How will you cope when this whole thing blows over and the power structure wipes everything under a rug?
Nothing ever happens
Unravlelling a conspiracy this yuge does not happen in 1 day. Trust the plan !
Iunno. Shitpost on Jow Forums prolly.
I've been around for a bit. Jow Forums has been foaming at the mouth for years about major political change and it never happens.
As long as people know, I don't particularly care.
Internet immortalizes all information. It'll never die, just forgotten.
>how will you cope
I already know nothing will happen. Im more interested in how the public reacts
I suspect nothing but the rise of trump was surprising
a dozen arrests of literal who goys that were intended to take a fall just in case. No one in power will be arrested, a few will suicide. Trump gets impeached and they try to pin it on him during the 2020 race. He'll be removed from office right before the election so no grass roots candidate can make it onto the ballot.
Trump wont be impeached it would only rally republicans. Nothing interesting like that will happen
You're even more blackpilled than me.
Too bad the world got so close to doing something of note for once.
There have been many happenings are you stupid?
This isn't the first time there have been a tone of happenings and then nothing substantial occured.
>your even more blackpilled than me
You havent been here long enough if you arent thoroughly blackpilled.. the sheer amount and variation of trends and statistics leading to ruin is immense.
However, i do still think there is an out in the form of genetic manipulation. And as a sort of not black pill i think the us will turn pseudo empire and stay in power for much longer than people think
At this current moment? Eat some animal crackers.
frankly put I'd rather it be out in the open and have laws rewritten to make it legal. But if that happened it would be true social unrest and armed conflicts within the US.
You are right. I never thought 1 time that Hillary would ever go to prison.
>How will you cope when this whole thing blows over and the power structure wipes everything under a rug?
you become Jow Forums
you learn (((krav maga))) to fight as dirty as violent jews
you finally become a Jow Forumsraeli and financially assrape everyone else
Go in the mountains and run a 100. Make your own world a better place.
Ive pretty much said the exact same thing in the past, like you said it wont happen though, which is why i said pseudo empire
I think well turn up he econ manipulatipm to 11 and start extorting the rest of the world hard
We'll move on to the next non-happening.
why the same thing do every night Pinky
get sucked into all the hype of the next major happening
i get excited everytime and i dont regret it
They will protect the system at all costs.
They will not risk the public losing faith in the system. It would be too shocking to most to find out how many of the people they voted for and look up to are sadists and pedophiles. Once more, it would crush public faith and trust in institutions if it were ever revealed how many are being blackmailed, by whom, and for what purposes. There is no fucking way that they would allow the system to be so monumentally destabilized.
How many disappointments will it take for everyone on this board to finally realize that
None of the elites will ever face justice. Ever.
Everything is just so motherfucking tiresome including the insane and absolutely unwarranted faith in justice.
None of our opinions fucking matter. Nothing is going to change. Franklin scandal the Dutreaux nightmare, whatever, there is never justice.
We will become minorities in our own fucking countries.
The deep state will get deeper.
The panopticon will grow larger and ever more intrusive.
You will bake that fucking cake.
Just fuck it all.
At what point do people start advocating vigilante justice en mass upon the elites.
At no point, because you're all to pussy to do anything actually impact-full, and live the actual super soldier rouge Ethan Hunt life organizing off the internet to take """""""""some people""""""""" out. It amazes me these days that with the suicide rates you don't see many people actually playing vigilante super hero and taking things into their own hands even though they'll be killed by police or whoever, that people will kill themselves with their own guns over others that they know are evil monsters.
Looks like I'll be notifying the alphabet governments about this post.
Hopefully soon. Need some lone wolf types first, then the mobs, once the elite realize they have nowhere to hide and can never be safe in public again, only then will things change.
we will rise up and take justice in our own hands, mark my fucking words. ive had enough of these monsters running the world and if we do nothing then we forsake everything our ancestors fought for.
Yes. We need a VAT tax and FFT tax to strip the rich of their wealth and provide for the people!
I spent all that time waiting for a (you) and you throw out a shitpost, disappointing.
Tomorrow will have the big happening ever, just wait
the big one is coming goy, just keep waiting, don't do anything just wait.