Why do most of you believe trannies are bigger degenerates than the gays? The latter only care about sex...

Why do most of you believe trannies are bigger degenerates than the gays? The latter only care about sex, the former have more legitimate concerns

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god trannies are so disgusting

Trannies are a subset of the gay

It's deceptive and nobody likes fraud. Delusions aren't a legitimate concern either, both are mentally ill. Trannies are also huge perverts if they are having sex, many are incels tho. The irony I know

They're all mentally ill who gives a fuck if some of them are less or more fucked up?

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They want to mutilate their genitals

Gays love. Trannies are mentally ill and look retarded and want people to accept their non pass ass.

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>the former have more legitimate concerns

mental health concerns maybe

Probably autogynophiles and their over-representation on Jow Forums. They're like gays on meth, quite possibly literally too.

>The latter only care about sex
Yeah, and sex can be degenerate too. Rampant pedophilia and bugchasing counts as "sex", homosexuals are selfish hedonists who devote their lives to only seeking ever higher carnal pleasures, in the same (and arguably, worse) way a junkie self destructs on drugs in pursiuit of a greater high, because previous doses or drugs just aren't enough anymore.

No children, no future, no legacy, all of it sacrificed just for a life full of rampant debauchery and while you're technically right that trannies are worse, that doesn't make gays any bit better

dude seriously what is this franken cock madness? ballpark franks hot dog lookin bullshit, why would anyone sane DO THAT to themselves ??

Why do I want to drill the blonde up the ass and make him admit he's a gay boy?

i mean, they're all faggots, so who cares?

that's not what most trannies end up looking like. I think it is a bit perverted anyway and they're asking for forced boyfriends as if they were incel.

Trannies are mentally ill fetishists. I do not appreciate being subjected to, forced to accept, their fetish. They are are all getting off on us playing pretend. It is evil. And now it is institutional evil, sanctioned by the state. Pedophilia and bestiality are next.

I support trannies because they btfo feminist cunts at sports and make the left look like unhinged retards, turning off 90% of normal people.

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Most of them are "lesbians", lol. They have severely fucked up identity problems because their parents are weak and Western society has no moral code to speak of.

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>the former have more legitimate concerns
Like what exactly? Cause for the record cutting your balls off to install a gapping wound and the later call it a vagina isnt a "legetimate concern"

Trannies are being exploited by big pharma which is attacking lonely and disaffected individuals, normalizing pedophilia, and outright torturing and killing people with junk science. They're creating a new protected class that will print money for them.

I hate them because I love the people they used to be before they got pozzed by the LGBT cult. These are people who could have been good that got porncucked, brainwashed, and found themselves in too deep to ever back out.

Both require medication.

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Maybe cause you are a fag?

Both are tax leeches. Faggots demand 'free' fagfuckdisease treatment. Five speeds demand 'free' mutilations and 'free' transitions.

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Do chads get infected by the globo homo too?

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