>i look like a half slavic germanic person >my mothers dad is slavic >my fathers mom is slavic too i think >somehow all ancestors came from east prussia, some have lithuanian surnames
>most of my friends were of slavic phenotype >almost all woman that ever had a crush on me were russians or slavic >most woman i ever had a crush where somehow slavic/eastern looking
>prefer wotka over beer >squating my entire life before i even knew this had a name >always an interest in the russian language >listen to slavic music >never been as materialistic as the people here in germany >always to late ( germans are punctual ) >never really understand or liked german culture yet i tried
> >i look like a half slavic germanic person > >my mothers dad is slavic > >my fathers mom is slavic too i think > >somehow all ancestors came from east prussia, some have lithuanian surnames
> >most of my friends were of slavic phenotype > >almost all woman that ever had a crush on me were russians or slavic > >most woman i ever had a crush where somehow slavic/eastern looking
> >prefer wotka over beer > >squating my entire life before i even knew this had a name > >always an interest in the russian language > >listen to slavic music > >never been as materialistic as the people here in germany > >always to late ( germans are punctual ) > >never really understand or liked german culture yet i tried
>i look like a half slavic germanic person I think you took memes too far.
David Clark
So why are there so many Russian flags on Jow Forums? Central Asians don't live in Europe btw. 0/10.
Jacob Ross
Gavin Adams
i am not a rape baby i checked on that one my slavic even worked as engineers in the 3th reich strangly
on my dads mom site i think they were bankers or something but my grandma grew up as an orphan because her parents both died from lung disease in 1944
Parker Smith
OP, are you fucking thick? Russia is a shit hole. Worked there for half a year, they don't respect themselves and don't respect others. It's a sick mentality plus they are poor as fuck. On German salary you will live like a king though. King of a sewer, but a king.
Zachary Foster
> fart
Dominic Lee
Hey friend, I also want to move to Russia. How are you going to get a visa and are you willing to learn Russian?
Aiden Price
I have a Slavic friend who traveled to Russia to find a wife. He was successful, his wife is beautiful.
Leo Martin
i am already from a rich family here in germany my slavic granpa is a company owner we the top 1% here
but i am not really interested in money i hate people who show everyone how rich they are and live a degenerate livestyle
Jonathan Rivera
>So why are there so many Russian flags on Jow Forums? Russia, like Israel, has a major shill team dedicated to changing hearts and minds. A lot of memeflags are Russia, for example Natbol is a flag. Nobody gives a fuck about Natbol (Dugin), and yet here it is thanks to the (((Alt-Right))) invasion.
Do you hate Niggers and Jews? If you answer no Then fuck off and stay in Germany you nigger worshiping cuck
Grayson Perez
Carson Adams
good luck finding work
fix your own country before cucking others
Lincoln Cox
As long as you are white, go.
If you're one of those "Germans" with black hair and black eyes, then end your life and stop polluting others with your shit genes
I know this is odd coming from a spaghetti man, but it's the truth
Jaxon Mitchell
Strong West is against Russian national interests It makes perfect sense why he would be against it
John King
That's BS because a lot of RU flags are blatant RU shills...a few are Nationalists that have sincere ideological opposition to Putinism but most are blatant shills.
Still butthurt? Nobody forced Georgians to become America worshipers. Your God America got you in a no win war to harass Russia and you got yourselves only to blame.
And speaking of America worshipers. "Western Civilization" is gone you PiS cucks...what exists now is something that not only should be weak but should DIE
Austin Wood
Tommy Robinson should flee to Russia...TONIGHT!
Wyatt Davis
African men often travel to Russia to find wives as well. They're very successful, their wives are beautiful.
Russia tolerates the fake religion of the pedophile prophet. Russia resources are in control of a few people who snatched them up after the fall of communism; the oligarchy cripples Russia. The U.S. is overrun with mosques/barracks signifying impending slaughter of non-muslims by Islam. It's your decision.
Why does this guy and people like him just blatantly lie so much? What do they get out of it? Do people believe this shit? Western white civilization fought against degeneracy desperately. MTV gays and lesbians are a product of a semitic takeover much like all modern western culture, it is not a product of white man but of semite man. Of course this guy just casually side steps this fact.
Jaxson King
Do you speak Russian >Yes Sure >No Stay the fuck away and learn the language
Elijah Anderson
>Jow Forums is illegal there >t.sheltered amerimutt