There’s no way to define white people

>there’s no way to define white people
>white people will be minority LMAO

What did fareed mean by this

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He's bullshitting you moron, the bug eyed sand nigger rat.

"What did he mean"? NOTHING, MORON! His job is to antagonize populist/nationalist whites. I can care less what this desert rat has to say.

Nothing he got ebinally BTFO in the second half of the interview and ended with the saddest cope "w-w-well I think were all gods children" after his beatdown

im not crazy about jared taylor, but god damn he did an excellent job here

> There is no way to objectively define the colour red
> Therefore one cannot identify between red and blue
Have a sage

He's a parasite. Desperate to escape the spectacularly corrupt and failed societies he and his coethnics created in their homelands and gain entry to the white nations. ( discussion in English of course.)
# mass immigration


Good link you shared, faggot OP, KYS retard.

Deconstruction of White America to deconstruct the Middle Class, the biggest obstacle standing in the way of perpetual poverty and government assistance.


He's a good dude, fuck you.

This guy is openly an anti-white extremist/propagandist. The fact he has a show on CNN is amazing to me. It was so funny back a few years ago when he pretended to be some academic who was above-it-all.

here is the link
this fareed guy is seriously off the charts and is embarrassing
jared taylor is definitely a good dude. but you can go ahead and fuck yourself if you haven't realized that he at best avoids the jq and at worst has said that he believes jews are white. so fuck you, idiot

this fucking guy named fareed either thought he could trap jared taylor or he might actually think he is white
this is seriously amazing. this guy works for cnn???

hes ok, got really turned away from him when he said "jews look white to me"

but they nobody calls jews shitskins because I would be lying to if I said they don't have white skins and features

jews do not have "white features"
that is fucking insane and can only come from a leaf
that is seriously the fucking the craziest thing i have seen on this board in a very long time

Attached: 1550351790838.jpg (1280x1034, 273K)

he's also a well-known plagiarist


>theyre genetically distict so that means they have no related features
Literally just as stupid as the no such thing as race argument

im like halfway through this and i honestly can't believe this guy is real
i run a property maintenance business and i wouldn't hire him to wash out the machines
i honestly can't believe this and it's seriously impressive that jared taylor has yet to call him a retard. im sitting here calling him a retard. jared taylor deserves an award for being this restrained

>jews do not have white features
Is blatantly retarded

He's miles better than any advocates who do directly respond to the JQ. There's no one as well spoken and convincing. I don't think there's been a single interview where they've been able to nail his ass.

because he has decades of experience and a fully developed understanding of his beliefs.

here is one of the handful of jewish phenotypical expressions
i assume you know that this is jerry seinfeld
if you can't see the difference between this and a person of white european stock, you are either blind or a liar
note that i could have posted a pic of sasha baron cohen or any number of jews with the surname cohen

Attached: 220px-Jerry_Seinfeld_Shankbone_2010_NYC.jpg (220x285, 11K)

By his reasoning POC don't exist either.
Therefore affirmitive action and race based bodies and politicking are redundant.
So fuck off Niggers, you don't exist

That isnt what you said though and i even articulated why you were being stupid

Your claim wasnt that they are distinct, it was that jews lack white features period. White skin is a white feature for instance

jews lack white features, period
you're saying some tanned indian has black features. it's fucking ridiculously stupid.
skin color is seriously the coldest take on race imaginable. you are being stupid and the worst thing is that i am 100% sure you are not trolling
see above. if you want to boil race down to skin color, you're walking into a lot of conflicts. it doesnt take a big brain to see this

Attached: larryTN.jpg (192x259, 9K)

>this guy works for cnn???
That's the least of it. He's on the Council of Foreign Relations

Im not boiling it down to skin color you stupid nigger

You denying jews lack any white festures whatsoever is fucking retarded, especially as to ashkenazis

The range of difference across all euro ethnicities almost wholly encapsulates the average features of jews

Youre posting these pictures as if its impossible for a european to a. Look like these people or b. Share ANY features they have

*on foreign relations

This interview was hilarious

>White people don't exist
>I'm a white person!

you're boiling it down to physical features
jews and whites share very few physical features. the ones they do - skin color as you suggest - are immediately negated by the jew shit
you know it, i know it. suck my cock

>youre boiling it down ti physical features
No you just dont understand the difference between being distinct and being completely different. Alternatively youre just stupid and wrong

Ashkenazi's are about half european half middle eastern


Yes im aware which is why i find this conversation so jarring

eat shit

how come you can tell someone is a jew just by looking at their face? even if they have light skin

not trying to be a dick, but we must ask "how can you not"
i made this post but it was at the behest of my lawyer

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You're swayed by his wasp veneer like how children are swayed by candy.

Jared Taylor also has dark hair, not blonde so he's actually not even white. He's literally a fucking nigger. Gas him

>CNN reporter arguing in bad faith

who would have known! When he started going down that path I knew the interview would go absolutely no where and it didn't.

It's very easy to know what is white. JF gariepy did a video on this from a genetic perspective. Basically greeks are the cutoff and it's clear as day on any of those genetic cluster studies.

>im not crazy about jared taylor
It's probably because you're stupid

he meant: "how you feel whiteboi i can literally say whatever i want and these dumb whitoids will still suck my brown dick all the way to the bank, and your race will lap it up until they are killed in the streets by roaming gangs of my people"