You reap what you sow
You reap what you sow
what a dirty racist
we are all gods children
I thought they wanted people to mix :)
So white genocide is confirmed a thing now?
Not Jews just goy!
Annuda shoah every night
You know what's funny, Black male and Ashkenazi Jewish female is fairly common. Like the disney star that died a couple days ago was a result of that. Drake is too.
Same in reverse.
Lenny Kravitz is jew father, nig mother.
The Smollett family is also jew father and nig mother.
>nig+jew makes north Africans
Of course
If Jow Forums was remotely organized we would be pushing for open borders in Israel
desu they don't look that mutt after all
nigger jew is still a jew tho
oy veyyyy
Oh snap !
Slash from GnR, too.
It's a stupid idea. That's why it's never happened even though spergs have been trying to go down that road for years and years.
Does that look black to you? Kike definitely but he isnt a nigger.
It's not a stupid idea at all.
Gilbert Godfrey is an anti-Shemite
Yea, well, not your army, faggot. It's a stupid idea
No it's not.
Very true.
One drop rule nigger.
And that nig nog nose is a dead giveaway.
It's most jew, as a matter of fact
gottfried retard
>White genocide
Gonna go out on a limb and assume white libs are going to destroy this dude and ignore him. They can't afford anyone comparing interracial relationships with genocide.
>pushes miscegenation for decades in the west
>"Oy vey!! Not my daughters!!!"
I guess these retards forgot why their Talmud told them to practice matrilineal succession in violation of the Torah (which prescribes patrilineal). Diaspora jewesses couldn't get enough big white cock. And if these creatures didn't accept their women's bastard children as their own they would have gone extinct.
no one escapes the mutt machine, NO ONE!
choke on your own shit, kikes
yea i dont like them breeding with others either. you know who agrees with me? space jew. he basically forbid the jews to breed with any other group they met in the old testament at 1 point in time or another . which kind of makes the whole white jesus thing blasphemous especially if he has red hair and blue eyes in a pic
Go back FAGGOT
>Diaspora jewesses couldn't get enough big white cock. And if these creatures didn't accept their women's bastard children as their own they would have gone extinct.
Fucking savage
Only thinking about themselves, nothing about european genes holocaust, sickening.
You spammed that shit over in this thread as well
so khazar milkers are honestly redpilled? what the fuck timeline is this
Black Americans have variable degrees of white admixture in them but still refer to themselves as black. Tests have been done and genetically half black-half, half white Americans overwhelmingly identify as black, while to identify as Mulatto they need about 75% white DNA. That guy's dad was likely heavily mixed himself.
Jews are going extinct. They are less and less of the earths population every day. The more non-jews there are on the planet, the better.
>one drop rule, goy!
The best timeline. By sitting in our basements we're somehow the Left's greatest boogeyman and we're destroying these satanic beasts through the power of dark humor.
My mom is Jewish and my dad is a goy so I have some experience with this. I have Jewish identity but I doubt my children would and I don't really care if they do. Jews in America are accepted socially so we just mix into society. Ironically treating Jews well and excepting them is the best way to get rid of them in the long run.
Jewish identity has been kept alive by persecution, without it Jewish identity starts to fall apart and Jews just become like everyone else around them. This is basically what happened to the Chinese Jews.
>Ironically treating Jews well and excepting them is the best way to get rid of them in the long run.
Not really. There's a continuous stream of new Jew-blood from the conservative Jew communities. Jews won't miscegenate away, they haven't for thousands of years and that includes many, many eras where they were treated well. I don't think Jews need to be done away with necessarily, but thinking they'll just blend in on their own is flat wrong. The Jews high in the power cult and the Orthodox will always be there to keep the train rolling.
Jews have not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think niggers are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the subversive, satan worshiping, kiddy diddling society that they once were in the last century. Jow Forums is going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Jow Forums will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Israel will not survive.
>This is like anudda shoah!
Hahaha. Israel! You are so racist! It's time to be diverse and multicultural.
Again you're wrong. Chinese are an innately low trust people so the Jewish trump card of tricking stupid Goys has no power on them, and Jews were never able to be successful in China like they were in the West. Jews will just make up lies about being persecuted if they have to, they're good at getting away at that over here where people are trusting.
Implying you mongrel need to be persecuted before you start the kvetching, nha you're a faggot who full of shit, and I'm talking of personal experience we have plenty of Jews around. Never of my whole life have I ever heard of Jewish antic that didn't start from the Jews own actions. From Lev Tahor, to Val-David to Outremont, there ain't a place where you guys don't poison the well by your own volition, only to attack the host whenever convenient since it wash your disgusting ilk from accountability, only to pretend when you get inevitably btfo that your host, not yourself, were to blame.
Honestly, hard to convince me otherwise when I've seen Jews being promoted as truth speaker where they act like the most arrogant of hypocrites, the kind that rub it is while sneering like the conniving fuck he is. A real life example would be Ann Goldwater, god what a disgusting harpy.
Dead on. Jews are like shitty low grade women; the better you treat them the more they complain.
>Jews were never able to be successful in China like they were in the West.
What? There have been Jews in China since the revolution, hell there was a few Jewish chairmans in his first government.
As much as Jow Forums likes to post pictures of orthodox Jews, they mostly keep to themselves and aren't the Jews in positions of power. I guess we will see how this plays out though. I think overall the orthodox will become a greater share of the Jewish population and secular Jews will become less common so you will see relatively fewer Jews in public life. This could take 100+ years to player out though.
Jared Kushner and Ben Shapiro are orthodox jews
I know that but their children restock the liberal Jewish community and those are the ones who hold power.
>I think overall the orthodox will become a greater share of the Jewish population and secular Jews will become less common so you will see relatively fewer Jews in public life. This could take 100+ years to player out though.
Maybe. It's projected that globally atheism has already began to decline and we're entering into a new era of religiosity. The West is lagging in this respect but eventually we'll get there too as atheists simply don't have kids and will eventually be replaced by the more religious. Jews will likely be part of that.
Perhaps you mean hasidic jews. The ones with the beards and curls. Yeah they arent international jews bht are still a giant pain in the ass to anyone that has to live near them. Jews of all classes are terrible
The US is much more full of mutt jews than I think most people realize. The same thing that happened to Italian peninsula
Jewish girls love BBC.
Hasidic Jews are ultra-orthodox, so still within the greater orthodox community and label.
They definitely exist but are relatively rarer than secular Jews in public life. Pretty much every Jewish politician, celebrity, media figure etc is either secular or reform. Again there are exceptions, but I'm speaking generally.
Yes but they're part of the black community. White Americans are still overwhelmingly pure white. Blacks are miscegenating, not whites, because mutts incorporate into the black community.
>Hasidic Jews are ultra-orthodox
>Has rabbi thus follow the Talmud
Is Talmudism orthodoxy? I just can't wrap my head around the fact that they claim to be orthodox, yet follow post-Babylon hogwash. What is the name for the Jews that entirely renounce the Talmud and live solely by the Torah? If there is even any left, that is.
>how do you get a faggot to fuck a woman?
>fill up her cunt with shit
Definitely /ourguy/
Yes there are a few but they aren't powerful at all like they are in the West. They don't have much (if any) influence in banking, the media, pushing opioids and multiculturalism, etc. like they do in America. The biggest name Jews in China were the ones who initially brought Communism in from Russia, since then their power and influence seems to be about 0.
Orthodox jews are just jewish supremacists that think goyim are for consuming. Secular jews are just degenerates. Both are bad for non jews
Holy shit he's a walking, living jew meme
Mutt in the greater sense than just African. Tons of Americans who think of themselves as European with some semite in the woodpile
wew lad
As far as I'm aware some middle eastern Jews reject the Talmud since it was written by European Rabbis and it was never apart of their version of Judaism until the creation of the Zionist movement. The same goes for Ethiopian Jews.
>Tons of Americans who think of themselves as European with some semite in the woodpile
Wrong. Jewish immigration only came in large numbers about a century ago and they largely keep to themselves. Only a tiny minority of American whites would have Jewish blood in them, and Arab blood is probably even rarer. The majority of race mixing happening today is with high IQ Asians or with part-white Mexicans. Muttification isn't nearly as bad as the doomsayers say. If white's just jacked our birthrates up to like 2.2 I would say it's barely even a problem at all.
Nha they just stay away from the spotlight, and in a authoritative shithole like China, its probably quite easy to pull off. I'm ready to bet there still plenty of Jews within high seat like state treasurer or national bank manager.
>As far as I'm aware some middle eastern Jews reject the Talmud since it was written by European Rabbis and it was never apart of their version of Judaism until the creation of the Zionist movement. The same goes for Ethiopian Jews.
>Talmud since it was written by European Rabbis
>Talmud dates back to the times of Babylon, 3000 years ago more or less
>largely keep to themselves. Only a tiny minority of American whites would have Jewish blood in them
Both these claims are false
I only know what I've been told, I could be wrong. I was raised Christian and have never practiced Judaism so my knowledge is imperfect. I was baptized too so I'm not a very good jew.
>US Jews
No one cares about those lefty faggots. Look forward to using coal burners as an excuse for another 100 years of repairations and conquering poo people though.
You're assuming there is, but there isn't. The Chinese are very ethnocentric and distrust other kinds of Asians, let alone a Jewish trickster from the West. Keep in mind the Chinese intelligentsia is woke to the Jews and openly admires them for their trickery and their success. Jews aren't magical wizards that float to the top of any society they enter, they specifically have adapted to prey on and leech off of high openness, high trust Western European societies. The tricks they use here don't work in a low trust, highly ethnocentric society, especially when you don't even look like the local people. Hell look at when Zuckerberg asked Xi to name his child and Xi told him to fuck off. He could have easily just named it for him but instead he somewhat humiliated him. Would a Zionist Christian ever do that? Hell no. Would any Jewish-puppet good Goy politician in the West? Hell no. If the Chinese were being played by the Jews there would be tells, but those tells aren't there.
Post proof or fuck off.
Jews were a tiny minority until just a hundred years ago. A hundred years isn't long enough for their genetic to diffuse into the society, especially considering that even after their surge of immigration there weren't that many of them and they're the one group above all others known for their deliberate segregation of their communities from others.
Fuck whites , they promote racemixing
>Peretz said the assimilation of Jews around the world and mostly in the US was “like a second Holocaust,” and also said that, due to intermarriages in the last 70 years, the Jewish people “lost 6 million people,” according to the report, which added that Peretz’s spokesman confirmed the account.
due to intermarriages in the last 70 years, the Jewish people “lost 6 million people,”
6 million
again the 6 million figure.
>Source - The Times of Israel:
Whoever teached you didn't knew shit, because that kind of info is common knowledge. The stuff you wrote read like you made shit on the spot, like I hardly believe you could know of all those subject (I mean, even Ethiopian Jews, that not your every day info, majority of peoples don't even know they exist) without actually knowing anything about all of them. Like you expect me to believe you know Ethiopian Jews exist, but you believe that the Talmud was written by ''european rabbi'' which is a nonsensical term to be honest, since Rabbi is an inherited position that require jewish ethinicity to uphold and that it was written quite recently at that, like about a century or so ago.
but at the same time I can't really blame you for your lack of knowledge, it ain't like the Jews were forthcoming with it. I mean, ain't for no reason they killed the last one who openly gave the knowledge to the goys.
When did Germans migrate to the US?
Germans have been coming to America since the very beginning.
>The first English settlers arrived at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607, and were accompanied by the first German American, Dr. Johannes Fleischer. He was followed in 1608 by five glassmakers and three carpenters or house builders.[22] The first permanent German settlement in what became the United States was Germantown, Pennsylvania, founded near Philadelphia on October 6, 1683.
They've also come over in much larger numbers, over 7 million between 1820 and 1970 alone when in that time only ~500 thousand Jews came over. Germans also integrated much more quickly with Anglo Americans thanks to their shared protestant heritage.
Do jews just spend the whole day thinking of ways to relate everything to the Holocaust or call x and y anti semetic?
No. Their time is largely split between that and hatching schemes to make shekels off of Goyish labour.