Does a master list of the people in the flight log exist? If not, let's make one.
>Bill Clinton
>Steven Pinker
Does a master list of the people in the flight log exist? If not, let's make one.
>Bill Clinton
>Steven Pinker
Other urls found in this thread:
So JE is Jeff Epstein. Any guesses on who GM,SK and AR could be?
This site/page has a partial list of people with a description of who they are:
from that page...
Jeffrey Epstein
SK – Sean Koo (appears elsewhere on flight logs)
Steven Pinker- the Department of Psychology at Harvard University
Nina & Tim Zagat – Zagat Restaurant & Business Reviews
Gerry & Kit Laybourne – Founders of Nickelodeon & Oxygen Media
David Rockwell-Founder of Rockwell Group; Imagination Playground pro-bono, a play space designed to encourage children to play together
Caroline Miller (NY) – Director of the Child Mind Institute
Michael Wolff – Unreliable Author; Loser;
Daniel C. Dennett- Center for Cognitive Studies – Tufts University
Richard Dawkins– Author ” The God Delusion” and Prof. Oxford University
John Brockman- Publisher & Editor Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Edge
Katinka Matson -President of Brockman, Inc. and Co-Founder of Edge
Cindy Lopez – Minor(F) Mystery Minor posing w/ Clinton in hat
Kelly Bovino – The Story Project (Helping Runaways/ Actress /Model) Epstein Sex Slave
Richard Cook – At the time was Disney Chairman
No idea. I'm just sifting through looking for the famous people.
>Naomi Campbell, wtf
>If not, let's make one.
i see we also have cindy lopez (pic related, her on left) on the manifest. she was the one recruiting the underage girls.
>Gerry & Kit Laybourne – Founders of Nickelodeon & Oxygen Media
Did anyone else ever get uneasy/weird/creepy/perverted undertones from Nickelodeon?
SK is Sara Kellen I just found out.
ok so we have cindy lopez left, and sara kellen on the right. not "keller"
Did Steven Pinker really fuck a kid?
You dumb faggots know that private plane owners rent their shit out to anyone who will pay. Right? Or are you seriously that poorfaggy?
And you do see that there are four SS agents on the same ride?
If you check the logs "JE" is on nearly every flight.
Most of these people are business people, architects, designers, etc. Not famous but rich and influential.
epstein was on just about every flight with these people. you get an E for effort though, shill cunt.
>Gerry & Kit Laybourne – Founders of Nickelodeon & Oxygen Media
checks out
This Arab had skin in the game
Nice picture
So you had the guy who runs google, the guy who runs amazon, and a bunch of people in various businesses involving children.
The swamp runs deep
Full flight log of the Lolita express that was filed with the agency
Dr Pavelier
Button Lee
Juan Aviéu
"Fast Owen" Tattaq
Gitstus Taeion
Maier Kraft
Hugh Pediéu
Tughrab di Qatar
Heidi Dinn
Flass O'Goode
Howance Tàuterai
Tillmie á Bouté
Veidoû Sïwere
Allah Dalai al-Teih
Frau Haìrdegon
Atlee Sioux
Hugh Aeiou
Irfah Boulte
Willy Uday
Yuri Bigaev
Voss Göeting
Partov Īplaan
Will Khäng
Roche U.
"Lesions" Yagat
Hieselv Kòutê
Nâvou Watts
Dan Echsteppe
Auvia Masze
"Tupple" Anne
You're welcome.
>Dr Pavelier
Something plane wreckage
Dang these 3 jew niggas look like straight demons. imagine a nightmare with these 3 gargoyles groping and salivating over you. yikes.
Also thank you.
What' I'd like to see is for someone to take the flight logs, and map them all out into a single image showing the paths of the plane and who was on it at the time.
Imagine being a virginal little kid, restrained in a dungeon, looking up at these three gargoyles salivating over you.
modeling agencies are notorious for this
you might get one odd person who's done films who's not a satanic degenerate
but in modeling all of them are
must participate in orgies
must take drugs
must participate in rituals
you have to be degenerate to the extreme and like it.
John Brockman, creator of the "edge foundation", with epstein girls Cindy Lopez and Sarah Kellen
i'm surprised at the amount of females involved in this kind of shit. it's an eye opener for sure.
Geesling maxwell.
Adrian Perez
Naomi Campbell was rumored to be dating clinton for a while. They traveled with Dave Bands, who has acted as a beard for Clinton for years.
So Band travels with Campbell so people will think that THEY are an item, but he's just cover for bill. He did the same thing before, taking Monica Lewinski to government events as cover.
Shieeet nigga... all those brain scientists.
I also saw
>Oliver Sachs (who is that?)
On the list plus 2 kids and a baby
>lets make something we have no idea if its accurate.
What is this retardation?
We know they were in the flight log. It's a start until more info comes out.