Now we know how tons of bullshit religions like scientology and hare chrishna get the tax protections and other religious shit out there. But what if we started a religion that's only belief was "there are only two genders"? You could just say "I'm a two-genderist" and be immune from criticism. Under the IRS, a religion has: >It has a creed and worship practices >It has formal leadership >It has a clear history >Its membership is distinct from other religious groups >There is a recognized course of study to ordain leaders in the religion >The religion has some form of foundational texts or literary tradition >There are recognized or regular places to worship >The religion has a regular congregation and services
This doesn't actually look that hard. All we need to do is make a wikipedia page, a website, and some paper from the government, and anyone who criticizes trannies as a two-genderist under the "you can't criticize religion" will be untouchable. Checkmate faggots.
It's been discussed before here. We really only need a /lit/fag to write a proper holy book, for the rest we could just fill in the blanks with whatever flavor we need.
Matthew Kelly
THE ANTICHRIST SEX dark underground anus force walker SHIBA INU 9000 fuck at AREA 52 for THE PRESIDENT MUHAMMAD ALI his sperm is preserved in SOUL PUSSY respect my religion TEMPLE OF MU PTY LTD ABN 52 612 186 286
Oh, that place that pretends normals are civilized swell guys just hindered speech another step? Color me surprised. Of course, I would totally laugh if it means atheists can no longer smugly jab Christians.
Thomas Cruz
I'm okay with closet furries basically, but the pedo thing and the conventions have to go.
Charles Davis
>twitter just banned criticizing religions You know god damn well it only applies to Islam and Judaism. If you act as if they will protect all religions equally, you're delusional.
Christopher Johnson
Based Furries?
Kayden Carter
holy shit this diagram has all the answers doesn't it?
Nicholas Scott
religion is for pedofags
Tyler Collins
there's so much wisdom her to distill. I'll have to remember to fuck my wife politely.
Aiden Martin
people who make jokes like >two terms two genders or just talk about how there's just two genders are seriously annoying people. Almost always boomers too. It's not that I'm saying there's more than two genders, I'm saying I've never met a leftist who thinks that either, and boomers on the right act like the left thinks that shit is dogma. nobody gives a shit about the gender thing and the type of person who thinks there are 48 genders is such a ridiculous caricature of themselves that it's self parody and not worth bringing up how dumb it is.
Cooper Cook
Ok that’s nice can we make the infograph not some obvious furfags weird right wing fetish though ?
Logan King
I hate furries so goddamn much I can’t even watch Disney’s Robin Hood for the nostalgia anymore
Jacob Edwards
Being a follower of kek allows me to freely spread memes. Also npcs trannies and gays aren't regarded as human in my religion
>>It has a clear history that's agism. change your bigot system .
Sebastian Richardson
furries get the rope too
Camden Richardson
I get it, that its directed to the leftist retards and spoken "their language" given colourful cartoon furries. But it still is cringe.
In Poland leftis at least are acting like adults and havent seen furries among them. In general we dont have sjws here, mostly because of historical reasons. They jusy dont fit.
Chase Wood
Welp. Let's do it. Time to start our own official church.
memeflag mossad needs to go. it already happened but its not furries, its the MLP fans actually CIA hired the liberal ones, the right wingers went rogue, basically ran the whole alt-right, even exposed Richard Spencer and his gay CIA orgies
Caleb Miller
can we use the cover of islam to shit on the faggots & jews
yeah that damn maid marian giving me b- wait a minute
Parker Powell
So Twitter banned the criticism of religion, huh? Any bets on when they try to kike their way into "Christianity is exempt from the criticism ban because orange man bad"?
Kayden Brooks
>banned criticizing religions So you can't criticize homophobia?
Daily reminder that it's a bannable offense to call a transwoman a man but it's perfectly okay for that transwoman to tell others to choke on his dick.
Islam is a theocracy masquerading as a religion therefore abusing religions protection. Ps. Let's add a chapter in Pastafarianism - find everything Horid about the Koran but just abridge it, Muhammad= Madhammuh new spaghetti prophet, fear of bacon, 9 yr old wife's that you can beat, stonings, (("send")) gays & trans to "God", worship a giant Sphere, just muck it up as best you can while still maintaining Islam similarities. Let's see if ((the left)) will protect it.
>trump can no longer ban critics >can no longer criticize religion I’m really liking the legal loopholes they’re opening up. Of course, in practice, anyone to the right of lenin will get banned until a court case gets won
Evan Morgan
ok that one isn't bad
Easton Jenkins
this one is actually gold
Dominic Lewis
Religions are just politically correct guised tactics for take over. They are usually politically immune and follow the process of 'God'. They work by pretending they are good and spreading joy but the end result of a religion and the creation of it is always for use of conquering an enemy.
Caleb Cooper
Under certain 'rules' the strategies, lifestyles, and beliefs are protected speech and can propagate through societies as if it were 'God's' word.
Gavin Wood
Antisemitism Is illegal in Florida, only state to have such a bill pass. Violates 1st amendment. Oyy veyy
Jackson Powell
>furries, of all the scum, are standing against intersectionality I'm just going to sleep for a few hours and the whole world will be redpilled when I wake up, I guess.