Why do Americans seem to defend circumcision so much? It’s genutal mutilation plain and simple. Basically it’s only a thing in the US and Israel.
Why do Americans seem to defend circumcision so much? It’s genutal mutilation plain and simple...
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in b4 phimosis
>"limited dorsal slit with transverse closure", is a plastic surgical operation on the prepuce or foreskin of the penis, to widen a narrow non-retractile foreskin which cannot comfortably be drawn back off the head of the penis in erection because of a constriction
they're all victims of trauma based mind control and will do the same to their children out of spite
That’s interesting I didn’t know that existed. Americans will still defend removing the entire foreskin though
Sadly male infant genital mutilation isn't just restricted to the US and israhell
Any Americans expecting a male child should watch this
Why do anteater dicks obsess over cut cocks all the time? You schizo faggots need to be hung by your foreskin.
I literally had a skin bridge removed today. I have at least 10 stitches on my dick. I'm in so much pain atm and as a result I bitched my parents out for being so fucking stupid.
That’s a huge crime, poor mutilated boys. More needs to be done
I've come to accept that it's trauma based mind control. I have shown people real statistics, how they actually do it, the amount of baby boys that die each year because of it, bible verses against it. They just don't care.
it's hard to raise a kid uncircumcised when you are, since you can't teach them hygiene skills like cleaning their foreskin n shit. therefore, many parents circumcise their kids
Help me bros. I can't tell if I'm uncircumcised. The skin doesn't really go over the head most of the time, but I still have the stringy thing.
Circumcision is one of the first things I got redpilled on when I came to this site. Fuck the Jews and their lies that led to this barbaric practice to mutilate healthy young boys. My sons will never be circumcised, I wasn’t as lucky but I can prevent this cycle from continuing.
Cops harder. I can get circumcised anytime I want for less than the cost of a tattoo. You can’t get your nerve endings back. But you can save your future sons
You should sue your parents unironically
Furthermore, where do they hide their shekels?
Good Thing my Parents never Removed My Foreskin
>defending ritual infant penis mutilation
Seriously, completely non-jokingly consider this It's pretty easy to sue people over there, right?
All you have to do is retract your foreskin and wash it in the shower or bath. You don’t even need soap
If you worship anything without empirical evidence of it existing, you don't get to make claims of anything without empirical evidence.
You christfedora schizos forced an outrage because you were bored of getting blown the fuck out by your own circle logic.
Good man user, this is an issue that affects every boy
My mother was more interested in fucking heroin addicts to... I might
When you mention it to a doctor you generally get a very angry reaction. Shop around for one that doesn't want to mutilate your child.
The way I figure is that you’d be unlikely to win, but the more people that sue for unnecessary surgery that’s resulted in a malformed penis the more people will listen to the issue
I feel bad for my ameribros. To never know the feeling of natural sex because of a fucked up societal norm.
Seeing everyone use lube on TV and movies for masturbation always puzzled me when I was young. I tried it a few times because I thought that it felt better that way. It didn't.
It's just that you have to use an aid to even masturbate. It's sick.
I know you've been violated, but just don't do it to your own children. You can end the cycle
It’s been gaining more traction here in the states the last 5 of so years ago. Your typical boomer Israeli asskissers think it’s some kind of joke but younger people such as myself are much more vocal about ending it. If we are going to (rightly) criticize Muslims so cutting off their women’s clits then shouldn’t we not cut off our boys foreskins? Throw that logic on some of them and you’d be surprised at how some of them can change their minds.
The same thing puzzled me when I was younger, I tried it myself and didn’t see the point
>You don’t even need soap
Bruce, get your act together, your dick must stink.
>Why do Americans seem to defend circumcision so much?
Fox and grapes, sunken costs etc
Basically they dont want to admit their entire nation is retarded
Because most Americans are retards, kikes, or raised with the same mentality that makes certain Christians irate when their beliefs are challenged.
Your right, it is genital mutilation just like female circumcisions. The two are completely comparable because type 1 fgm is the same as type 1 mgm. Botched "circumcisions" are equal to the other types of fgm up to and including removal of the glands/clit.
Can you believe people in america are still campaigning to end fgm in the third world while upto 50% of all babies born in the united states are subjected to forced, nonconsensual, nonanaesthetised genital mutilations?
They are all mentally ill. When you suggest to providing protection from genital mutilation to ALL people they physically recoil from you, heads turn, and they just stare at you with either shock or disgust.
That’s heartening to hear. It makes me genuinely furious that people put their own sins through that trauma and if people are open to change then it’s good to hear
Wanna taste it yank?
Most people in the Philippines are circumcised also. The ones who are not are called “suput”. Its a shameful thing to be called that.
Who is defending it? Honestly you dont hear anyone talk about it at all and I didnt even actually know what it was until I was in high school. Personally I wont be having my son circumcised if I have one as when they did mine they pulled up the skin too much so know my hair grows up my shaft and I have to use tweezers every couple of days...
It's extremely hard to get anyone to admit there's something wrong with them, and the worse that thing is, the more obstinate they'll be. Applies to many defects and scars, mental illness, and so on.
Insecurity, denial, and an absence of healthy coping mechanisms. It being their manhood in question makes them more likely to double down irrationally.
I want my fucking foreskin back. I’m really angry the more I learn.
>tfw high and tight
>tfw parents stole as much from my penis as they could
when you are deprived of a basic component of your being, your manhood... not just pleasure, but a way to relax and release some endorphins or just not grow up in pain from your first days alive...
what is there left for me on this earth? why carry on with hope when you know this is the world you were dragged into?
jesus that's fucked
I'm stretching out the remainder of my foreskin. I wasn't cut too tight.
A c-2, so I've been able to stretch it out to a c-3 through intermitten stretching. I usually will do it for an hour or two before I go to sleep and after I've taken a shower. I'll never have my foreskin back, but at least I can have something as close to it as possible.
To anyone out there, you can "restore" your foreskin. And of course, save your children from that terrible and horrific practice.
Low and loose here.
Should I invest in a tugging device? Might be able to undo it almost entirely.
You could try to educate others. If you can save even one child from genital mutilation, the hate you'll get will have been worth it.
Never back down and always speak the truth
It’s the fact that as soon as it’s mentioned all the cut blokes start trying to list off all the things that make their junk superior while completely disregarding the massive trauma and mutilation involved. Those men are the one that need to break the cycle
God americans can be retarded. I don't need a fucking foreskin to understand how it fucking works. I'm not gonna clip my kid's dick cause I'm smart enough to undertand the concept of retracting the foreskin. I mean how dumb are you? Even if you are so dumb that you can't understand this simple physical movement, you still have internet, and friends ect. You are too fucking lazy to learn the most fucking basic thing ever (the fact we're discussing it is ridiculous) so you're gonna give you kid to ajew so he can clip his dick. wouldn't want to feel uncomfortable with the kid. 'cause it's way more comfortable to genetally mutilate your child so he can look like you, than not mutilating him at all.
based. remember to restore your foreskin. you should gain about +2 base chill level, simply by having your penis head covered (with a retainer for several years at first).
boycott jewish doctors and verify all pediatricians' knowledge of normal penis function. I will never let my son near a jew until he's old enough to defend himself.
>I feel bad for my ameribros. To never know the feeling of natural sex because of a fucked up societal norm.
now add that fundamental insult with the never ending robbery of your country by the same group of fuckers
then add in how the people that should stand side by side with you to fight this, actually defend these assholes
if i ever forget how awful or evil the world really is, all i need to do is take a look at my dick and see the evidence right fucking there. literally impossible to avoid. for your whole life, anything good that you enjoy gets wiped away any time you look down and take a piss. you remember how fucking bad things are, and how they marked you and stole your own fucking body from you from the beginning.
Fight for the next generation of boys user, when you have sons break the cycle
Wow this post is comfy as fukkk..
Why don't people lash out more at hospitals that encourage genital mutilation?
Even the BBC are willing to argue against this abhorrent act.
>Male circumcision: 'My penis was mutilated'
>'My son killed himself after circumcision'
Oh Another dick thread. Yippie
did you know circumcision is a sign of slavery and humiliation
keep on tugging. there's no need to shout from the rooftops about it, but if anyone tries to shame you, you're a victim of jewish blood sacrifice.
the DTR + retainer costs about $130, but it's the best money you can spend on yourself. I also have a "merciful" cut and regularly use manual methods. reddit pioneered using red LEDs on the penis to increase vascularity and cell metabolism.
yes, it's actual trauma-based mind control. why else are jewish men such swarthy, passive-aggressive cucks? because they and everyone else knows that their mutilated dick doesn't work right
>Why do Americans seem to defend circumcision
Let me stop you right there, chief. Anyone defending circumcision is a jew. A jew is not american as per Matthew 6:24
Alright that did it, what the fuck
you'll never stop learning, and having read several thousand pages of real academic literature on the subject, all roads lead to jerusalem.
despite "muh ancient egyptians" and "muh polynesians," the fact is that the form we know is an unmistakably jewish practice developed and propagated by jews.
even the victorian perverts wouldn't have looked twice at circumcision if it wasn't for (((statistics))) that indicated a lower jewish syphilis rate.
if you are not at peace with this, never allow them to be at peace with it either. they have fundamentally failed you as parents by failing to protect you from harm, or possibly going out of their way to cause you harm.
literally no other living things on earth make it a routine to cripple their own offspring for life. literally injuring your reproductive organs. literally reducing your ability to reproduce, spread your genes, and continue the bloodline.
If youre cut your only options are restoration or piercings. If you have a frenulum remnant and no slack to restore, pierce what you have. Rim piercings if you have toad cock.
It’s a political issue and every person that is educated on it can make real change
its like people who defend eating meat. they were born into it so they will defend it no matter how retarded their arguments are
If you already have some kind of bacterial condition, soap will actually agitate it, so he's technically right.
What the fucks a toad cock?
>tfw parents didn't mutilate my dick
i'm lucky especially since my parents are boomers
>reddit pioneered using red LEDs on the penis to increase vascularity and cell metabolism.
tell me more
this is how be died it stared with dick threads then the log posters
it's a lot more like people defending their inability to enjoy a ham and cheese croissant
even if the argument is as retarded as, "the old testament said we can't because god doesn't like it"
/b/ not be
Which of those types of circumcision is considered the most frum (proper) in Judaism?
Kek. you aardvark dick bitch bois just mad because you can't get your women off. Thanks to my circumcision my peen has truly been a miracle cure for feminism
They fell for the propaganda and the "normal".
They didn't do it because they hated you, they did it out of love.
You should try to forgive your parents and move on. Nothing will come out of being hateful towards them.
Voice your concerns, but don't lose your parents over it.
Educate others, so that innocents might be spared.
Why does everyone care about my penis. Feels amazing when touched. Not sure how a little more skin is going to make it that much better.
Some of you people are so fucking retarded...
Oh you are cut - fucking jew.
Oh you want to regrow foreskin so sex feels better - degenerate.
Fuck all you faggots who care so much about foreskin
Jews steal your penis skin so you're deformed and unable to fully experience sex so in order to prove to yourself you're not disabled you have your son's penis skin sliced off.
Circumcision is also somewhat common here in Brazil. I'm a low and tight, btw :D
>It’s genutal mutilation plain and simple
Haha, dog-dicked Australians really crack me up sometimes.
First of all it's not a mutilation. It's an upgrade.
You fuck better, long, and more aesthetically. You're not slipping in some limp ass flappy ass garbage dong in a broad and then busting faster than you throw a shrimp on the barby or whatever you backwoods inbred criminals fucking call it. No, you've got your graceful, clean (not covered in smegma), dick in the pussy hole going until your knees go out before climaxing simultaneously.
It's great. You get it done before you can remember so you don't get have to do it later when your foreskin end up strangling your own penis to death via phimosis.
Being born and having foreskin is like buying a suit before you get it tailored. You got these nasty pussy flaps hanging off your dick like some sort of wannabe tranny. It's disgusting. Naw, you gotta get that shit taken to a tailor and fixed up so you look nice and put together.
Cut Crew 4 Life. Dog Dicks can go kick rocks.
Watch the sex and circumsision video on YouTube. It explains the evolution of the practise perfectly as well as the damage it does.
The copers; right on time.
probably refers to the texture of the scars, dried internal mucousa, or glans after the blood vessels and other tissues attempt to recover after being mutilated.
they cut away skin when you are born, retard parents don't think anything is wrong unless their baby is near death or dies. there's years of being in shit and piss filled diapers, chafing against clothing, and missing part of your body before puberty hits, so there's no way telling how mangled the adult penis will be.
maybe it's so uneven, it pulls your balls into the bottom of your cock and you have pubes growing in up to your dickhead.
>not having your penis covered in smegma is considered "damaged" down under
I just imagine this guy, tears welling up in his eyes as he's writing this and trying to assert 100% of his will into believing it. As he's clicking post his mouth is smiling, but his eyes....they're haunted by the ghost of a dick that will never be.
>more nerves means premature ejaculation
This is high levels of cope, you were mutilated bro. Just accept it and make sure it doesn't happen again in your bloodline
There's no such thing. Kikes actually used to only cut the very tip off, until like 200 AD they started to cut off as much as possible in order to further distinguish themselves from goyim. And this eventually turned into the pedophilic blood-sucking cult that judaism is today. Although to be fair most jews in the US are not the religious type and I've heard some of them don't even believe in circumcision anymore.
you are implying that people dont bathe regularly, do you not bathe regularly? youd have to not bathe or even touch your penis for a few months to acquire dick cheese
I'm 100% cut crew.
The only reason not to get circumcised after your a baby is if you're too much of a pussy to handle the upgrade.
If i was born in some backwater shithole like Australia, first thing I'd do is move to a real country (aka USA) and go get my upgrade done. Sure it'd hurt for a couple of weeks, but it's worth it.
This. Most Americans are sick, insane people. The neurosis is real. I don’t know how to explain it, but you start understanding it if you live here for a while, or if your smart enough to realize it (especially if you live abroad).
Your women are also insane. You see shitty european women on the internet, and they exist, but American women are on a whole different level. Incredibly narcissistic even when old hags, materialistic without any real substance or interest. It’s really depressing. Fix yourselves and your women
Kek. you bean topped pussy girls just mad because you can't get your men off. Thanks to my circumcision my pussy has truly been a miracle cure for swollen balls
>you are implying that people dont bathe regularly, do you not bathe regularly?
Big time.
The upgrade though let's me go on camping trips without being forced to use a toothbrush to remove all that plaquey dick cheese after the first day roughing it.
100% worth it. I get that you are afraid of the operation, but it is well worth it amigo.
Surely there's more extra skin to be removed though. I mean if they cut you as a baby there's probably a lot of foldy flappy shit, better get that upgraded again. You could probably save money and do it with an angle grinder every few years.
imagine if a skunk without scent glands bitched all day about how annoying it was to have scent glands :)
Ever heard of washing your dick faggot?
Why does everyone care about my vagina. Feels amazing when touched. Not sure how a little more tissue is going to make it that much better.
Some of you people are so fucking retarded...
Oh you are cut - fucking african.
Oh you want your clit back so sex feels better - degenerate.
Fuck all you faggots who care so much about clits
>They fell for the propaganda and the "normal".
>they did it out of love.
they fell for something because they are stupid and worthless as guardians.
children are a chore to them or an obligation. my parents really were like fucking boomer cattle. not once, at any point, did it ever creep into their heads that it could have been a bad thing to inflict on their son. they are acting on habit, not actually thinking, or critically evaluating things.
there's nothing they did that ever signaled they knew me or cared about the adult i would become, besides moving out when i was 18. they never actually loved, and i don't feel love for retarded cattle. i can't even fully love a woman, part of my ability to do that was cut off of my dick and thrown away forever.
their kid was never a human to them, or even an eventual adult man. it was a pet baby. fuck them. they cared more about their dumb trinkets and adult toys, listening to what tv told them, than they did about their own fucking kids.
basically your skin cells are photosensitive and they react to certain wavelengths. this is why niggers are black: melanins are an evolved adaption that help scatter UV rays and protect against cancer.
NASA had this idea to grow plants in space and study what happened. red lights increased yields because plants are also photosensitive (obviously).
so a lot of reddit people are buying weed grow room lightbulbs and shining it on their dick as they restore. any moderately powerful LED around the 660 nm (red) band will work. similar favorable results are found with the 850 nm (near-infrared) band. a high-power LED array with both wavelengths is great.
the red light activates cell signalling pathways that induce the mitochondria to produce ATP, the generic internal energy molecule in cells. this generally increases the work done by cells during their lifetime; in skin cells, their job is to make an innervated and vascular collagen structure, i.e., skin.
the increased activity comes at the cost of increased waste in the form of free radicals that are highly reactive in the body in unpredictable and sometimes cancerous ways. a lot of dudebro dick-hackers shine LED arrays directly on their balls to "increase their testosterone," but I think T levels are more a function of sleep, diet, and exercise and wouldn't dream of increasing free radical circulation in my balls when testicular cancer is at an abnormally high level today.
tl;dr red light helps stuff grow and has applications in plant culture, cosmetics, wound healing, etc. your dick spends almost all of its time in the dark so using red lights on it carries an outsize benefit.
your semen stained chonies stink son. If I were you I'd do it myself with safety scissors.
>children are a chore to them or an obligation. my parents really were like fucking boomer cattle. not once, at any point, did it ever creep into their heads that it could have been a bad thing to inflict on their son. they are acting on habit, not actually thinking, or critically evaluating things.
You don't have to hate yourself, cut crew welcomes all those who had the upgrade.
Your parents were smart, reasonable people who didn't want their kid covered in dick cheese and forced to get a surgery to fix your phimosis later. Thank your parents. Give them a call and thank them
>plaquey dick cheese after one day
nigger you are retarded, idk who told you this bullshit youre posting but a cut dick gets dirty just as fast a uncut. there no weird cheee growth that appears daily, not even close
after about 1980, they cut off as much as they can for stem cells from the newborn body. same thing when they cut off the umbilical cord early, depriving a newborn or a last surge of oxygen and nutrients as it struggles to breathe.
they make billions off it, so i understand, similar to what they do with aborted fetuses.
Sheesh, sorry to hear that.
Still, try to use that experience and knowledge for positive change, so that innocent children won't be mutilated.
We should be able to stop the practice of genital mutilation in the first world atleast.