They don't
Gave honey to a neighbor couple years ago and it crystalized. She told me she microwaved it.....lol
But it’s not like a rolling boil to make coffee or someshit. Pasteurized. Heats it up for a short period to kill germs. But it fucks up enzymes and kills any nutritional content.
It's how they pasteurize here. Heat whatever until bacteria dies (some Euros will say that our milk tastes kind of like custard). Had a biology teacher tell me that Europeans irradiate the shit out of food to kill bacteria, preserving the taste.
Nope, the farmers market stuff never crystalizes. The stuff I get in Apple Valley does, but it's a straight brick of wax with the honey in it, and I don't know how to fuck with that efficiently.
I just want local pollen so I'm not huffing Afrin like it's coke, guessing I can stop with the farmer's market stuff then. Thanks.
Absolutely hate store bought milk. I get fresh goat milk from a friend. Shit is delicious. I give him honey, he gives me milk. Based
They are accelerating this timeline.
Buckle up, boys!
>Nope, the farmers market stuff never crystalizes
>Also, if it doesnt start crystallizing at all after a few weeks, you can bet it’s boiled or mixed with syrup.
whether it crystallizes or not depends a ton on what plant pollen the honey is made out of than anything else
and a quick read tells that pasteurization turns it more liquid than crystalline.
I do pest control in California and there is a shut ton of honey bees.
It is true you never see bumble bees anymore. Children won't even have any experience or reference point (other than honey bee, but bumblee bee is solitary).
And no I didn't kill them doing pest control. There's a multitude of factors.
Hopefully you still see them where you live.
>brick of wax
Do you mean the honeycomb with honey still inside? That would be your best bet, warm up a knife, but not hot enough to where you can't touch it. Slice off a super thin layer off the top to uncap the comb and let it drain, and transfer it over to a mason jar. You can chew the wax thats left over to get any remaining honey and spit it out/discard it.
Plenty of bumble bees all over New Orleans, I'm happy to report. I don't fuck with them, they don't fuck with me, they just want to be with their plants, I give them space
Docile or not, they look like they could wreck your shit
bees are cool. i keep blackberries and lupines around for them. a white man should care about bees.
Yes but down here in southern california, it should crystalize a decent amount since it’a wildflower. Really don't have any specialized type of honey down here, as there arent that many fields of certain things like citrus. There are, but fairly small. Within a couple weeks, there should be signs of crystalizing for local. During the cold months, my honey always gets thick enough to hold it upside down in a jar if it’s been sitting for a few weeks.
What are the characteristics of the honey over there in your part of the world?
i have 3 or 4 bumble bees here in my garden in florida every morning. they're great. they're like the golden retriever of bees
wasps are the pitbulls. fuck wasps
Im hispanic (pro Trump tho, anti immigration, etc etc...lol) The beekeepers I know are white or hispanic. Dont personally know any others who dont fit that description.
ikr, absolute trash
Kekked, sadly, not checked.
Good one, leaf.
Sage this thread.
>What are the characteristics of the honey over there in your part of the world?
it varies a lot. my grandpa used to keep bees, only like 2-3 boxes, and that honey was very liquid and only ever formed a small crystalline layer on top if left alone for a long time.
store bought varies a lot from just total crystalline to varying amounts of liquidness that always forms a thicker crystalline layer on top if left alone.
in here, pasteurization is very uncommon for honey if it even happens at all. also that irradiation thing in foodstocks someone else mentioned here, never heard of it, googled it and its not legal to sell food produce thats treated that way.
earthquakes can destory their hives thoguh, shake em until they fall down and then the bees just die because they have no home, i guess
This is everything I have.
They are depriving you of your bright future.
Make sure you are ready to go.
And continue winning the lost.
Entire KJ Bible on audio:
Made me laugh and scared my wife
pics of feet or it never happened
We have lots of bumblebees in the South
What's the engineering term called for that? Natural frequency I think, or something. Can't remember. Basically if I recall correctly, you can break objects by getting them to vibrate at their natural frequency.
I have a ton of bees in my backyard in Cali, both honey and bumble. Furthermore i also have lots of bats, lizards, possums, owls, tons of frogs, skunks, raccoons, roadrunners, squirrels, and a ton of birds. My neighborhood is like a zoo
resonances frequency and that guys retarded.
The earthquake obviously resonated with the bees, amplifying the frequency thus literally shaking them to death. Go look up Teslas earthquake machine, same principle.
Baggy sleep pants but here ya go