China love thread

Attached: download-1.gif (298x320, 880K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Shameless bump

The Art of War

Attached: 1531442506769.png (757x1411, 189K)

The Fart of War

Attached: 1536367425988.webm (460x574, 1.47M)

Kung Fu

Attached: 1546291860456.webm (240x417, 2.51M)

Kung Poo

Attached: 1545495586834.webm (480x480, 2.52M)

Kung Food

Attached: 1538502217254.webm (624x360, 2.73M)

That's actually based as fuck. Legit chink gas chamber.

Resident Chinkel

Attached: 1561661173924.webm (960x552, 2.82M)

Chinese food

Attached: 1532281215694.png (2300x1335, 1.69M)

Chinese food delivery

Attached: 1534712033910.webm (224x400, 2.85M)


Attached: 1542099383688.webm (848x480, 942K)

She is looking right at the car approaching the child
She's looking right at it
She's just standing there watching it all and even when it happens she's only mildly surprised, to the point of shifting her weight a little.
First time I watched it loop I figured she was wanting it to happen, that's how her body language is coming off

are these things even human?

Attached: 1561440139749.png (378x357, 81K)

meh. china will grow larger

The new final Destination looks great

I have to try that sometime.

Gayest fight i've ever seen

Attached: 1557653760165.webm (330x600, 1.66M)

"Asians have the highest IQ's."

they drive like they're legally blind

they do tho

Attached: 1557629208299.jpg (800x1800, 278K)

Attached: 1555422138281.png (800x1672, 209K)

Attached: 1561843843562.webm (568x320, 923K)

Attached: 1561845355231.webm (368x656, 2.95M)

>huh? where did she go?

RESPAWNED WHEN YOU GET knock out of the ring

at least the baby is saved

Attached: 1562715563344.webm (640x360, 1.93M)

First time in China

Nerve gas

gta online on a daily basis in chinkland

Notice how no one around tries to save the person getting bloodied up by this cannibal.


Bump, post more of these Chink redpills

China numba won.

Want some webms of Chinese women humiliating other Chinese women in public?

Attached: 1542594034768.jpg (580x773, 66K)


>this is how pedos are treated in China

Attached: Cops in China dont fuck around.webm (236x426, 2.86M)

Chinese women are brutal.

Attached: 1556664075716.webm (360x480, 2.87M)

Attached: 1542199257258.webm (368x640, 2.4M)


Attached: 1552199432302.webm (272x480, 2.86M)

Attached: 1531864993591.webm (360x640, 936K)

Attached: 1559589785619.webm (360x360, 1.37M)

Unfortunately, there are no original Chinese amongst the modern Chinese race.

the Chinese are the niggers of Asia

Koreans are. Chinese are like the Mexicans of Asia.

Citizens cant own guns in China, but they can use a butter knife

Attached: someone gets stabbed to death in middle of restaurant.webm (626x360, 2.2M)

Attached: 1537209125205.webm (512x288, 200K)

Why do they do this?

Nah, Korea is orderly, clean, and hierarchical. If anything it'd be the Philippians, or Vietnam

slut shaming

Nah, that would be the Filipinos. The Chinese are the Slavs of Asia.

Attached: gangster stabbed to death by guy he and his gang tried to jump.webm (640x360, 2.63M)

They were probably all cheaters and whores, hard to have too much sympathy. Some bomb ass tits on the chink in the 3rd webm btw

Attached: 1561383897221.webm (272x480, 2.86M)

Was waiting for a dirt truck to hit one of them.

True true but Korea was modernized by Japan and China. They're like yellow niggers because before Chinese or Japanese intervention they were straight flintstone tier.

Likely related to adultery. She was probably a prostitute or a mistress, it would've been the girlfriend or the wife who would've organized the hit.

Attached: woman hacked to pieces by chinese man.webm (414x720, 2.95M)

Attached: 1556632062979.webm (480x480, 937K)

Ya, but Japan and China were modernized by (((America))). I guess we can conclude that Asia as a whole is a lost cause. Europe is clearly the master continent, which is saying a lot because Europe is currently a dump.

Attached: 1558299887228.webm (272x480, 2.55M)

Damn these women have zero fucking shame.

Attached: 1552025295248.webm (320x240, 1.47M)

Attached: 1560013596675.webm (480x272, 2.41M)

The chinese underclass is absolutely disgusting, Jesus Christ.

The more educated ones are more subtle.

Attached: woman shits in public 01.webm (320x240, 1.52M)

This could be the start of an awesome porn movie.

Damn that was a real life kung fu movie

Attached: 1540714864208.webm (320x240, 1.13M)

Ever stopped to wonder the Chinese government keeps an authoritarian regime with concentration camps to prevent the Chinese underclass from engulfing the world?

Take note America; if you take down the Chinese government you are breaking down a wall and on the other side there is the armies of Satan.

Attached: crazy guy stomps toddler to death.webm (482x434, 2.76M)

The lesbian rape gangs of China are vicious !

Attached: 1549155439156.webm (480x852, 2.43M)

Attached: 1562714694559.webm (846x480, 603K)

Attached: 1546778162577.webm (240x427, 2.83M)

Attached: 1554847680371.webm (480x428, 2.9M)

That bitch needs to shave her hairy ass pussy.

lol, he was tenderizing the meat.

Attached: Dog strangled to death by elevator.webm (640x360, 1.81M)

Attached: 1548856945899.webm (480x640, 1.04M)

Goddamn Chinks really are subhuman filth

why all the stabbings? are guns not in fashion?


Attached: 1535691097591.webm (640x480, 2.25M)

jesus christ, even fucking ISIS has more honor then this

Based beez

Did he get him right in the heart?

Attached: 1562722713900.webm (720x406, 485K)

They prefer kung fu.

Attached: 1535845170203.webm (640x368, 2.81M)

5000 years of culture, bro.

Attached: 1554102937287.webm (960x468, 2.46M)

Chinese are not allowed to own guns; only the government, military and police are allowed.

Attached: hit and run driver runs down man and stabs him.webm (480x480, 1.97M)

Attached: 1557751533069.webm (1280x720, 1.75M)

where the fuck is the police in all of these webms

Last one for now.

Attached: 1546605546216.webm (846x476, 1.98M)

The police cant protect people from their own stupidity.

Attached: excavator crushes woman and girl.webm (640x480, 664K)

Beating the shit out of her while having a 7 grand Chanel bag slung over your shoulder. I see a big ad campaign boys.

yep! Got him right in the aorta.

Attached: elevator in china keeps moving as woman exits.webm (640x360, 1.04M)

Apparently some if they have soul ...i guess

Attached: 1562714338838.webm (360x640, 2.86M)

I-is he grieving his wolf buddy that got hit by a car?

Attached: 1244377737716.jpg (660x550, 69K)